MSNBC Guest Claims Trump Abusing Put-Upon Media

Business, Democracy, Donald Trump, Free Markets, Media

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes entertained a guest who framed the fact that Donald Trump bowed out of the next debate, as the act of a strongman in power, bullying a put-upon, abused press. How does one unpack such messy thinking? First to consider is that Trump has been extremely accessible to media.

More important:

1. Trump is not in power. He is not bolstered by police powers. Not yet. So he is not a political strongman.
2. Trump has grown his support like a business grows on the free market, non-coercively. You offer a product. If people like it, they buy it. Your business grows through the democratic dollar vote of the consumer. Again, no coercion was involved in Trump’s rise.
3. In absenting himself from a media extravaganza with the showy Megyn Kelly, Trump might annoy media, but he is not disappointing his base, who’ve had enough of the debates, and he is certainly not violating anyone’s rights.

UPDATED: What ‘Bombing ISIS’ In Syria Looks Like

Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Middle East, Neoconservatism, Russia, Terrorism, War

This is what “bombing ISIS” in Syria looks like. You can’t find them, you can’t tell friend from foe, and you kill kids galore. It’s a bad idea.

“The truth about Syria: Undercover behind rebel lines,” By Clarissa Ward

The Russians did it. How will our Daisy Cutters differ?

UPDATED (3/22): Donald Trump, will you consider?

There are no good bombs.

Washington State Pinkos In A Pickle Over Sex-Selective Abortions

Ethics, Feminism, Gender, IMMIGRATION

The Evergreen State’s oink sector has a problem. It loves immigration, refugees too. The more the merrier. In fact, the door of the gym I frequent was plastered, recently, with a sign welcoming refugees and urging “haters” to leave. I’d have published the club’s name, but management soon thought the better of it and removed the sign. Perhaps the paying “haters” threatened to take their business elsewhere.

In any event, the pinkos in power in Washington State are partial to abortion as well, but dislike sex-selective abortions and want to ban it—mostly, is my guess, because girls are the fetuses generally expelled from immigrant uteruses.

Immigrants? Yes, you didn’t think Americans practiced sex-selective abortion, did you?!

The joy of multiculturalism is missing from the discussion about the monstrous practice of killing girls in-utero. From “Importing Monstrous Morals”:

Yes, In addition to their mostly ordinary abilities, the Indian H-1B intake is bringing with it an extraordinary antipathy for little girls. Chain migration means that each H-1B recruit brings in an extended family—all the better to help sustain the practice.

Empirical proof of these impregnable positions comes from the University of California, San Francisco. The UCSF conducted a “qualitative study of son preference and fetal sex selection among Indian immigrants in the United States.” It showed that “Indian immigrant women are using reproductive technologies and liberal abortion policies in the United States to abort female fetuses.” The study was published in Social Science & Medicine. Therein, the objects of observation are quoted as saying this: “There is such a thing as too many daughters, but not too many sons.”

The current monomania over Muslims and their disdain for women conceals that the habits of Hindus are as horrible. (And that diversity is a catastrophe, or is that a stretch!?)

MORE “Importing Monstrous Morals.”

Related: Abortions based on gender of fetus would be banned under Olympia bill

NRO’s Charles Cooke Second Rate Effete

Britain, Conservatism, Donald Trump, Neoconservatism, Politics, Republicans, Uncategorized

If only Ann Coulter would take him on and finish him off. In mannerism and pomposity, the insipid effete Charles Cooke is National Review’s Piers Morgan of the Right. These newer, washed-out British imports are nothing like the brilliant Christopher Hitchens. In fact, a Hitchens witticism nicely encapsulates the enterprise of the Cooke Republicans: “What is original is not true and what is true is not original.”

The few essays of Cooke I’ve read sport a sort of crass pragmatism. Perhaps it has to do with the impetus of his expertise: “British liberty,” and “American exceptionalism,” the latter being the hobby horse—really the Trojan Horse—of neoconservatives. As to British liberties: Our learned friend, Paul Gottfried, intimated, in Conservatism in American, that English prescriptive liberties are not exactly an American thing.

Note below Cooke’s silly psychologizing, connoted in Kelly’s tweet. Silly, since it is quite possible that Donald Trump is a natural strongman. Trump seems as authentic in his macho man persona as Charles Cooke is in his girly mannerism.