Sacrificing Kids To PC Pietism

Conservatism,Crime,Ilana Mercer,Political Correctness,Propaganda,Race,Racism,Republicans


The excerpt is from “Sacrificing Kids To PC Pietism,” now on WND:

“After brief observation, here is how an alien from deep space would puzzle over the creatures who, by dint of a miracle, still dominate the Western world:

This prototypical man is flabby in body and mind. He is fearful and easily cowed. He erupts in tears at a drop of a hat. He is gripped by the culture of apology and flagellates over sins he has not committed.

His eternal state of expiation is driven not by goodness, but by insufferable self-righteousness.

This archetypal man forgives unspeakable violence against himself and those he is obligated to protect. He would not hurt a fly, much less repel a foe.

An astute alien would notice that, in this regard, there is not a dime’s worth of difference between the ‘conservative’ and ‘liberal’ earthling. Both insist on catering to and enabling organized entities – in politics and in other crime – that despise them for their abilities and frailties, and instinctively seek to harm them.

These hostile identity groups segregate themselves voluntarily from the Western weakling, something our alien well-understands. He himself has little respect for a people that enables evil as a matter of principle. (However, to his superiors, the alien in this parable will be recommending not conquest, but cooperation. It better fits with his civilization.)

Flash- feral mobs flood places of commerce across the once-great country of America. What does the overwhelmed creature under observation do? ‘Conservative’ or liberal, he refuses to finger his assailants.

Instead, his experts implicate abstractions (“risk-taking”), and his media mouthpieces (The Huffington Post and Fox News) point to technology such as social media. Yet another, least logical, bogus causal agent invoked (at the American Thinker): the racism of the Democratic Party.

Not only does this generic Joe refuse to identify his proud, empowered attackers, but he rejects the possibility that they act out of ingrained animus for his kind.” ….

Read the complete column, “Sacrificing Kids To PC Pietism.”

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14 thoughts on “Sacrificing Kids To PC Pietism

  1. R. J.

    Is this your best, toughest, and most eloquent column yet? I’m inclined to think it is.

    [Coming from you… and all that stuff, Rob. But yes. I usually edit what I wrote for the last time and think, “This could do with work, if I had time and the opportunity costs facilitate the consideration. After reading this one, I thought: 1) “Where, old girl, do you find the energy?” And, 2) If the WAPO, or the NYT, or WSJ were not mediocre propaganda rags—this would be front-and-center.]

  2. Jennifer

    Piercing article. I think the speech that Laci Peterson’s mother gave to Scott at the end of his trial was more fitting for an address to atrocity.

  3. Michael Marks

    It’s interesting you expose a not so little dirty secret that has been going on in different forms since at least the 1970’s I lived in Baltimore, MD until I was 14 years old. My first experience with real black intimidation of whites started when a new Jr. High School opened that was within walking distance of my home.

    Because the school was new and modern it attracted kids from a little wider area than the previous jr. high I had attended. This wider area included a lot of black students who had no great love for “whitey”.

    However, there was one big difference between my parents and John Strange. My father had already warned me to be careful around thugs, who at the time were mostly black in Baltimore. In addition we attended sporting events (baseball, basketball, hockey, and football) where we had to go through rough, mostly black, parts of town. So I recognized the threat when it appeared.

    It is also interesting to note that some of the kids who came into our jr. high were 15 or 16 years old instead of 13 or 14. These kids had failed a grade or two so they were physically bigger and stronger than the rest of us. Although this group of kids did not represent the majority of black kids, there were certainly more older black kids than whites; they did however represent a fairly significant number of the black kids.

    I remember ond incident in particular where a gang of black kids decided to rumble down to the principal’s office to “voice their grievances”, knocking down any white kid who happened to be in their path, to the school’s principal. I was on the 2nd floor in class while the incident took place on the third floor. Ilana, it sounded like a herd of elephants were running the halls on the floor above. A lot of teachers locked their doors in order to keep the thundering herd from entering their classrooms.

    It is also interesting to note that the principal or vice principal (I can’t remember which now) who took the brunt of the mob’s actions was also black. Of course she was considered a “sell out or an Aunt Jemima” becasue she enforced the rules and didn’t cowtow to the mob.

    I also had another advantage over the Strange boy I was athletic and had a stocky build and was less likely to be a victim. Although I didn’t realize it at the time I have been told that I have “intense eyes” which I guess make me look more intimidating than I really am.

