Lexicon Of Lies



“The prolix presidential candidates and their aids and enablers have a supply of misleading phrases. These verbal obesities are meant to throw the American voter off-scent.”

In my new WND column, “Lexicon Of Lies,” I offer a run-down of some of those “pitch-perfect platitudes.“ Examples are “comprehensive immigration reform,” and “reaching across the aisle to get things done.” You get the unlovely picture.

One thought on “Lexicon Of Lies

  1. gunjam

    Great piece examining some of the phrases we so easily permit to flow unchallenged from the lips of our “leaders.” I just heard McCain on the radio this week talking about “reaching across the aisle” because the “American people want us to get things done.” I also enjoyed your pointing out that President Bush’s rationale for his effort to turn the security of our ports over to Dubai was showing “leadership.” Hmm. If I only had known THAT’S what it was! Then, with regard to the “comprehensive immigration reform” mantra, I recently received a standard boilerplate letter from my feckless Congressman, Charles Gonzales in response to a fax I had sent him, and … there it was: “comprehensive immigration reform!” Wow! When I read that, I REALLY knew my representative was looking out for me!

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