American Veteran-Hero Jailed

Criminal Injustice,GUNS,Law,Private Property,Racism,Regulation,South-Africa


The following is from “American Veteran-Hero Jailed,” now on WND.COM:

“As I document in my new book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa, ‘South Africa’s ruling dominant party disregards the importance of private property and public order and the remedial value of punitive justice. Consequently, innocent victims of crime often defend themselves in their own homes and businesses on pain of imprisonment.’

But are the impediments to the defense of life and property enacted by South Africa’s dominant-party-in-perpetuity so different from the decisions issuing from American courts?

A world away from South Africa, Dr. Jerome Ersland was recently condemned to life in prison for defending his property and his employers from a gang of armed robbers.

As reports,

“Ersland, 59, had been hailed as a hero for protecting two co-workers during the May 19, 2009, robbery attempt at the Reliable Discount Pharmacy in south Oklahoma City. Dramatic surveillance video of the attempted burglary shows 16 year-old Antwun Parker and an accomplice running into the pharmacy in the crime-ridden neighborhood and pointing a gun directly at Ersland. The video then shows Ersland, a former Air Force lieutenant colonel, firing a pistol at the two men, hitting Parker with one shot that knocked him to the ground. After chasing Parker’s accomplice out of the store, Ersland retrieved a second gun and returned to shoot Parker five more times, 46 seconds after firing the first shot.”

Ersland was accused of hastening the descent into hell of “Parker” with excess zeal.” …

The complete column is “American Veteran-Hero Jailed,” now on WND.COM

My new book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa,” is available from Amazon.

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2 thoughts on “American Veteran-Hero Jailed

  1. CompassionateFascist

    As per Dershowitz, the “system worked”…again. It worked for the Black thug group entitlement, for those who control that entitlement (Dershowitz, Holder and Co.) and against a law-abiding white. I confidently expect the racial fissures in this country to keep widening.

  2. Robert Glisson

    If he appeals, it is possible to get the conviction reduced to Manslaughter. That is based on the common sense that I have seen demonstrated by the Oklahoma Court of appeals. It is possible they won’t overturn the first degree murder conviction but they have acted responsibly in the past. When I’ve been in discussions with judges and attorneys we discussed the tendency for women to empty the gun, reload and empty the mag again. It is a ‘heat of the moment’ reaction that can last a long time. The fact that he is male doesn’t change the highly emotional state ‘fight or flight’ triggers and it doesn’t go away in a flash.

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