Democracy à la Dubya

America,Bush,Democracy,Iraq,Middle East


For someone who is willing to kill for the false idol of democracy, Dubya sure flouts the will of the people.

Polls indicate most Americans want to see troops withdrawn from Iraq; Bush refuses to listen or obey his bosses.

A majority of Americans wants the bleeding on the Southwestern border stopped and immigration levels vastly reduced; Bush doesn’t and won’t hear of abiding by the people’s wishes.

8 thoughts on “Democracy à la Dubya

  1. Carolus

    Obviously, Ilana, you haven’t recited the shahadah of Imam al-Dubya (pbuh) yet. Say the following five times a day, you’ll feel much better.


    (This Bushevik shahadah is brought to us courtesy of Larry Auster.)

  2. Koray

    “…shahadah of Imam al-Dubya (pbuh)…”

    ROFLMAO. 😀

    Never have would I have thought that these phrases (e.g. “peace be upon him” — or else he may bring Allah close to your jugular at the tip of his sword) would become common currency in the West one day. You live and learn.

    Good one! 😉

  3. james huggins

    Dubya will be gone soon. Let’s hope the baby doesn’t get thrown out with the bath water when he does.

  4. Joe

    I agree on both points, Ilana. John Derbyshire has written articles that conservatives should boycott the upcoming midterm election as a sign of protest.

  5. james huggins

    I don’t know who John Derbyshire is. While I’m sure he’s a real smart fellow, to abandon the field to the enemy, even as a protest, is to purposly lose and give it to the enemy as a gift. Not a real protest but a real sign of weakness. Losing is losing, regardless of the label we give it.

  6. Mikael Widmark

    To James Huggins I would say, as Lawrence Auster pointed out, it would be a serious mistake for conservatives to boycott the mid-term elections because they are angry with Bush.

    It is House Republicans who have prevented the amnesty/”guest” worker scheme that Bush, the Democrats and some Senate Republicans are advocating. It
    is imperative that the Republican majority in the House remains, so that the amnesty/”guest” worker scheme will continue to be dead on arrival.

    If Nancy Pelosi becomes House speaker she will quickly ensure that the amnesty/”guest” worker scheme is put up for a vote and passed. Even if your local Republican candidate is one of the House Republicans who favors a amnesty/”guest” worker scheme, you should still vote for him to ensure that Dennis Hastert and Nancy Pelosi is House speaker. The current Republican House leadership have clearly said they will not allow any vote that aren’t supported by “a majority of the majority”, meaning that the amnesty/”guest” worker scheme will not pass even if it has support of a majority of congressmen. However, Nancy Pelosi would certainly put the Bush/Kennedy/McCain amnesty/”guest” worker scheme up for a vote.

    So, people opposed to open borders must vote for House Republicans, or else they will be responsible for the passage of Bush’s amnesty/”guest” worker scheme

  7. Frank Brady

    With all due respect to those who are in mortal fear that the Democrats might gain control of the Congress, let me gently suggest that it is time to consider what this short-term thinking earns us all in the long run.

    Until the GOP abandoned its contract with America–promised immediately after gaining control of the Congress in 1994–it was barely possible to believe that something like constitutional government could be restored if only enough Republican members of congress were elected. That is no longer the case. The entire political system is utterly corrupt and cannot be salvaged through political means. The only course open to Americans who love their country (as opposed to its government) is to refuse to participate in an electoral process that has been reduced to a contest for control of a completely unconstitutional governing apparatus. When we vote, we confer a legitimacy on this fraud that it does not deserve. By refusing to participate, we withdraw the facade of moral authority behind which these criminals operate and hasten the day of its collapse. Then we can begin the process of reconstructing a government based upon the Constitution and the rule of law.

  8. Carolus

    Mr. Brady might be right, very sad to say. The great brushfire of 1994, with all its promise of “repeal of stupid laws, etc.”, was extinguished in remarkably short order by the Republican leadership working hand-in-glove with Bill Clinton. It’s all about the Benjamins, as the gangstahs like to say. Even so, Mr. Widmark makes a serious point here, as does Lawrence Auster. It’s not about loyalty to Republicans, but loyalty to those who’ve stood up to the utterly loathesome ‘DormRoom Marxist’, Jorge W. Busheron, the Imam al-Dubya (pbuh), Ever-Smirking Caudillo from Crawford, and Opiate of the Conservatives. It is Bush and his wing of the Republican Party, the Corporatist Neo-Jacobins, who’ve led us down the path to ruin.

    While Buchanan, Roberts, Sobran, and Mel Gibson claim that that Bush & Co.’s primary loyalty is to Israel, the evidence is exactly to the contrary. These Neo-Jacobins have no more regard for Israel than they do for the the USA. Both are mere geographical units to be exploited for the purpose of advancing a globalist utopia. Israeli patriots are in the same miserable position that other western patriots are. Let us join hands for the preservation of our respective nations.

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