Update VI: Ted's Dead (Sacred Cow Syndrome Strikes)

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When Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts was first diagnosed with the brain tumor that killed him tonight, Songbird Sen. Orrin Hatch, the Republican representative from Utah, serenaded the “legendary liberal.” Hatch’s court poetry is nothing compared to what we have coming now that Ted’s dead. Prepare for non-stop, wall-to-wall eulogizing.

Here’s some of what the “Praise Singer” wrote for Kennedy last year:

Through the darkness, we can find a pathway,
that will take us halfway to the stars.
Shoo the shadows and doubts away, and touch the legacy that is ours, yours and mine.

The legacy? Some time back, my father in South Africa reminded me of who Ted Kennedy REALLY was:

“A man who left a young girl to drown”:

On the evening of July 19, 1969, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts drove his Oldsmobile off a wooden bridge on Chappaquiddick Island, drowning his passenger, a young campaign worker named Mary Jo Kopechne. The senator left the scene of the accident, did not report it to the police for many hours, and according to some accounts considered concocting an alibi for himself in the interim. … At the time, Kennedy managed to escape severe legal and political consequences for his actions thanks to his family’s connections…”

A truism about the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island soon developed that alluded to the young woman who died as a result of Kennedy’s criminal negligence: “More people died in the back seat of Ted Kennedy’s car at Chappaquiddick than died as a result of that accident.” One person—Mary Jo Kopechne—died because of Kennedy’s inaction.

Amidst the genuflection to TK, Americans would do well to reflect on one of this man’s defining acts.

Another was the reshaping of America through state-engineered immigration policies. Kennedy, almost single-handedly, helped pass the legislation that has transformed America: The 1965 Amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Before 1965, immigration occurred in manageable ebbs and flows, ensuring the new arrivals were thoroughly assimilated and integrated. Multiculturalism was unheard of. But in 1965, with no real debate or voter participation, the U.S. Congress, pushed by that great democrat TK, replaced the national-origin immigration criterion (which ensured newcomers reinforced the historical majority) with a multicultural, all-nations-are equal quota system, which effectively resulted in an emphasis on mass importation of people from the Third World.

This new immigration policy has produced a continuous human tsunami. Every qualified immigrant holds an entry ticket for his entire extended family.

Among his many charming attributes, and like all liberals, Senator Edward Kennedy was also a NIMBY—a not-in-my-backyard environmentalist: he opposed wind farms in Nantucket Sound, offshore from his Hyannis Port compound. Naturally, he recommended them almost everywhere else.

Update I (August 26): Some of the “Liberal Lion’s” legislative feats:

* The unholy McCain-Kennedy-Specter trinity attempted to legalize 20 million deadwood illegal immigrants in the Bush era.
* The AG JOBS Act (Agriculture Jobs Opportunity Benefits and Security). Known in the immigration industry as “camouflaged amnesty,” this program turns illegals aliens into born-again “guest workers” and then puts them on the fast track to his salvation: the status of permanent residence.

Update II: Can we agree that with the following legislative “accomplishment,” no legislator did more than Ted to sunder the old, decentralized republic of property rights and limited government?

* Head Start “as part of the 1964 Economic Opportunity Act, the centerpiece of the War on Poverty.”
* Title IX
* Endless increases in minimum wage
* Family and Medical Leave Act
* Americans With Disabilities Act
* No Child Left Behind Act
* Hate crimes legislation
* Championed “unrestricted access to abortion even in late term and for teens crossing state lines.”
* Opposed the nomination to the SCOTUS of Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito, and borked Robert Bork in a singularly malicious manner.

A support for nuclear reduction treaties and an opposition to the Iraq war may have been his only merits as a politician. Of course, about his boy Obama’s wars, Ted was “too sick” to pipe up.

Update III: MORE ON TED’S MOST treacherous impetus against his country. “Kennedy fashioned the modern day immigration system,” writes Kathy Kiely approvingly:

“Sen. Edward Kennedy’s first major legislative victory helped change the face of the country and shaped his own political career.

In 1965, Kennedy had been in the Senate less than three years. His party’s leaders gave him the job of pushing a bill to eliminate the quota system that had made it virtually impossible for anyone from anywhere but western Europe to immigrate to the USA.

Eliminating national quotas for immigration had been the goal of every U.S. president since Harry Truman— including Kennedy’s brother John F. Kennedy. That was probably one reason that ‘Ted seized the cause,’ in the words of his biographer, Adam Clymer. Passage marked ‘the first of many times Ted Kennedy fulfilled an unfinished dream of one of his brothers,’ Clymer wrote.

