No Faith In Islam

Barack Obama,Islam,Multiculturalism,Religion,Terrorism


In “Dhimmis At Ground Zero?” I said what is now being restated by the president and reluctantly by everyone one, even by some of the sentimentalists fighting the Mega-Mosque with appeals to emotions: “Restricting acquisitive property rights in a free society should never be entertained.” (It is the proper libertarian position that rights of property subsume freedom of religion. You can’t demand to practice your religion on my property).

Obama reignited the mosque-at-ground-zero debate, which never really died down. A yet another White House event, this time celebrating Ramadan (Bush put on a big bash on Cinco de Mayo; not sure how he celebrated Ramadan), Obama, “expressed his support for the mosque, which will replace a building damaged by the attacks.”

“Let me be clear: As a citizen and as President I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country.”

‘That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community centre on private property in Lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances. This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable.’

“But the next day,” reports the Mail Online, “he insisted he had not been commenting on the ‘wisdom’ of placing a mosque in such a symbolic place.”

Challenged about his comments during a family trip to Florida at the weekend, the President said: ‘I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making a decision to put a mosque there. ‘I was commenting very specifically on the right that people have that dates back to our founding.”

As CNN’s John King reported today, there are other mosques in that radius. The small Muslim community is well-served in Lower Manhattan and the surrounds. He also pointed out that the “not in my backyard” attitude to the erection of mosques is shared across the country. His chorus of Republican and Democrat commentators agreed that what we have here is anti-Muslim bias.

What we have here are people who won’t come out with it. What do I mean by “IT”? I said so in “Dhimmis At Ground Zero?”:

“Having examined only their feelings, Americans campaigning against occupiers in-the-making have failed to examine what it is they are really saying and, then, say it out coolly and clearly, and then take cover.

If Christians raised a cathedral at Liberty St. and Church St., most Americans would not mind. If the Hari Krishna set up a place of worship in the vicinity, and bobbed up and down the exact complex in Lower Manhattan, Americans would smile benignly. Ditto if a Jewish tabernacle were to be erected around the corner; this reaction would not have occurred.

It’s in the faith of Islam and its adherents that Americans have no faith.”

“Such pleas [for sensitivity] remind me of the victim impact statement so popular in our Courts. How humiliating and futile is it to plead for contrition from sadists who’ve amply proved they are incapable of such sentiment, and derive sadistic pleasure from watching their victims squirm.”

7 thoughts on “No Faith In Islam

  1. Bob

    Just as when “we” all agreed that there was nothing wrong with two men sodomizing each other (in a committed loving relationship of course) the gay marriage issue was lost; “we” never should have agreed that islam was a peaceful religion and not a death cult.

    No wait, I didn’t agree to any of that.

  2. Myron Pauli

    “Conservatives” have proven that their “sensitivities” are just as pathetic as left-liberals and that they are also a bunch of whining pathetic crybabies. They even mention Governor Patterson’s offer to confiscate more PRIVATE PROPERTY via Eminent Domain elsewhere to give to the Moslems and being turned down! Imagine building on private property in violation of people’s sensitivities! Here is something else to get them upset (to show what a farce this whole nonsense is!):…/breaking_halal_food_carts_cite.html

    In real parts of the world like Sderot, Jews go about daily life without shirking and moaning and sniffling like these neocon commentators (Krauthammer, the NY Post, etc.). They live with the threat of REAL MORTARS daily, not with some “symbolic building” 2 blocks away from the site of the ugly Rockefeller Brothers Eminent Domain Confiscated Taxpayer Boondoggle henceforth elevated into the Holy Temple of 9/11-WTC (and a block away from a strip joint!).

    Here is my suggestion to prevent the Moslem horde from tromping on the Sacred Soil – sell the 9/11-WTC Holy Site to a private PIG FARM and name all the pigs after the Rockefeller Brothers. Here Nelson, here David, here Laurence, here John D., Soooooooeeee – Oink!

  3. Robert Glisson

    I once had a friend that had a bar, the local Church of Christ wanted to expand their church, and entered the bar to ask him for a donation. He asked what would happen if he gave them a donation. “We’ll put your name on the commemorative plaque” He replied, “Ok, I can give you fifty dollars, it’s “The Western Bar” Shocked look, “Oh no, we won’t put the name of the bar on our plaque, we’ll put your name on the plaque.” He smiled. “We’re in the bar, the fifty dollars comes out of the cash register and the tax deduction comes out of the bar’s profits; why don’t the plaque say where it comes from?” Heedless to say, the church didn’t get/take the fifty dollars. I don’t want to see a Muslim anything anywhere in the US, but if you ban one, you have to ban all and that’s worse. In Indonesia when a Christian starts a church, the Muslims counter buy the property and put up a mosque. Why not start a bidding war.

  4. Robert Glisson

    If you have a sense of humor. Moonbattery has a brochure of the new mosque and its attractions “”

  5. Roger Chaillet

    There is no reciprocity with Islam. It is a cult of imperialism.

    When was the last time a Christian cathedral was built in a Muslim majority country?

    It is simple.

    If you do not believe in the superiority of your culture, then you will be crushed underfoot by those who believe in the superiority of their culture.

  6. james huggins

    The Muslims are playing us. I’m sure most of you have enough sense to know this. Our political leaders are either billous, spineless fools or squinty eyed

  7. Roger Chaillet

    “You white people are losing your country.”

    So spoke an acquaintance of mine who is from Sri Lanka. He was also raised a Muslim, and lived in Holland prior to moving to the U.S. about 30 years ago. It was here he met his wife, a Christian Filipino. He now worships with her on occasion in a Christian church.

    You white people are losing your country.

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