‘Meet the Rapex’

Crime,Democracy,Gender,GUNS,Political Correctness,Private Property,Racism,Sex,South-Africa


The Rapex is a female condom, “The hollow inside of which is lined with rows of razor-sharp hooks. These are designed to latch on to a rapist’s penis during penetration. They can only be removed by a doctor.” The context? A last-ditch, desperate defense against endemic rape, the kind that occurs every 26 seconds in South Africa.

(Or “Jackrolling,” as young African men in South Africa jocularly refer to this group, recreational “activity.” See pages 15 to 16 of Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa, for story and citations.)

Army veteran and gun-rights activist Nicki Fellenzer reviews Into the Cannibal’s Pot. Nicki is our First Lady reviewer, and what a gal she is.

13 thoughts on “‘Meet the Rapex’

  1. Myron Pauli

    I guess we in the USA are lucky to deal mostly with stuff like carjackers in the urban slums. Beats being raped by a savage mob.

  2. Nicki

    The fact that there’s even a necessity for a contraption as frightening as this…

    The fact that there’s so little recourse for women in South Africa – no guns with which to defend themselves, no justice…

    It’s beyond appalling that women have to violate themselves with this device, just to avoid being violated by thugs who operate with impunity in a nation that apparently has no moral compass!

    The book needed to be written, Ilana. Thank you!


  3. Robert Glisson

    Ain’t agonna work. It might work once; I pity the poor woman that models it. Only part of her will make it to the clinic. The rhetorical question about asking a rapist to use a condom applies. They will only stop long enough to check in the future. There is only one answer, establish or reestablish the ‘Rule of Law.’ Since that’s not going to happen, and the establishment of ‘lynch law’ is also out, maybe a Chasity belt instead.

  4. james huggins

    If one of those African thugs gets his thing caught in one of those things I wonder how it will turn out if he goes to his friendly, neighborhood witch doctor. You know, the one who tells him to rape virgins and hack off the hands of the victims. Whatever the witch doctor does I’ll bet it won’t be sanitary.

  5. james huggins

    To Nicki. About “Lesson Learned”. Kudoes and huzzahs!! You are saying the same things that I have been saying for years, as Mercer can attest. Only your spelling and grammar are better. The South African situation is truly tragic and the possibilities for America having the same are very real. Great insight on your part.

  6. George Pal

    I hardly think it only occurs to me but there are more ways to ‘rape’ than you can shake a dick at.

    I apologize for the coarseness but not the observation. The consequences of progressive de-civilizing will be suffered by women most of all and most of all by women without a ‘patriarchy’ to help defend them. Already the supply/demand ratios for women are re-energizing sex slavery and turning the sex trade into a global economic factor. To add to the devastation of ‘jackrolling’ (sure to catch on in a globalized degeneracy – ordinary rape already a featured entitlement of cultural enrichers in Scandinavia) there is the sexual grooming of young girls in England by yet more cultural enrichers.

    The oddest part of all of this – just at the time women have found a political and social voice – they, corporately, are most bothered by ‘glass ceilings’.

  7. Robert Glisson

    George: I read an article within the last six months that “Feminists for Palestine” groups that are working in Gaza are getting pregnant from their Palestine boyfriends, rushed to an Imam and Muslim married. They now have an American wife and a ticket to the US. The leaders of the women social workers refuse to help the women; it’s another way to help the poor Palestinians whose plight is worst than her sacrifice. Another reason for the prayer verse; “Thank you Lord that you made me a man and not a woman.” Women catch it from every direction sometimes.

  8. Abelard Lindsey

    According to the Wiki, this device has not been marketed.

  9. JP

    I know how the African mind operates. I also know that their depravity knows no bounds. When they suspect a victim might be wearing the Rapex, they will simply sodomize her. rape is NOT just about forced sex. It is a tool of terror. that is why elderly women are also victims.

    [More about this aspect in my book under “Sexual Subjugation.” Are you going to do your part and review iton Amazon?]

  10. Carmen

    Sounds like sure way to get yourself killed: do they think a rapist would just smile and walk away? Or his 5 buddies with him, will they flee in terror? No they’ll make an example out of the woman. The perverted fear of violence has made white South Africans prisoners in their own homes, and SA’s biggest export – like me 🙂

  11. Nicki

    That is correct. It apparently hasn’t been marketed. The purpose of bringing this tool into the conversation wasn’t to discuss the tool in and of itself, but to point out the need for such an appalling contraption in a nation that has essentially banned self defense for a terrorized minority.

  12. JP

    I’m only going to be picking up your book from the post office tomorrow. I’ve read the kindle version about half way, but I want to wait and read the physical version. it just feels so much more satisfying. A review will be written immediately upon completion.

    [Do bring in your perspective as a South African. That’s who the rest need to hear from; those of you who’re living the life.]

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