It was also the first of many times that Kennedy found himself at the
forefront of an issue of a cause that he came to see as a personal crusade.

‘From the windows of my office in Boston … I can see the Golden Stairs from Boston Harbor where all eight of my great-grandparents set foot on this great land for the first time,’ Kennedy told Senate colleagues in a 2007 speech. ‘That immigrant spirit of limitless possibility animates America even today.’

Beginning with the 1965 bill, which opened the doors for the flood of Latin American and Asian immigrants who dramatically altered the nation’s demography, to the end of his life, Kennedy remained the Senate’s most impassioned advocate for widening opportunities for America’s newcomers.

‘He fashioned the modern-day legal system of immigration. He created humane refugee and asylum policies. And he has set the stage for a 21st century solution to the problem of illegal immigration,’ said Frank Sharry, an immigrant rights advocate who worked with Kennedy on legislation.

Among the immigration measures that Kennedy helped shape:

*A 1980 bill that established a system for refugee resettlement in the USA and nearly tripled the number of people who would qualify for admission.

*A 1986 bill that granted amnesty to an estimated 2.7 million people living illegally in the USA and established penalties against employers who hired illegal immigrants.

*A 1990 bill that revised the legal immigration system to allow for more
immigrants and more high-skilled workers.

For all of his accomplishments, Sharry thinks Kennedy will be best known for the work he did with Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., on a bill that failed. The legislation would have put an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship and plugged holes in the employer sanctions system. It collapsed despite its powerful backers, including President Bush.

Sharry remains convinced that Kennedy ‘laid the groundwork’ for a bill that eventually will pass. President Obama has made an immigration overhaul along the lines of the Kennedy-McCain bill one of his top legislative priorities.

On the day the bill failed in 2007, Kennedy himself predicted its backers
would be vindicated. ‘We will be back and we will prevail,’ he said.”

Update V: Ann Coulter put the Kennedy borking in perspective:

“Sen. Teddy Kennedy accused Reagan nominee Robert Bork of trying to murder women, segregate blacks, institute a police state and censor speech – everything short of driving a woman into a lake! – within an hour of Reagan’s announcing Bork’s nomination.”

Update V (August 27): SACRED COW SYNDROME STRIKES. I’ve been strict to remove any excessively splenetic comments from BAB, but why spare the readers the measure of the man? Michelle Malkin is acting all schoolmarmish, exhorting the faithful to “mark this passing with solemnity.” And “There is a time and place for political analysis and criticism. Not now.”

Against that folly, I quote the great Hebrew sage Hillel:

“If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?“—Hillel.

The same mushy headedness leads Michelle to declare this incoherent tract “the best reflection and round-up on Kennedy’s death I’ve read.”

A slightly better exercise in silly positive thinking can be found at Reason, in Nick Gillespie’s breathy “The Good things Kennedy did.” Yes, let’s do celebrate the deregulation of the interstate trucking industry and airline ticket prices, courtesy of Kennedy.

Always keenly attuned to futuristic, dynamic, Big Picture themes, Gillespie’s thesis is, well, ridiculous:

“In an increasingly flat, dispersed, networked world in which power, information, knowledge, purchasing power, and more was rapidly decentralizing, Kennedy was all for sitting at the top of a pyramid and directing activity. … Kennedy was in fact a man out of time, a bridge back to the past rather than a guide to the future. His mind-set was very much of a piece with a best-and-the-brightest, centralized mentality that has never served America well over the long haul.”

What has cultivating the best-and-the-brightest have to do with centralization? And how is centralization a thing of the past, when local and global overweening government is growing? Yes, the state is at odds with the market. But the state is not at odds with the demands of the mass of mankind.

Reason is so pompously puerile.

Update V (August 28): “Some important lessons from Ted Kennedy,” by Roger Kimball:

“I am deeply grateful for the contribution that Ted Kennedy, who died last night, made to my education. Until Kennedy delivered his intemperate tirade against Robert Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court in the summer of 1987, I hadn’t known that a United States Senator could brazenly lie to his colleagues and the American people and get away with it. I’m not talking about little fibs, or broken promises, or private dissimulations: all that I took as standard operating procedure in a fallen world. No, Ted Kennedy raised — that is to say, he dramatically lowered — the standard by standing up on the floor of the Senate and emitting one lie after the next against one of the finest legal minds America has ever produced. “Robert Bork’s America,” he said