    I would be interested in looking at the statistics you reference in your book and group them into geographical areas of the country. You may have already done this in your book, I just haven’t gotten that far along in my reading.

    Thanks for writing a fine article about about the flash mobs and thier “paricipants”. Although the technology for organization has changed and the places where the gangs or mobs operate, the problem has been around for a long time. Of course you would never know it from the news.

    One more antecdote from my jr. high. I recently had dinner with one of my former classmates. She transferred back to the jr. high we attended the previous year (7th grade). One of the reasons she mentioned for transferring was that the “sisters” (her words) didn’t like her long blonde hair.

    FWIW I had a crush on this girl from the 2nd grade until I left Baltimore at the age of 14. Unlike the “sisters” I had no problem with her blonde hair and brown eyes!

  4. james huggins

    “fearful and easily cowed. Erupts in tears at the drop of a hat. Gripped by the culture of apology and flagellates over sins he has not committed.” Well and darned well said. I don’t know how to turn this attitude around but as I noted long ago western man is fast becoming a social and political eunuch. Who do we have as a leadership figure? Some clone of Mr Rogers? Any man who acts like a man is immediately shunned and vilified. People of Western culture either don’t know what real manhood is or knowing what wimps they are personally are they automatically rebuff real men as leaders. Women cause this dereliction of manhood, but conversely, women can also give men a charge and get them feeling like men. You ought to see a girls only pep rally for a football team. When it’s over the team is ready to charge hell with a water pistol. I wish there were more Ilana Mercers around.

  5. Dennis

    During yesterday’s TV/CABLE cruising, I saw 2 programs that really fit this piece.

    1. The first showed a British Official walking and talking with a crowd. The next moment, a fellow throws an in-the-shell raw egg and hits the Official in the face and neck. The Official immediately lands a left-hook on the guys chin. Guess who gets in trouble? 2. At the ANTHONY TRIAL, a young man flips the Prosecutor the “bird”. Displaying NO HESITATION, the Judge has this kid cuffed, fined a total of $623, 6-days-in-jail, and scolded.

    At least some of the older men have cahones…can’t speak for the PCers who try to hide in the crowds or think they’re too young to be reprimanded.

    People, get your kids – boys & girls – enrolled in Judo Classes so they get a feel for the real nitty-gritty.

  6. Myron Pauli

    Certainly there was a time in our history when there was major organized white-on-black crime – mostly before 1964 (and not much after 1930). Nowadays, it is more like “man bites dog” and the far larger crime picture is black on: white / yellow / brown / black.

    When blacks moved into Jewish neighborhoods in New York, they were mostly welcomed followed rapidly by Jews fleeing when schools became unruly and stores got looted – with a noted exception of the (somewhat kooky) Lubavitches of Crown Heights.

    The Crown Heights riots of black rage were dramatized in a famous play “Fires in the Mirror” of which my dissertation advisor is actually a character!

    Since author/playright/actress Anne Deveare Smith’s one woman show is on You Tube – I shall watch and then comment further:

  7. Dan Jeffreys

    Another great article Ilana. Those of us who are still real men in this society do feel like an endangered species. I shake my head in amazement at these fools who promote their own destruction.

  8. Myron Pauli

    Speaking of Baltimore, there was the notorious bus beating of a white couple who had the audacity to ride the bus:

    (prosecuted by my wife’s neighbor!). Another co-worker of mine who lived in Baltimore moved up to Pennsylvania (and commutes to DC!) after his property got stolen and his kids beaten by the local “youths” – he’s a ex-Senior Chief Petty Officer but did not want to put his family into the firing line.

    You have to be a little crazy to confront a mob by yourself – people either move out to some suburbia (what do you do in South Africa, though??) or you organize en masse like the stubborn Lubavitch of Crown Heights that are mentioned in that movie (like earlier)

  9. Graham Strouse

    Quite simply, I think that people & cultures that have been too effectively insulated from existential threats will always tend to falter or freak out when they’re actually exposed to such a threat or even the appearance of such a threat. One of the first lessons every child needs to learn is that, yes, fire does burn.

  10. Cuan

    Remember Amy Biehl, the young American aid-worker brutally murdered in SA “because she was white”? Well, her grieving parents appointed her killers as directors of the Amy Biehl Foundation, and blubbered about how, under different circumstances, she “could have married one of them!” Sounds like child-sacrifice to “political correctness.”

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