Letter of the Week: South-Africa: Land of Blood and Tears



As an Asian man living in South Africa, all I can say is that we are living in the valley of death under the auspices of the ANC-led (mis)government. Aside from the farmers who are the breadbasket of this country, civilians are also living in fear, most of us not knowing if today is our turn to be senselessly murdered. Rapes, robberies, carjackings, child rapes, most with fatal consequences for the victim–these are an everyday occurrence, so much so that most people have become totally blasé, wondering who’s next. Twenty two of my friends and family have been murdered since 1995. If I had the financial resources, I would leave this valley of death tomorrow, without batting an eyelid. I have nothing to lose here except my life! I cannot call it a country any longer. It is a valley of death flowing with the blood of its citizens. Enough have been murdered in the last decade to fill Yankee stadium twice over. I kid you not!! And idiots such as Bono, Angelina Jolie, and some other blinkered westerners think all is sunshine and roses. The land of milk and honey…NO this is the land of blood and tears!


The Genocide In Democratic South Africa

The Ugly Truth About Democratic South Africa

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