UPDATED (9/17/018): Sen. Flake Steps Into McCain’s Shoes As Republican Saboteur, Forever Looking Out For … Democrats

Criminal Injustice, Democrats, John McCain, Law, Republicans, Sex, The Courts

Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona has stepped into the role of John McCain as Republican scold and saboteur, forever looking out for the interests of … the Democrats, not to mention his own legacy as swamp creature.

And now, the flake from Arizona is helping to sabotage the nomination to the Supreme Court of Brett Kavanaugh. After all, when it comes to white males, there is no statute of limitation on their crimes and evil. They must be stopped. No evidence needed. Due process be damned.

By now you know that one,

Christine Blasey Ford provided a detailed and graphic account published by the Washington Post earlier Sunday recalling the sexual assault she says occurred when both she and Kavanaugh were in high school. …

… Flake … told Politico this: “If they push forward without any attempt with hearing what she’s had to say, I’m not comfortable voting yes…We need to hear from her. And I don’t think I’m alone in this.”
In response, Kavanaugh “categorically and unequivocally” denied the allegation.

MORE at Mediate.

AND, if you miss John McCain, fear not. Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) & Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) will pick up the slack. Flake, aforementioned, too. Recall how they & the late Johnny defeated legislation to scrap the Affordable Care Act?

UPDATE (9/17/018):

It’s not available yet with a Google search, naturally, but meek Mitch McConnell has just come out in a full-throated repudiation of the attack on #Kavanaugh. Good. Now LET’S HAVE A CONFIRMATION VOTE.

It makes a BIG difference how long ago accusations of rape occurred, because of EVIDENCE. At least in a western court of law, you still need evidence to mount a case against a man presumed innocent until proven guilty.

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Google Demonizes Deplorables, Vows To Subverts Democracy. And We Worry About Russia!

Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Liberty, Political Correctness, Propaganda, Russia, Technology, The State

This is no laughing matter. Libertarian theory has not kept up with the rise of mini-states within The State, NAMELY Google, Facebook and the rest of Deep Tech, which, in cahoots with a wing of the duopoly, work to subvert, marginalize and besmirch tens of millions of ordinary American citizens.

This is bigger than Soros’ thoroughly American operations overseas (spreading democracy), targeting and subverting nation-states outside the US.

Google’s resolve to activate its “Google’s policy team in DC” to pass its progressive globalist causes dwarfs Russia’s puny Facebook presence.

I say this as the “independent scholar” on a paper in The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, who wrote against anti-trust and for Microsoft’s undisputed right to bundle its products.

Hi-tech or Deep Tech has come a long way since we libertarians defended their private property rights. They’ve ventured into thought control and political influence operations.

How I despise them.

See “The Microsoft Corporation In Collision With Antitrust Law.”

MORE: “It’s Official: Google Is a Democratic Party Front.”

LEAKED VIDEO: Google Leadership’s Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election.”

UPDATE II (10/10/018): NEW COLUMN: Yellow Journalism Of Yellow-Bellied Bob Woodward & The N.Y.Times

Donald Trump, Elections, Journalism, THE ELITES, The State

NEW COLUMN IS “Yellow Journalism Of Yellow-Bellied Bob Woodward & The N.Y.Times.” It’s now on Townhall.comWorldNetDaily.com and the Unz Review.

An excerpt:

It takes no time at all. You listen to Bob Woodward’s halting speech. You read his lumpen prose, and you get right away what undergirds his Trump-phobic tome, “Fear: Trump in the White House.”

Naively, the president had expected to fulfill his revolutionary campaign promises to the American voters, an assumption that threw Woodward and the D.C. elites for a loop.

If past is prologue, voters don’t—and should not—get their way. After all, the views of Trump voters on American power are polar opposites of those held by the permanent state.

What does “Boobus Americanus” know? Nothing!

Woodward and the New York Times’ anonymous anti-Trump whistleblower consider the president to be stark raving bonkers for not grasping that Rome on the Potomac moves to its own beat. It does not respond to voters, except to mollify them with “bread and circuses.”

Mostly reflexively, not always consciously, The Powers That Be seek to retain and enlarge their sphere of influence. Nothing, not even the venerated vote, is allowed to alter that “balance.”

