Murder as Respected Policy

Democrats,Foreign Policy,Gender,Middle East,Russia,War


Today, on the MSNBC show of Andrea Mitchell (wife to former chief counterfeiter Alan Greenspan), an ideological member of Hillary Clinton’s posse, Jane Harman, the “Democrat who represented California’s 36th District in the U.S. House, and is president and chief executive of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,” said the following, and I paraphrase:

Assad should leave Syria [his home]. Maybe his Russian pals can save his family members of whom he seems fond.

The gorgon also recommended that, “Newly ‘elected’ President Vladimir Putin could use the crisis in Syria to ‘reset’ world perceptions of his country. Negotiating Assad’s exit would go a long way toward restoring Russia’s image as a responsible and crucial global player.”

This is what passes for scholarship at the fittingly named Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and on MSM.

5 thoughts on “Murder as Respected Policy

  1. George Pal

    I can see where Ms. Mitchell is coming from. Having proved themselves responsible and a crucial global player Russia could then be invited to help make the world safe for the masturbatory fantasies of NATO/USA.

  2. David

    Ilana,having nearly finished Into the Cannibal’s Pot, I conceived the title for your next book(from one of your tweets, I think):THE MYTH OF BLACK VICTIMIZATION. I can’t think of another writer who would tackle it. My friend David Horowitz wrote GETTING WHITEY years ago, and was given the standard demented reaction from the left, replete with death threats and shrill denunciations from the hag Maxine Waters. The data are there–in the FBI report–and you have vast knowledge of these matters on your own.

    [D: Please write a review of the Cannibal on Amazon; it helps the book’s mission, which you seem to care about.]

  3. Myron Pauli

    Woodrow, like Arafat, Carter, Gore, Kissinger, Le Duc Tho, Nelson Mandela, Kissinger … – all winners of the “Nobel Peace Prize”.

    If Americans behaved like the Syrian rebels, would a President Obama or a President Romney be any different than Assad? Maybe Assad could set up an enclosed area with some barbed wire and call it a “free speech zone”:

    To quote a famous Jewish troublemaker (the anniversery of his Crucifixion is tomorrow):

    “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”

  4. Revel Without a Cause

    Standard pro-Israeli machinations. Mitchell and Harmon are both Jewish Zionists, and know where their proximate interest lies…breaking the Shia Cresecnt by liquidating Assad, even if it means bring the Moslem Brotherhead/Al Queda gang to power in Syria. Russia stands in the way, so their venom is directed at Putin. In the long run, though, I think most American Jews – including our Ilana – will come to the conclusion that Israel and America must go their separate ways.

  5. Chris Bieber

    thanks Ms Mercer for your continued valuable research/work….WWilson goons… of their “leaders” in the past was nationalist and patriot James Baker 3rd..ugh.
    Redolent and repugnant the WW minions emit rank globalism and warmongering…”experts” like MilIndComplex “woman of the evening” Ms Harman…..ugh….. getting the puzzle pieces for US involvement in yet another “conflict” that threatens US soil, soveriegnty and citizens…..ugh.

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