A breathtaking congeries of falsehoods that, were they not protected by the prerogatives of senatorial privilege, would have taken a conspicuous place in the annals of malicious slander and character assassination. In The Tempting of America, Judge Bork recounts his incredulity at this tissue of malign fabrication. “It had simply never occurred to me that anybody could misrepresent my career and views as Kennedy did.” At the time, he notes, many people thought that Kennedy had blundered by emitting so flagrant, and flagrantly untrue, an attack. They were wrong. His “calculated personal assault, . . . more violent than any against a judicial nominee in our country’s history,” did the job (with a little help from Joe Biden [1] and Arlen Specter [2]). Not only was Kennedy instrumental in preventing a great jurist from taking his place on the Supreme Court, he also contributed immeasurably to the cheapening of American political discourse. The fact that “bork” has entered the language as a transitive verb is, I’ve always thought, a final unfairness. Really, the verb should involve the name “Kennedy.” Less staccato, I admit, but in that scenario, the malfeasance was practiced not by Robert Bork but Edward Kennedy and his cronies.

Indeed, Kennedy was a veritable fount of enlightenment. A waddling argument for the wisdom of term limits, he showed the world how, provided you came from a rich and unscrupulous family, you can get caught cheating [3] on a Spanish test at Harvard and still manage to graduate a few years later.

But of course, Ted Kennedy’s most important lesson for the world involved Mary Jo Kopechne…”

14 thoughts on “Update VI: Ted's Dead (Sacred Cow Syndrome Strikes)

  1. michel cloutier

    What TK’s actions brought forth was actually the SECOND mass importation of people from the Third World, the first one having been, of course, slaves from Africa. It could thus be argued that TK’s views on immigration were an extension of the civil rights movement. Since it’s hard to criticize the latter in polite society, does it mean we should hold our breath and accept the former ?

  2. Gringo Malo

    I’ve always suspected that Ted didn’t just leave Mary Jo to drown. She was pregnant at the time. The press never said anything about the child’s paternity, but the unusual silence betrays the answer.

    [I have not heard this; please provide a link/citation. We avoid hearsay/gossip on BAB.]

  3. Myron Pauli

    Re: Gringo Malo’s “American Tragedy” theory of Teddy deliberately drowning Mary Jo is 40 years old.

    While it cannot be DISPROVEN, we know that:
    (1) Ted was a known drunk and a known bad driver
    (2) Kennedys never did their own dirty work
    (3) Ted’s womanizing and the “Boiler Room Girls” was about as secret as a bear defecating in a forested area
    (4) Kennedy had plenty of money to smooth over any pregnancy problem
    (5) The morality of 1969 was such that an affair was more chic than in 1884. A pregnancy did not stop my man Grover Cleveland “Ma Ma Where’s My Pa – Gone to the White House – ha ha ha” from the Presidency in 1884

    Simple explanation – Ted was a horny drunk driving lout

    Complicated explanation – Ted masterminded this deliberate drowning of Mary Jo.

    I vote for the former explanation – but the tragedy did inspire one of my songs.

    Kennedy was a very “effective” Senator just like Marshal Zhukov was a very “effective” military leader. It’s his “accomplishments” that I object to.

  4. M. B. Moon

    Between Michael Jackson and Ted, I expect to learn to wish my enemies long life. Their eulogies are too hard to take.

  5. M. B. Moon

    Let’s not blame “liberals” too much. Socialism in the US came after the Great Depression when the unemployment rate was 25%. The GD was successfully blamed on capitalism while now even Bernanke admits the Fed was to blame (for the wrong reasons, though).

    The greedy rich went to the Federal Government to back up their cartel with government violence. Why do so many wish to be wealthy when enough never seems to be enough for those who worship money?

  6. ~greenhell~

    There were few politicians I hated more than Ted Kennedy. In fact, I understood more about the political world than I wanted to when he first announced he had cancer. Soon after that Bush remarked, “We join our fellow Americans in praying for his full recovery.” http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080520/NEWS/80520003. Do not tell me who to pray for. If I prayed, it would be for him to realize that his vanity and his glory-seeking harmed so many. I would’ve prayed for him to start making decisions in favor of the freedom of American citizens. People get cancer, people I know and love get cancer, and yet the politicians expect that we drop everything and pray for them like they are our lords. It sickened me to realize that. When I die I hope people remember me for who I actually was – saint or sinner.

  7. Gringo Malo

    OK, I’ve searched for a link saying that Kopechne was pregnant, and have found no substantiation on the web. I admit that I’m disposed to believe anything negative about the evil Communist clan that goes by the name of Kennedy. Perhaps I’ve been the victim of a conspiracy theory. Perhaps I was confused: Ted’s wife was pregnant at the time. Then again, perhaps Kopechne’s pregnancy has gone down the memory hole.

