In Memoriam Anika Smit



As you’ve gleaned by now, my book about South Africa is not an insta-book. By the time Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa is completed (almost there) it will have taken three years to write. The other day, I had to make a sad addition to the book:

When he bid his bonny (and only) child goodbye before leaving the home they shared in north Pretoria, Johan Smit did not imagine that he’d never again see Anika alive. On Wednesday, March 12, 2010, seventeen-year-old Anika Smit was raped, her throat slashed sixteen times and her hands hacked off. Naked and mutilated is how her father found her on returning that day from work.

In South Africa the preying majority is killing off the powerless minority. In America, the demos is drunk on the power of the state to assist it in pilfering from its betters.


10 thoughts on “In Memoriam Anika Smit

  1. Robert

    Oh ye gods, I’m so sorry to hear this. So very sorry. May she rest in peace, and may her killer(s) kick and choke one day at the end of a rope. Except I gather that the Rainbow Nation no longer has anything as civilized as the death penalty.

  2. Van Wijk

    Except I gather that the Rainbow Nation no longer has anything as civilized as the death penalty.

    The Rainbow Nation probably sanctioned the killing.

    Revenge. Revenge for the Boers.

  3. james huggins

    A sentiment I have made many times before is that Americans need to be aware of the time bomb ticking in their own cities. There is often little difference in an African thug and a Memphis or Chicago home boy with his pants sagging below his rear end. Remember, if it comes to America, the victims will have no protection or protectors. Least of all our laughable federal government.

  4. James W.

    I look forward to reading your book. If a Palestinian had done this to an Israeli, it would be nation-wide news – or vice versa. The mainstream media in America apparently want to see no evil when it comes to the murder of white South Africans – 3000 farmers have suffered a similar fate since the ANC took over.

  5. raylynn

    I knew this slaughter was coming when apartheid was abolished. All you had to do was look at all the countries surrounding South Africa and see what their future was like. Some of our best friends moved to the midwest from South Africa with their extended families over ten years ago and are broken-hearted by what has become of their beautiful, beloved country. It makes me heartsick for them and their fellow, displaced countrymen. What a shame. RIP Anika, I am glad my dear friends did not suffer your fate. I worry always about their family members who still remain.

  6. haym

    What is the status of your sister now? Can we help?

    [Still over there; thanks H.]

  7. Dan

    How utterly horrific. Terrifying and beyond imagination. May the road to hell be long and winding for those who perpetrate such acts. My thoughts are with both this young lady’s family and all of those who live in constant fear in the new, and unimproved, South Africa….

  8. Barbara Grant

    P. S., why do Christian missionaries of my faith appear to look only at the plight of poor AIDS orphans in countries like Zimbabwe, and S. A., but do _absolutely nothing_ to aid the Boers, whose rights to life are daily infringed? Do we have a problem in Christianity? What about poor Anika? Just asking.

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