Updated: Obama’s Politburo Of Proctologists

Barack Obama,Economy,Healthcare,Individualism Vs. Collectivism,Political Economy,Propaganda,Regulation,Socialism


The excerpt is from my new, WND.COM column, “Obama’s Politburo Of Proctologists,” now on Taki’s Magazine:

“…The laws of supply and demand don’t answer to Barry the Bolshevik. Private practitioners and providers, in extant and nascent markets for medicine, must know that if The Man and his Machine bring in a ‘public option,’ offering coverage to whomever wants it, the marketplace will change. …

If you think the misallocation of bailout billions has been criminal, wait until Obama’s politburo of proctologists attempts to figure out how many Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanners to purchase for The Plan. Courtesy of bureaucratic calculus, the waiting time for an MRI scan in British Columbia, Canada, runs into weeks and even months; not ideal if you have a malignancy.

Yes, the hubris. Where the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics failed, the ‘United Socialist States of America’ will prevail. ….”

The complete column, “Obama’s Politburo Of Proctologists,” is now on WND.COM.

Miss the weekly column on WND.COM? Catch it on Taki’s Magazine every Saturday.

Updated (June 26): American healthcare is not “privatized”; it’s highly regulated. Still, it’s better than Canada care, which I’ve experienced (and nearly lost my daughter to), the UK’s, Cuba’s and North Korea’s, upon which the former two “systems” are modeled. American medicine vs. Canada care: never the twain shall meet. I’m not sure why readers are intent on looking at health care as a “system” needing the state’s ministrations, rather than as a service delivered to individuals by other highly skilled individuals. Perhaps the “food system” is bad in the US, as the population is so unhealthy. Perhaps, by logical extension, we should let the state supervise the food “system.” C’mon.

12 thoughts on “Updated: Obama’s Politburo Of Proctologists

  1. Tom

    Unfortunately, it seems that no one in the establishment news media or the Government is as intelligent as Ilana.

  2. Ray

    Memo to Erudites for another, most Mercerful Prescription…

    Our Leaders? Terminal! In sick D.C.
    Infected with corruption, greed
    As symptomatic A.B.C.
    Spreads the deadly viral screed

    Of yet another toxic speech
    (“Huzzahs” from carrier Blarney Frank)
    As the fed’ral B. Obama leech
    Drags us down into the tank

    Rx for this breaking plague?
    Spread by sinister Barack’s suborning?
    Read two (or more!) of Mercer’s Muses
    And call the Founders in the morning!

  3. Antonio

    Damn it, Ilana, I hate it that you’re always right! This man’s schemes will destroy what is left of America, and nobody (with a few exceptions) is talking about it.

    We have pushes for nationalized, socialized, bastardized medicine; we have pushes for massive tax increases in the guise of saving the planet from greenhouse emissions; we have pushes to nationalize any industry within arms reach, in the name of reducing uncertainty and risk; we have the accelerating erosion of liberty from which we will never recover because all of the institutions that could be used to fight back will be outlawed or eliminated.

    In short, we are witnessing the last days of the American Republic, whose demise began almost from the beginning. God knows what will take its place. All I know is that the replacement won’t be nice and friendly.

    God help us!

  4. Myron Pauli

    If anything, Americans are already OVERinsured and OVERmedicated and, most assuredly, OVERregulated. A better reform would be to allow for nationwide private insurance options to operate independent of state regulatory harassments: lower rates for healthy younger people, large deductibles, etc. As for whether Messiah Obama’s “solution” is an improvement over the current regulatory glomerulus, who can tell? Whatever 2000 page monstrosity “health-care” legislation passes Congress will undoubtedly be written by 500 staffers and 3000 lobbyists, read by no lawmaker, understood by nobody, contain 200 inherent contradictions, will be subject to numerous “interpretations” by 30 federal courts and 650 bureaucrats, and will be applied in a haphazard arbitrary manner by a panoply of professional parasites. The 2nd to last person with any say on medical matters will be the physician who has to consult lawyers and accountants everytime he uses a cotton swab. The absolute last person with any say will be the poor patient who will, if he hasn’t been completely lobotomized, understand (too late to remedy) that “free” health-care is as real a concept as “free lunch”. Bonus speculation – I wonder how many private clinics will spring up in Belize or some nearby place 10 years from now.

  5. Roy Bleckert

    “Obama’s Politburo Of Proctologists”:

    that has got to be the gut bustin, funniest headline i have ever seen!

    also your analysis of Barry the Bolsheviks quagmire that will happen with government run health care is spot on.

  6. Steve Hogan

    What’s the tax and regulatory climate like in Belize these days? It can’t be as bad as the nightmarish schemes Obama is imposing on us at gunpoint.

  7. Steve Hogan

    Maybe it’s time to say adios to Cubicle World, liquidate my assets (before Obama and Bernanke make the dollar worthless), and buy a bar in Belize. The weather is warm, the diving is fabulous (or so I hear), and the patrons would enjoy my service to mankind.

  8. Ray


    Wonder if Belize needs a rhyming pastor who rides a motorcycle…

    Well, if Ilana and her family move, I am SO there!

    I can just see the headlines now…

    “EXODUS II — Mercer Minions Move En Masse to Belize!”

    (Holy Moses !!!)

    [Yes; let’s all secede.]

  9. Martin Berrow

    Barak Hussein Obama is a communist, and some would argue, a Muslim, at least by birth and by sympathies.~Martin Berrow

  10. fishydude

    re-post, sort of

    Examples of what sort of “cost containment” actions will be taken under Obama Care can be seen in Oregon.
    Not long after voters legalized assisted suicide, the state added it as an acceptable treatment option for cancer. Patients deemed to be too expensive to treat are sent letters saying that chemo is denied but assisted suicide will be paid for. Remember the case of Barbara Wagner?
    Of course, the proponents of “right to die” laws said this would never happen. And then it did. And then Washington legalized assisted suicide.
    I predict that a federal “right to die” law will be snuck in as an amendment and then followed by denial of any treatment for illnesses that have a “low cure rate.” Killing one’s self will become the new patriotism.

    See also, increasing MPG demand will lead to increased fatalities thus reducing over all cost of health care.

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