Magnificent Marine To Lead The Revolution?

Constitution,libertarianism,Liberty,Politics,Propaganda,Socialism,The Military


“Unlike YOU,” David William Hedrick tells U.S. Congressman Brian Baird, “I did swear an oath to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.” The disabled, fire-breathing marine veteran has a couple more succinct messages for the self-important, tyrannical representative: “Stay away from my kids.” “It is not your right to decide whether I keep or forfeit my current health plan; that’s my decision.” CAN IT GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS? As for protesters being branded “Brown Shirts” by the media, Hedrick offers a none-too subtle corrective: “The Nazis were the National Socialist Party. They were leftist; they took over finance, health care and the car industry. If Nancy Pelosi wants to find a swastika, the first place she should look is on the sleeve of her own arm.” And the coup de grâce: “I kept my oath, do you ever intend to keep yours?”

7 thoughts on “Magnificent Marine To Lead The Revolution?

  1. Myron Pauli

    News Article: “Hedrick’s rant at Baird health care forum goes viral” at:…/NEWS

    Perhaps the reason that the Welfare-Warfare state sends Marines like him overseas is to distract freedom lovers into fighting Abdul the Pushtun on behalf of Hamid Karzai rather than fighting Dr. Baird the medicine-socializer at home. A quote from Hendrick: “”If Brian Baird votes for this bill, and if we don’t have a true constitutional conservative libertarian candidate that runs against Baird in the next election, I am considering running against him myself.”

    My hope, of course, is that young people like him truly lead the revolution and are not going to merely mouth “Republican talking points” until more Specter – Bush – McCain – Steele types bring socialism (as in McCain Feingold, McCain Lieberman, McCain Kennedy) to the US under republican banners. Remember that Republican Presidents passed much of Kennedy’s “legacy” like the Americans with Disabilities Act and Leave No Child Behind.

    The Marines and others in the Armed Forces should understand that American liberty is under more attack by homegrown statists politicians whom they are “serving” than by Third-World barbarians on whose “behalf” we are bringing “democracy” at gunpoint.

  2. Robert Glisson

    Winston Churchill is reputed to have said “If you’re not a Liberal when you’re young, you have no heart, if not a Conservative when you are older, you have no brain.” I can’t agree with that; I do think that most young people are “Romantic” more than Liberal, where their heart does lead them and many of our most caring do go into the military. My son-in-law still believes he joined the navy to defend and protect our rights. There also comes a time when a person should grow mature and learn to use common sense. THAT- is not dependent on a calendar. This young man reflects both the Romantic and the Realist. We need a lot more of him. The liberal news and unfortunately some Libertarians as well continue to speak about the “Medicare Warriors” protesting at the town hall meetings; however, in all the pictures I see, including this one, a majority of the protesters are young people. It gives me hope to see them stand up for the Constitution.

    [He is not that young; looks in his 30s. I agree with Churchill. Romantic thinking is the worst kind of rot. Mises agreed with that assessment.]

  3. Robert Glisson

    When you’re 68, anything under forty is young. My disagreement with Churchill is that he said that “Young= Liberal” I’ve been young but I’ve never been a “Liberal.”

  4. M. B. Moon

    “Stay away from my kids.” Hedrick

    One of the most despicable aspects of evil is the willingness to determine the education of other folks’s children.

    If the wicked ever let loose of education in this country, all will be lost for them in short order.

  5. Van Wijk

    If he had not been a veteran, would his words have been less weighty?

  6. james huggins

    Education in this country is in the hands of the wicked and has been for many years. That’s the reason that our social and political leaders can foist such transparent and illogical lies on the people and still be believed and supported.

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