Pretty, But No Picture of Conservative Courage

Ann Coulter,Conservatism,Crime,Family,Political Correctness,Racism,Republicans


The crowned queen bees of conservatism have it so easy. They say hardly anything original or gutsy. But because Boobus Americanus is so blinded by boobs of the mind and the mammary glands—these women keep their crowns.

Ann Coulter isn’t going to tackle—at least not until it’s safe—the hot white issue of feral- flash mob violence that has spread across “Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, in the upmarket area of Streeterville, in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., in Las Vegas, in St. Paul, Minn., in Philadelphia, on and on.”

That’s a partial excerpt from my upcoming WND column, “Sacrificing Kids To PC Pieties,” in which the immigrant (guess who?) does the dirty job the natives (queen bees of conservatism) won’t do (looks out for the kids).

Rather, Ms. Coulter touches on the attack against Glenn Beck and his family in New York, to drive home her recycled thesis (Democrats are bad and Republicans are good). In “Glenn Beck vs. the Mob,” Ms. Coulter, in PC fashion, promises that, “Beck and his family would have been fine at an outdoor rap concert.”


According to the Philadelphia Business Times, “100 or more teenagers who left a concert night committed a series of violent crimes.” I wonder if it was a “rap concert”?

Another picture of conservative courage is Laura Ingraham, who guest hosted for O’Reilly last tonight. As the blunt bloggers of “View from the Right” noted, “She covered the black thuggery problem without mentioning the race of the thugs or the distinct possibility that they were singling out Caucasians. That’s all, folks!”

7 thoughts on “Pretty, But No Picture of Conservative Courage

  1. Myron Pauli

    Frankly, Ann Coulter and Rachel Maddow and the Culture Warriors on the Left and Right make me want to vomit over the way they have poisoned American politics. Here is a typical brainless political advertisement for some Conservative Hero of the Coulteresque stripe:

    Now watch this ad carefully. Does it mention our $ 1,600,000,000,000 annual deficit? Does it mention how America jails more people than “communist tyranny” China, a larger country? Does it mention our endless overseas wars and military bases? Does it mention how we outspend everyone on “education” yet underperform much of the world? Does it mention our crumbling infrastructure, the overpriced over-bureaucratized health care system, urban decay, massive unemployment/underemployment, currency inflation, financial malinvestment, or other serious problems? Hell no!

    Rather, America is beset by ILLEGAL ALIEN GAY BOY SCOUTS BURNING AMERICAN FLAGS and other culture hot-button rot!!! And the Democrats are just as bad where every Republican is some Klan Gaybeating Sexist Racist Bogeyman. This is the Welfare-Warfare Leviathan State in its most mindless state of intellectual senility. The Coulters, Malkins, Meghan McCains, Maddows, and their male counterparts like Beck and Hannity howling about some silly but basically irrelevant “outrage” committed by the other side!

  2. CompassionateFascist

    Recently, a proximate gang of blacks referred to (me as) a “snowflake”. I let it go, not carrying. The time is coming when I will be carrying, and will not let it go.

    [Let us hope that you will not react to speech with firepower.]

  3. Robert Glisson

    CompassionateFascist: Recently I noticed on the Vox Day blog, numerous postings, calling people “Snowflake” Someone asked what it meant. I believe the definition meant- someone who had an exaggerated sense of their own importance. I could and probably am incorrect; however, you could check them to find out if it really was an insult or just someone showing that he knew a new chic word. Heavy metal should only be considered when one is facing the possibility of living in a box or being carried in one.

  4. Abelard Lindsey

    I mostly avoid Vox Day’s blog these days. Vox Day and his respondents seem to have walked off the map with their obsession with the religious stuff.

  5. CompassionateFascist

    When blacks refer to whites as “snowflakes” it means melt away, as in disappear. It is an explicitly genocidal image. Certain radical left, anti-white Jews have the same notion. Cf. Noel Ignatiev, Tim Wise, and the “Imagine 2050” crowd.

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