Police State Shaking In Its Goose-Stepping Boots

Democracy,Democrats,Fascism,Law,Terrorism,The State


It’s the leading story on just about every cable network. “House Democrats are concerned about their security due to increased threats since Sunday’s vote to pass the health care bill.”

A grim-faced House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer held a news conference, where he bemoaned that “a significant number, meaning over 10” Democrats “had reported either threats, vandalism or other incidents. Capitol Police officials have briefed House Democrats on reporting suspicious or threatening activity and taking precautions to avoid ‘subjecting themselves or their families to physical harm,’ said Hoyer, D-Maryland.”

Hoyer was flanked by a chap called Jim Clyburn who mouthed cliches about the lessons of history, and threw the kitchen sink of civil rights, holocaust, homophobia in for good measure.

Most other news outlets ran with this story, against a backdrop of besieged Democrats speaking about the need for security details to guard their homes and families and wallowing in horror stories about a handful of disenfranchised voters who seem to have lost faith in the vaunted American mobocracy. (Your wishes to be left alone are ignored in a democracy?! You don’t say.)

Good luck to you in trying to get a security detail should your family come under threat or should your boyfriend threaten to kill you. The sponger class has no perception of how rarefied and cloistered is its worthless, parasitic existence.

How ludicrous and contemptuous for the political class (and its media sycophants), backed as it is by the tanks that took out tots at WACO, to put on this show—aimed at depicting a tiny number of angry voters who dared to step out of line as Timothy McVeighs in the making.

11 thoughts on “Police State Shaking In Its Goose-Stepping Boots

  1. Jack Slater

    There are no doubt a lot of pissed off people, but one should keep the following Wiki excerpt in mind as well:

    “False flag operations are covert operations which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities.”

  2. Derek

    I wonder if any of the broken windows and other acts of vandalism have been staged? I seem to recall some recent events involving nooses that turned out to be hoaxes. I would not put this past the democrats. They knew they were going to take political heat for their vote, now they seek sympathy for betraying the public will. In effect this will serve to paint, as violent extremists, anyone who criticizes this legislation from here on.

  3. Escovado

    Bah! I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the vandalism and threats were done by Democratic operatives. The same goes for the alleged epithets yelled at the Democrats by the tea partiers. The use of agent provocateurs is a common tactic used by the left the stir things up.

  4. Greg

    I hope this is the beginning of a revolution at the ballot box. We will find out in November. It’s time to take out the trash!

  5. Steve Hogan

    Greg, my trash demands an apology for being compared to Congress! It might smell a little, but I chuck it in the dumpster and all is well. No such luck with Congress, which reeks to high heaven and gets more putrid by the hour.

  6. james huggins

    It might be a few disgruntled tea partiers or it might not. It might be Acorn members, you didn’t really think that basket of snakes was out of business just because they said so did you? Either way it just illustrates how close this country is coming to radical action from either or both sides. Watch out for falling shrapnel.

  7. Myron Pauli

    Earlier this week (apparently), some Tea Partiers shouted obscenities, threats, and bigoted epithets (and possibly spat) at some Democratic Congressmen. The mainstream media (Times, Post, etc.) have magnified this incident a hundred-fold to serve their purposes. This is the recipe:

    1. Throw all “extreme” (which means non-mainstream) libertarian or conservatives into the violent/bigot/nutcase category. Add the old illogical “guilt by association” canard – hence:

    “Hitler drank milk, Ilana drank milk, thus Ilana equals Hitler”

    2. Add to the liberal chorus the “respectable” mainstream neocons such as Brooks, Kristol, Parker, Gerson, Douthat to separate responsible moderate acceptable Republicans like McCain, Graham, and Romney from the “extremists” and “nutcases”.

    3. Then put whomever you desire: Paul, Palin, Bachman, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Birthers, Birchers, Coulters, Limbaugh, Wilders, Paleos – into the UNACCEPTABLE pile. In fact, Rockefeller and George Romney did that to extremist Barry Goldwater. Any opinions to repeal Obamacare, in favoring the right to bear arms, against the stimulus, etc. goes into the UNACCEPTABLE pile with those who threaten Congress, use the N word, beat up gays, etc.

    4. Never mention the UNACCEPTABLE views except when tying them into violence, bigotry, and “extremism”. Keep them out of debates and ban them from Canada.

  8. ernie

    It’s a pity we live in a centralized police state. Once upon a time in a free country citizens tarred and feathered traitors and rode them out of town on a rail. That was how politicians were kept honest. Now it’s illegal to advocate for such things, of course.

  9. Stephen Hayes

    Well, the damnocrats certainly pissed me off, and I know there are plenty of people in this country who are not as rational or mild-mannered as I am. The damns ought to be reminded what happens when one spits into the wind. I would not encourage people to violence, but do these leftist traitors have any right now to whine that people are mad? If the damns can sell their own souls so cheaply, why do they think we ought to value them any higher?

    And besides, they said the American people wanted this bill. So, how come they’re afraid of us now? Jefferson said that where a people fear their government, there is tyranny. Where a government fears its people, there is liberty. Let the damnocrats buy some extra depends and stop crying. They’re the ones who wet in their beds, not us.

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