Mobocracy Vs. Monarchy

Britain,Democracy,Government,History,Political Philosophy


The following is from my new, WND.COM column, “Mobocracy Vs. Monarchy”:

“… Harmless though it was, the occasion of William’s marriage to Ms. Middleton drew nasty barbs from pundits on this side of the pond. Trashing the British monarchy appeared to be their way of asserting American exceptionalism. …

If forced to choose between the mob (democracy) and the monarchy, the latter is far preferable and benevolent. … The democratically elected ruler has no real stake in the territory he trashes during his time in office. It was no mere act of symbolism for the Clintons’ staff to have vandalized the White House on the eve of their departure. …

Like or dislike her, the British Queen is harmless. Her role is purely ceremonial. Conversely, life and death are in the hands of the monarch who sits in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”

The complete column is “Mobocracy Vs. Monarchy,”now on WND.COM.

7 thoughts on “Mobocracy Vs. Monarchy

  1. MeMyselfI

    “Her role is purely ceremonial.”

    Sure, *her’s* is… but what if the next guy’s isn’t “ceremonial”. Like Obama changing the rules to fit his desires… this would be easier for a monarch.

    No, not that the mob is any better… just… different.

  2. Robert Glisson

    It took the English Monarchy well over a thousand years to reduce England to the state of the United States; which did it in a mere two hundred. I think if you want to destroy a country, Mobocracy is the way to go.

  3. james huggins

    People should leave the royals alone. They are a symbol of a once great, though imperfect, society.

  4. sunny black

    “People should leave the royals alone. They are a symbol of a once great, though imperfect, society.”
    -Exactly. Once *notable* and imperfect societies are above reproach. They should be preserved and gawked at. Royalty is akin to a living, breathing wax museum. A testimony (and reminder) to the narcissism of believing that a privileged few with no particular skill and talent should be revered like demigods for all eternity. Like the Kardashians.

    And when we look back on this period of Royal resurgence historians will dub the Prince William dynasty: Hair Restoration!

  5. Myron Pauli

    So Willie Windsor is a chopper pilot!!! I was at a meeting in South America (that is, Alabama) with his countymen, some very-northern north Americans, fellow Americans, and some blokes from Kangaroo and Kiwi country talking about protecting chopper pilots from attacks from ground ordnance. I started my talk by remembering that next year marks the bicentennial of our abortive attempt to “liberate our oppressed northern brethren from the yoke of the Evil Empire” and that back then, our “threat ordnance signature measurement group” was led by Francis Scott Key who characterized the ordnance as “rockets red glare and bombs bursting in air”.

    Anyway, I think we’ve gotten along better since then! But those other folk have very funny accents (as does Ilana Mercer!).

    [LOL. It sounds like they got a Myron mouthful.]

  6. Anonymous

    The Royals really are the original reality show if you think about it. The UK has Queen Liz, Prince Charles, and Kate and William and we have the Snooki, The Situation & the Kardashian sisters. There’s are more expensive, I admit, but ours make me want to stab my own eyes out and floss my nostrils with barbed wire.

  7. james huggins

    People should leave the royals alone. They are a symbol and do no harm. The UK is such a bolloxed up mess the excesses of the royal family are hardly front burner issues.

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