Update II: Dumb Down, You Uppity (Intelligent) Bitch!

Human Accomplishment,Ilana Mercer,Individualism Vs. Collectivism,Intellectualism,Intelligence,Israel,Paleoconservatism,The West,The Zeitgeist


No, “Dumb Down, You Uppity (Intelligent) Bitch!” is not the title of my new WND column, now on Taki’s, but a reaction to it. In the Age of the Idiot people take pride in their ignorance, and seek to shame and humiliate those who do not reflect their own impoverished state-of-being. On encountering someone they might learn from, they recoil, and out come the Id and the Ego all in one ball of fury.

Personally, on encountering my betters, I seek to learn from them. In fact, I actively seek out my intellectual betters. But not the average member of the Idiocracy. If the Little Woman makes him feel bad, he lashes out in an attempt to take her down a notch or two, and salvage his own ugly, aggressive emptiness.

I urge you: Rather than lash out at someone for using her gifts, at the very least examine yourself first: Ask yourself why you are behaving in such a transparent, disgraceful manner. Get onto yourself. And then work hard to submerge your demands for replicas of yourself.

The letter that prompted these thoughts arrived in response to the not-quite-new, originally titled “Paleos Must Defend the West…And That Means Israel Too.” A version of the essay was first published on VDARE.COM. Barely A Blog readers had discussed the topic extensively, so I did not post it again.

OVER TO IVAN The Terrible (and proud of it):

From: Ivan Poulter
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 12:40 AM
To: imercer@wnd.com
Subject: Re: Paleo….:Dumb Down


Compared to you, I’m a total ignoramus. I’d admit to lacking your intellectual quotient. Not meaning to be insulting, you also appear as some kind of dumb-ass in your exaggerated intelligence.

You’re far too clever for you own good. Or better still, you far, far exceed the ability of most you write to. I am constantly accused of being too intellectual, and in my ‘intellectualism’ speaking or writing way above people’s heads. However, Ilana, you take that award away from me, hands down. If you want to reach a few more people, for heaven’s sake, dumb yourself down a little. Then, even as I write that to you, I’ll attempt to remember my own advice. Except, I’m very dangerously down there, too close to the ranks of stupidity, sometimes. You certainly could afford to dumb down just a little, as least in your attempts to communicate to all of us. Unless, of course, you have a very limited target market. Then do as you please!

Ivan Poulter

[Ivan: cheer up, there is no chance of you being too intellectual. Absolutely none. I’m glad you did not live back in the days of our Founders. The Federalist Papers would have driven you to distraction. Or worse.]

Update II (Oct. 3): Young Brett is right about the dumb-down shtick being an insult to our readers. First, I write as I think. I can’t change that. I don’t know how to. Second, the reason I won’t make a concerted effort to parrot O’Reilly’s erroneous, ugly prose is that I have respect for my readers. It’s patronizing to talk down to people. Yes, it is inevitable that I will enjoy fewer readers than the other crowd pleasers becasue, for the most, people wish their views confirmed. However, those who want to be challenged and have minds that seek interest and humor; something extra—they will find their way here. I hope.

To follow the medical profession’s recommendations, Mercer columns can help ward off Alzhemier’s later in life. Staying within your comfort zone mentally will do nothing to force those dendrites and synaptic connections in the brain to branch out well into old age. The brain is very plastic; but if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. I know of what I speak; I once awoke in a sweat mumbling: “Oh, my G-d, I think I made a circular argument in my last column.” Yeah, I often argue my case in my dreams. You want to stay alert well into old age, so stick around, boys and girls. Let the other lazy minds atrophy and fill-up with plaque, the hallmark of senility.

Anyhoo, read “Athens & Jerusalem,” and the rest of the intellectual gymnastics on Taki’s.

22 thoughts on “Update II: Dumb Down, You Uppity (Intelligent) Bitch!

  1. Myron Pauli

    Ivan can always turn on Fox News and read Sarah Palin if he likes it dumbed down. There has never been a dumbness shortage.

    About your column: there is a big difference between Israel vs. the Arabs and Russia vs. the Chechens – and it is demographical/geographical. Israel has a lot less margin to make errors than Russia has. Unfortunately, the other driving force in tossing over Israel is the ANTI-NEOCON reaction. That is, with neocons deifying Israel, paleos who oppose their idiotic messianic interventionism often feel that they must therefore vilify Israel as a rather perverted reaction/balance.

    Buchanan’s zeitgeist goes back to the 1930’s when rightwing Catholics looked at secular Jewry as the driving force of
    socialistic/Bolshevism (Bela Kun, Rudolph Slansky, Leon Trotsky …) in Europe.

  2. M. B. Moon

    “Convicted out of his own mouth” comes to mind.

    Ilana, I hope you are not dumbing it down because if you are then I despair of my own intelligence.

    (Well, not really, I know where and Who to get intelligence and wisdom from.)

