Comedian Amy Schumer Caves To PC Consensus

Free Speech,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Political Correctness


In case you’re getting tired of the one public persona who won’t embark on an apology tour for politically incorrect utterances and ideas—here’s comedian Amy Schumer, folding and feeding the quest for consensus:

Comedienne Amy Schumer was wrapped into the recent national discussions on political correctness after making several jokes about race on her Comedy Central show. Though Schumer previously pushed back at critics in the past who accused her of having a “blind spot” for race jokes, but in an exchange with a fan on Twitter, she said that she wants to “take responsibility” for what she said.

The incident began when an article for The Guardian commented about some of Schumer’s off-color jokes. Monica Heisey initially praised Schumer as “funny, feminist, mainstream entertainment, ” but was less enthused about several “tactless” jokes from the Trainwreck star, such as “I used to date Latino guys. Now I prefer consensual.”

Schumer initially defended the comments, tweeting a lengthy post on June 28 about how she refuses to do “safe” material and that race jokes are part of her act as “an irreverent idiot:”

I enjoy playing the girl who time to time says the dumbest thing possible and playing with race is a thing we are not supposed to do, which is what makes it so fun for comics. You can call it a “blind spot for racism” or “lazy” but you are wrong. It is a joke and it is funny. I know that because people laugh at it.

After being asked on Twitter whether she has a sort of public responsibility as a storyteller, Schumer took a different tone …