This means that established fiefdoms and the “thinking” underlying them are to remain unchanged and unchallenged. Foreign affairs, war-making, the post-war economic order and globally guided crony capitalism are examples.

Against this command-and-control apparatus, 60 million Americans rebelled. They liked Trump’s America First ideas enough to elect their champion as president.

The president promised to upend “the post-1945 rules-based international order,” and Deplorables applauded him for it.

Had Woodward and his publisher missed the 2016 Trump Revolution?

Apparently so.

Incredulous, Woodward grumbled at one Fox News host (she shares his “concerns”): “People need to wake up to what’s happening under Trump.”

Again, Woodward is hardly original in his endeavor. In the tradition of the Never Trump Resistance, within and without the administration, he and those for whom he speaks have resolved to thwart and discredit the political plank on which Trump ran.

The washed-out journalist then blurted out this in disbelief: “Trump said the ‘World Trade Organization is the worst organization in the world.’”

Hyperbole? Maybe. The FBI under James Comey, Andrew McCabe and now Christopher Wray are easily worse than the WTO.

Like the New York Times’ anonymous, op-ed writer, purportedly a member of the Trump administration, Woodward is exposing the Trump White House for nothing more than its attempts to fulfill voter demands.

Withdrawing from the North American Free Trade Agreement was one such goal.

These senile subversives would like you to believe the president is insane for expecting to move on promises made to American voters. If not to withdraw from international agreements that have compromised ordinary Americans, at least to rework them so they don’t further pauperize our workers. …

… READ THE REST.  NEW COLUMN IS “Yellow Journalism Of Yellow-Bellied Bob Woodward & The N.Y.Times.” It’s now on Townhall.com, WorldNetDaily.com, and the Unz Review.

UPDATE I (9/19/018):

I hope that Ilana Mercer’s columns will appear regularly here on AG. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that this South-African-born writer is among today’s top-10 political intellectuals–for instance, she is rightfully credited with the concept later reworded by Steve Sailer as “invade the world, invite the world.” Whatever subject she touches–from politics to history to art and music–turns to pure gold. She is all that NRO’s Jay Nordlinger ever hopes to be. Well done, AG–great catch.

UPDATE II (10/10/018):

Is Trump Or Isn’t He?

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UPDATED (9/19): Never Trumpers Plot Against Deplorables, Urge Conservatives To Vote Democratic

Democracy, Donald Trump, Elections, Neoconservatism, Republicans

Glenn Greenwald has brought up an issue I meant to tell you about some time ago:

DC ‘progressive’ elites [have] been forming policy groups and having lunches and dinners with Bill Kristol to plan joint Dem/neocon activism.

Its way worse than what GG says.

Via The Economist (Aug 9th 2018):

Never Trumpers, as President Donald Trump’s Republican critics are known, … Led by conservative pundits such as Max Boot, David Brooks, Bill Kristol, David Frum and George Will, they are few in number, gallantly in favour of things like free trade and fiscal discipline that Republicans used to care about, and probably doomed. Mr Trump’s hold over Republicans seems unbreakable. Almost 90% approve of his performance. “There is no Republican Party, there’s a Trump party,” says John Boehner, a former Republican congressional leader.

That conclusion, sharpened by the failure of elected Republicans to resist the president’s pandering to Vladimir Putin, has forced Never Trumpers to a moment of reckoning. Messrs Frum, Boot and Will urge conservatives to vote Democratic in the mid-terms. Mr Brooks and two Republican movers-and-shakers, Reed Galen and Juleanna Glover, are floating the idea of a new centrist party. A group part-founded by Mr Kristol, founder of the Weekly Standard, hopes to launch a primary challenge to Mr Trump. Among the more or less openly disaffected Republicans Mr Kristol is courting to lead the assault are Governor John Kasich of Ohio, Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Mitt Romney and Nikki Haley, Mr Trump’s ambassador to the UN. If none will oblige, Mr Kristol suggests he might have a crack at it himself.

MORE: “Never Trump” Republicans could have their revenge: The president will not lose a primary, but he could be fatally damaged,” The Economist.

UPDATED (9/19):

Once in office, Trump almost never hired supporters, and gave preference to Never Trumpers. Now, he “Faces Mid-Term Catastrophe.” Wonder why?!

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