  3. John Danforth

    Those who can’t comprehend the message will never be your ally.

    The cleverness is like spice in a recipe; I already know what the main ingredients are, but it’s so much better when it’s delicious (and it is, here).

    I’ve had people try to dumb me down before, too, trying to appeal to the collectivist indoctrination implanted by the government elementary school. They confidently assume that I need their approval to feed my self-esteem because they can’t conceive of anyone who wouldn’t. I have no time of life to waste on them.

    If one aspect of quality of life can be measured in terms of how long we must endure minor irritations, and how much time and effort it takes to remove them, I have found that going to the trouble of peeling such leeches off is a very good investment.

    I’m not going hide my highest achievement just so they won’t be ashamed for the result of their intellectual laziness.

  4. robert

    “If the Little Woman makes him feel bad, he tries to take her down a notch or two.”

    That has never worked for me with you but maybe it will for others. Intelligent? Yes!! Uppity? No not at all, but you do have better manners than the ordinary shouting heads of what we Americans call “The Media” The Bitch comes from being strong and beautiful in a weak and ugly age — more of a contrast than a description. IMO

  5. Bob Harrison

    Y r u so nerdy Ilana!?
    As a somewhat recent (2002) survivor of our public school system, it’s no mystery where our anti-intellectual culture is coming from. Howard County Maryland has among the best public school system in the country. That is absolutely horrifying because if what I experienced is the “best” I can’t imagine what passes as mediocrity. One of my best teachers once commented to me that many of the teachers in the high school system are there because they never wanted to leave high school in the first place. The result is that the youth of today are being shaped and influenced by people who think that 16 year-olds are the pinnacle of humanity. We delude ourselves into thinking that the natural state of the teenager is something to be admired and encouraged (Lord of the Flies anyone?) rather than something to be, if not corrected, than at least guided in the right direction until nature finishes her work and the young adult emerges from the hormonal chaos of adolescence.

  6. George Pal

    “for heaven’s sake, dumb yourself down a little”

    And be the proper little subject like everyone else while you’re at it.

  7. Fred

    I urge you: Rather than lash out at someone for using her gifts, at the very least examine yourself first: Ask yourself why you are behaving in such a transparent, disgraceful manner. Get onto yourself. And then work hard to submerge your demands for replicas of yourself.

    I could not agree more Ilana only the lowest caliber stoops to obscenities when their intellectual ability has been surpassed. I ask myself if I would become disgraceful in my rebuttal to the person that said those ugly things and I found that I would never, ever call her a brain dead fungus.


  8. Anonymous

    “Buchanan’s zeitgeist goes back to the 1930’s when rightwing Catholics looked at secular Jewry as the driving force of socialistic/Bolshevism (Bela Kun, Rudolph Slansky, Leon Trotsky …) in Europe.” Myron Pauli

    What? It is impossible that they were?

    “Looking for love in all the wrong places” comes to to mind.

    For good or bad, the Hebrews have been leaders.

    Yes, I am suspicious of Buchanan’s Catholic roots myself but these days it takes a big pair to criticize anything or anyone Jewish. There is a huge danger of backlash here, IMO. I speak as a friend. However, I will bring down central banking even if every Jewish child in the world must give up music lessons!

  9. Robert Glisson

    “I am constantly accused of being too intellectual, and in my ‘intellectualism’ speaking or writing way above people’s heads.”

    Not from the language in the e-mail, he don’t. When I was a very young boy, I had two of my uncles discuss the subject of “Intelligence vs. Common Sense” with me. Ivan doesn’t seem to present either. Keep your high standards, Ilana.

    [Bless you; your support today makes me a little emotional.]

  10. BHG

    Let’s remember that Pope Pius XII was praised by no less a personage than Golda Meir for his behavior to the Jews of Rome. The head rabbi of Rome converted to Catholicism. Patrick Buchanan on the right is almost a much of an embarrassment as Biden et al on the left! May I suggest that his inclusion is a demonstration of the Big Tent philosophy of tolerance amongt conservatives?
    How sad it is that people lose it online. Instead of attacking you, perhaps they’d be using their wives or children as punching bags or kicking their dogs.

  11. RC

    Not to sound like an idiot, but I appreciate the fact that much of Ilana’s writing is above my head. I have to stop and think about what is being said not just gloss over it. I am having a little trouble on the most recent WND column. I can’t find standard definitions of Neoconservative or Paleoconservative, or Libertarian. Everyone seems to have a different idea of what these things mean. Can anyone help me with a proper definition as these terms are used by Ms. Mercer?

  12. Jennifer

    Actually Myron, Fox News is one of the few channels that relentlessly reveals the ultra-liberal activity in this country for the moron’s play that it is. Palin remains far above most of her opponents in intelligence. [Please don’t forget, J., that they did nothing of the sort with respect to Bush. I beg of you to remember the farce that was Fox during the Bush years. Once a Republican is back in the seat; Fox will cheer for him or her, irrespective.]

