Is GOP Base Celebrating A Victory For The Team, Or A Blow To Ideas That Got Trump Nominated?

Donald Trump, Elections, Foreign Policy, Morality, Republicans

Everyone is agreed. VP candidate Mike Pence won the debate at Longwood University on October 4, 2016 in Farmville, Virginia. But what exactly is the GOP base celebrating about this somewhat pyrrhic victory over the very silly Tim Kaine? Since his victory, Pence has been mouthing non-stop about foreign policy positions in opposition to those of Donald Trump. America will take her lead in the world again, Pence keeps on repeating. We need to be in Syria, in Russia’s face, blah, blah. As I predicted, not a word about the theme of the Trump campaign: America First!

So what’s the GOP base celebrating? A victory for the team? Or a blow to the ideas that got Trump the nomination?

“How Pence upstaged Kaine … and his boss, too.”
“2016 VP Debate: Prepare To Be Bored, Uninspired & Pelted By Political Correctness.”

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UPDATED: America First! When Clinton Talks Environmentalism (Trump Must Talk Immigration)

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Free Markets, Hillary Clinton, IMMIGRATION

America First! When Clinton Talks Environmentalism,” Trump must talk immigration is the newest column. It can be read on An excerpt:

“We can deploy a half a billion more solar panels. We can have enough clean energy to power every home. We can build a new modern electric grid. That’s a lot of jobs; that’s a lot of new economic activity.” So intoned Hillary Clinton, during the first presidential debate at Hofstra University, New York, on September 26.

Where have we heard this before? Like Clinton, President Obama hasn’t a clue how a viable market is created and sustained. Solyndra, if you recall, was awarded $527 million from taxpayers. Each of the temporary, unsustainable jobs created by Solyndra and touted by Obama cost $479,000.  Obama thought this was sufficient to secure a profitable market for the product.

Clinton is every bit the cretin when it comes to the market economy.

Donald Trump, however, is good at this; business is his bailiwick. He has spoken so well in interviews about the unviable nature of the green energy industry (unless, of course, it’s privately funded and the risk is neither subsidized nor socialized). Trump can’t allow the arrogant certitude begun with Obama and Solyndra to continue with Clinton.

For Trump understands how demand is generated and sustained. How many

times has he recounted on TV, for example, that so expensive are solar panels, that by the time these panels have paid for themselves—also known as “a return on investment”—it’s time to replace them? In a May appearance in Bismarck, North Dakota, on the occasion of his reaching and surpassing the magic delegate threshold (chronicled in “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed”), Trump spoke eloquently about deregulating energy.

Clean coal can be restored, he remarked, if regulations are reduced. The money quote Trump should repeat, from that appearance: “Free-up coal and let the market work. Market forces are a beautiful thing.” Indeed they are.

Back to the larger principle:

When Clinton dares to mention the environment and how much money she’ll steal from you and me to enrich and entrench global bureaucracies who’ll adjudicate environmental affairs—Trump must bring it back to America First. And to immigration. …

… Read the rest. “America First! When Clinton Talks Environmentalism” can be read on

UPDATED: 2016 VP Debate: Prepare To Be Bored, Uninspired & Pelted By Political Correctness

Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Political Correctness, Republicans

I’ll be tweeting the debate between Mike Pence and Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, Hillary Clinton’s nullity of a running mate. (Yes, “Speak English To America, Mr. ‘Si Se Puede’ Hip-Swaying Kaine!”)

Just as sure as the supercilious Kaine will speak Spanish—expect Pence to be unfaithful to the foreign policy of Donald Trump. I’ll be surprised if Pence utters the words “America First!”

Pence, however, will garner media accolades, for he won’t say one politically incorrect word.

He’s a nice enough man, but from where I’m perched, the “Pro Wars, Pro Islam, Not-So-Pro-Private Property” Mike Pence is a perfect fit for Demopublican politics.

UPDATE: As predicted, overall, useless Pence did little for Trump, other than look OK:

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Racism Through Google Glasses

Business, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness, Pseudoscience, Race, Racism, Technology

Dumb, white liberals—it all begins with them—think that reality starts at a university department (an un-scholarly one, at that), where you develop and politicize a concept, “racism.” Then you further build a bogus discipline around it—Critical Race Theory, or some other postmodern invention. And, if you’ve done those things correctly, reality will fall inline with your politically motivated constructs. Or so liberals believe, to wit,

Google is promoting the controversial claim it’s NOT possible for ethnic minorities to be racist against white people. GOOGLE is promoting the idea that ethnic minorities CANNOT be racist toward white people.

Back on the high-tech company’s campus, the racism construct, when perceived through Google’s Glasses, suits the company’s political goals, and those of the “Racism Industrial Complex.” But reality will not obey Google’s politics.

In other words, you leftists (and I always include in this cohort most self-styled conservatives) don’t want your white kids and wives being beaten to a pulp or worse, because of your unmoored theories about one-way, systemic racism and white privilege, etc.

You don’t want to lose your kids because you failed to warn them that the Black Lives Matter members, or just blacks inculcated in Hillary Clinton’s belief-system, will gladly beat your boys and girls and wives to a pulp if the spirit of hate so moves them.

Ask Colin Flaherty, heroic chronicler of black-on-white violence (also the predominant form of racial violence in this country).

Very many blacks do hate whites, root-‘n-branch. Blacks smashing white faces is not corrective feedback, it’s white hot racial hatred.