PRUDE NATION? Only When It Comes To Trump

Art, Donald Trump, Media, Politics, Pop-Culture, Republicans, Sex, The Zeitgeist

The lewder, more pornographic, and less talented at their craft pop icons become, the louder the Left lauds their artistically dodgy output. Miley Cyrus was mocked before she began twerking tush, gyrating crotch and twirling tongue. Only then had she arrived as an artist in the eyes of “critics” on the Left. Ditto Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian. The last launched a career with a sex tape and cultivated ass elephantiasis; and viola!

Cyrus, Beyoncé, Gaga, Madonna, Lena Dunham, et al.: There’s zero artistic range there. The power of the average pop artist and her products lies in the pornography that is her “art,” in her hackneyed political posturing, and in the fantastic technology that is Auto-Tune.

In a culture dominated by the left, vulgar and vacuousness is conflated with quality and edginess. So why is everyone apoplectic over a few naughty references and allusions in the presidential debates (begun by goody-goody Marco Rubio)?

Left and Right: everyone is distraught over the political strutting ongoing on the Republican stage.

Give me a break!

I bet you that if Bernie Sanders got a little frisky the Left would think him adorable.

UPDATE III (4/7): Trump Nation Tired of Racial Sadomasochism

Conservatism, Donald Trump, Race, Republicans

“Trump Nation Tired of Racial Masochism” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

The former Special Advisor for Green Jobs to Barack Obama, and all-round politically privileged and successful African-American, was demanding that Donald Trump, forthwith, get “passionate” about the black community.

Atone The Donald must for allegedly cozying up to the Clan.

The dust-up was about David Duke, former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Duke had endorsed Trump. Trump was supposed to flagellate for it. He didn’t. When CNN’s Jake Tapper pressed a peeved Trump to disavow the Duke endorsement; Trump hummed and hawed, and seemed generally annoyed at the reprimand. Apparently, he’s not into racial sadomasochism.

It was like, “You say David Duke is behind me? What do you want me to do about it? Stop hyperventilating, Jake. Breathe into a paper bag or something.”

Later, Trump tweeted short and sweet: “I disavow.”

The New York-Washington axis of evil—that’s you, Mr. Jones—went mal (as in grand mal).

“What! No sackcloth? No ashes?”

Trump should have answered the tricky Ku Klux Klan question he was asked by media with passion, fulminated an hysterical Van Jones, also on CNN.

For the sake of my kid, frothed Jones, flecks of spittle flying from his mouth. For the sake of the children of America.

The effing kids are the conman’s cudgel of choice.

Your kids are your business, Mr. Jones; your passions yours, too. No presidential candidate should be in the business of catering to ethnic or racial passions. It’s refreshing how switched-off Trump is from the racial-grievance industry.

If you imagined Republican pundits were less unhinged, you’re deluded. “Conservative” succubus S.E. Cupp completed the kitschification of the Donald-Duke debate.

The religion of thought control will do strange things to those who succumb to it. S.E. Idiot began talking in tongues. Conservatives have taken to speaking the postmodern gibberish once associated mostly with the pseudo-intellectual Left. “Trump ‘Otherizes’ others,” prattled this pig-ignorant panelist.

Essentially, Trump was unfazed even indifferent. As he should be. Trump’s attitude was, in fact, as it should be: Take your imagined thought crimes and guilt-by-association and shove ‘em. I’m not responsible for the philosophical bent of the individuals who endorse me. …

… Read the Rest “Trump Nation Sick ‘N Tired of Racial Masochism” is the current column, now on WND.

Vince Foster • 3 hours ago ON WND:

“… ethno-masochists, this is an important concept.”

UPDATE II (3/4):

jack008ryan • 3 hours ago

Excellent article Mrs. Mercer, absolutely brilliant, a clever mix of wit, satire, and hard hitting in their face truths……… a word…….REFRESHING.

Avatar DvBmr • 13 hours ago

Outstanding article/analysis!!!


UPDATED: The 11th Fox News GOP Debate, In Detroit, Highs & Lows

Donald Trump, Elections, Labor, Republicans, Terrorism, War

Overall assessment of the 11th GOP candidates’ debate in Detroit, 3/3/2016: Megyn Kelly was well-behaved; she had the sense to cut the snide comments and the flirty crap. Donald Trump did well except for serious pitfalls on the foreign, skilled-worker visa front, his university, Edward Snowden (100% hero), and other odds and ends. Ted Cruz cruised; no highs no lows. That’s the thing. One expects more from Cruz but one is forever disappointed. Marco Rubio was a robotic mess, if that oxymoron makes sense. He does, however, have a knack for the quick quip. John Kasich surprised in his critique of Hillary Clinton’s war in Libya, but as is always the case with the Republicans, they apply different criteria to Bush’s war crimes. In other words, you can’t trust them. Essentially, if Republicans launch an unwarranted war it’s considered a good thing; if the Dems do the same it’s bad.



UPDATE: My politcal instincts are GOOD. Trump is already responding to the H-1B missteps I highlighted:


Mitt Romney Gives Mormons (I Love The Mormons) A Bad Name

Bush, Donald Trump, Elections, Iraq, Morality, Republicans, Taxation

Mitt Romney, who inherited his privileges, says of Donald Trump, “He inherited his business, he didn’t create it.” Pot, kettle, black?

But above all, Romney is utterly morally bankrupt in his praise for war criminal George W. Bush, while condemning Trump (who has never ordered the killing of a single Iraqi kid) for destroying Dubya’s precious memory:

“Donald Trump says he admires Vladimir Putin, while has called George W. Bush a liar. That is a twisted example of evil trumping good.”

(Required reading: “Trump Called Bush A Liar & He Won South Carolina (Nevada, too)” & “Making America Great Means Exposing ‘W.’”)

“On foreign policy,” says Romney, “Donald Trump tells us that he is very, very smart. I’m afraid that when it comes to foreign policy he is very, very not smart.”

Sounds like ad hominen, not argument, Mitt.

At least Trump has not promised to bomb the world as Romney did during his failed, meek, mild and obsequious run against Barack Obama, in 2012.

On Iraq, says malevolent Mitt, Trump “spoke in favor of invading.”

Well, Trump did come out forcefully against the invasion of Iraq early in the game, when Romney was cheering the Republican blood hounds he runs with. But it is true that Trump has a horrible record of actually speaking coherently and consistently. His linguistic infelicities are unbearable. Surprising, too, given Trump was such a well-spoken, refined young man. Then again, Trump has not been a politician and should not be treated as such.

Trump has never passed a law. He’s political tabula rasa to Mitt Romney’s iffy record.

On his wealth: Romney predicts “that there are more bombshells in his tax returns. I predict that he doesn’t give much if anything to the disabled and to our veterans. … And I predict that despite his promise to do so, first made over a year ago, he will never ever release his tax returns. Never. Not the returns under audit, not even the returns that are no longer being audited. He has too much to hide.”

Let’s see. Trump’s tax returns will indeed be revealing.

MORE from the bitter and twisted Mitt, who respects the Republican base not at all.