    Ilana, your writing is a privilege and an enjoyment to read. If it makes some people pause occasionally to walk slowly through a new word or concept, so much the better. This really is the fool’s age, and this realization came to me just after reading a couple of movie discussion threads. I’m still reeling over the fact that someone actually said such things to you.

  13. Anonymous

    Buchanan’s zeitgeist goes back to the 1930’s when rightwing Catholics looked at secular Jewry as the driving force of
    socialistic/Bolshevism (Bela Kun, Rudolph Slansky, Leon Trotsky …) in Europe.”

    Is it possible they were? Consider that if the Lord of the Torah exists then might not some secular Jews be in rebellion against the Truth?

    But yes, I know of traditional Catholic antisemitism. It reveals a profound ignorance of both the Torah and New Testament (I was raised Roman Catholic so i know about ignorance of the Bible).

  14. haym

    Ilana, your writing is exquisite. I love it! Especially when we don’t agree – because it is then that I am learning something. You are a master.

  15. Fred Reeve

    Dear Ilana: I just finished reading your article posted on WND.com today and wondered a: Why the prefix paleo, and b: after reading Alan Keyes article posted today on WND.com I think I would like to return to the form of government Mr. Keyes is advocating so what does that make me?

  16. Jennifer

    Thanks for the reminder, Ilana. My family didn’t watch much Fox during Bush’s years, so I’ll keep your words in mind and have a discerning ear.

  17. Roy Bleckert

    I wouldn’t worry to much about Ol Ivan, there is always someone out there who wants to ” Rain on the Parade ”

    If a Yahoo like me can understand what you are trying to communicate you must be doing something right LOL

  18. Brett Gerasim


    I have read your blog and WND columns since High School, and I appreciate finding reading material that is actually written above the sixth grade level.

    What really bothers me with Ivan’s letter, more than its silly tilt at you, is the implication that many of your readers are too dumb to understand what you’re talking about. Au contraire. Your blog has some of the cleanest, most intellectual comments I find anywhere on the web. Unless you just moderate most of the stuff out, it is actually pretty exceptional. I enjoy the comments and perspectives of your frequent guests here as much as I do yours.

    Regarding the topic of your column, I must admit that the anti-Israel tilt of many in the Old Right has always disappointed me. In much the same way that the enemy of one’s enemy is not necessarily one’s friend, going against something because one’s opponent is supportive of it does not make one principled.

    Thank you for maintaining your blog at the high standards that you have. This Cowboy greatly appreciates it.

  19. kim segar

    Ilana, I love your writings. Why wouldn’t I. It lines up with G-d’s word and we know it is true. The world is not into G-d anymore so when they strike us with words, G-s tells us to rejoice. No one can sit on the fence, we are for what G-d says or against HIM. It makes me sad that the world has turned against the L-rd, as eternity draws near it is very sad that they just don’t look inside and see HE wrote the law on their hearts. They know what they say and do is wrong, but do it anyway and knock those who choose life. G-d bless you , keep reporting, and don’t care who says what..love Kim

  20. BHG

    What Ilana is saying, quite clearly, I think, is that Judaeo-Christian civilization is under attack as much from the inside as it is from Islam. Petty quarrels between Christians, and the failure of Christians, and secularists, to defend Israel is the real problem. Focus, people!
    Je regrette l’Europe aux anciens parapets! Rimbaud

  21. Barbara Grant

    Letter to the Editor of WND regarding a reader’s comment on your column of 2 October:

    To Steve’s point in re: Ilana Mercer’s commentary of Friday, 2 October, 2009:

    I don’t think that Ms. Mercer is attempting to be overly intellectual, or indeed, “elitist” in her use of terms such as “paleoconservative,” “paleolibertarian,” “neoconservative,” and others. Rather, I believe she is trying to be clear, as these distinctions are important to understand. Many calling themselves “conservatives” differ from one another on key issues, for example, the Iraq War. “Neoconservatives” were all for it; “paleoconservatives” opposed it, as did libertarians including those of the “paleo” stripe.

    Rather than diminishing individualism, as Steve suggests, the distinctions advanced by Ms. Mercer serve to promote it. I, for one, would not wish to be lumped into a general category with others calling themselves “conservatives” who advocated for what I considered to be an unconstitutional action in Iraq. If we don’t specify distinctions, then every individual can be classified as either “liberal” or “conservative.” This might make things easier for Steve, but it will be far from accurate.

  22. Jeff Albertson

    There’s already a (very) dumbed-down bizarro version female Zionist blogger. (I’ll need to pluck out my mind if her name occurs to me, but she has been seen in a Supergirl suit). Were you to go that route, I’m sure you would be an instant success and hero to the Commentariat, but lose your ability to speak sense to those of us who have become tone-deaf to shrieking and braying.

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