    We do know that Teddy hid out long enough to avoid a blood test for intoxication. Even Time Magazine, almost as far to the left of Karl Marx as the Kennedys, has cited inconsistencies in Teddy’s story about the accident. That such a worm was allowed to sit in the Senate for more than forty years after the Chappaquiddick incident says nothing good about our country.

    By the way, the Detroit Free Press says that Mary Jo Kopechne is the top search item on Google today. Apparently, several thousand other people have been looking for details of her death. That is Ted Kennedy’s legacy.

  8. Jamie

    If there was one state in this nation I would rip away like a nasty boil it would be MA. Their politicians have wreaked so much havoc and wielded such disproportionate power it’s sickening.

    We all know what Barney Frank has done of late. Back in the in the 70’s and 80’s Tip O’Neill and his buddy Teddy managed to wring unbelievable amounts of pork from Washington, the crown jewel being America’s gift to Boston – The Big Dig. Forgive me if I don’t require a tissue today.

  9. Myron Pauli

    Some lessons to learn from the career of Senator Ted:

    The man stood AGAINST limited government and most of what I stand for and vice versa but:

    ( 1 ) Unlike many “principled” Libertarian/Conservative/Anarchists – he was more interested in making progress TOWARDS his goals rather than just bitching about some endgame Utopia. Sometimes “3 yards and a cloud of dust” will get to the endzone. It is a lesson for those who would rather lose than ever compromise strategically towards a goal.

    ( 2 ) By focusing on goals, he could be charitable towards “the other side” (not always – see his rhetoric on Bork) – rather than just gratuitously whip up vitriol for no reason. He
    made enemies more by his “effectiveness” (e.g. destruction) rather than by trying to be a shock-jock, Michael Savage / Ann Coulter style.

    ( 3 ) He was tenacious and if he spent 48 years in the Senate doggedly making this country more socialistic, he did not give up. Persistency and patience is often lacking in those who would fight to get us OUT of the socialistic mess.

  10. Robert Glisson

    There’s a joke I heard in church once. A woman was known for always having something good to say about everyone. Once she was asked if she could say anything good about Satan. Her answer- “Well, he is always on the job.” Ted qualify’s for that comment. He was tireless alright. In the early seventies, we made an agreement with South Viet Nam, we were leaving but we promised to keep up the ammunition and spare parts, plus some financing. As soon as our troops left, Ted striped the apportion of funding, leaving the South without support. We lost 58,000 lives in our commitment to that nation, only to have it end with a shameful betrayal of our word.

  11. steph

    I’m a little confused. As a libertarian, wouldn’t it be important to allow any immigrant in the US (with no criminal record)? Let the free market decide who can make it here. Give us your tired, your poor, etc etc…

    [It is recommended in the “Posting Policy” that you acquaint yourself with your host’s views, to which this forum, among other things, is devoted to debating. The blog directory and Articles Archive are easily accessibly. You can’t debate views you don’t know.–IM]

  12. Mark Humphrey

    I don’t like Ted Kennedy’s politics any more than you do. And I’m not here to vouch for Kennedy’s characeter; he had some serious moral faults.

    Still, I recoil from routine right-wing slandering of Kennedy over the death of Mary Jo Kopechne “whom he left to drown”. He said he dove several times to try to extract her from the submerged oldsmobile. Does evidence exist to rebut his story? Presumeably, he was drunk. Did this hinder his physcial efforts at rescue?

    Kennedy said he left the scene only after he was sure she was dead. Maybe she was still alive when he left the scene; I don’t know. But did he know this? I doubt it. What would motivate him to abandon her?

    Kennedy cheated on his wife and neglected his responsibilities by driving drunk. He caused a tragic accident that cost Miss Kopechne her life. He tried to cover up details of the accident, which was wrong and pathetic.

    This is bad behavior. But accusing him of “leaving a young woman to drown” strikes me as mischaracterization.

  13. Barbara Grant

    I have problems with this article:


    in which the cleric who attended Kennedy at his death makes such a point of crowing over the late Senator’s strong faith, and how it drove him to do “good” for others. I think if Kennedy’s faith had been that strong, he would have (1) Reported the Chappaquiddick situation to authorities _ASAP_, which he did not do; and (2) Resigned from the Senate afterward, seeking to do good in a venue through which he would get no publicity nor public acclaim.

    I was also struck by the priest’s comments on how “peaceful” the Kennedy death scene was. Far different from the situation in which one’s lungs fill up with water and the struggle for every breath, with all its attendant shock and horror.

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