Racism Through Google Glasses

Business,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Political Correctness,Pseudoscience,Race,Racism,Technology


Dumb, white liberals—it all begins with them—think that reality starts at a university department (an un-scholarly one, at that), where you develop and politicize a concept, “racism.” Then you further build a bogus discipline around it—Critical Race Theory, or some other postmodern invention. And, if you’ve done those things correctly, reality will fall inline with your politically motivated constructs. Or so liberals believe, to wit,

Google is promoting the controversial claim it’s NOT possible for ethnic minorities to be racist against white people. GOOGLE is promoting the idea that ethnic minorities CANNOT be racist toward white people.

Back on the high-tech company’s campus, the racism construct, when perceived through Google’s Glasses, suits the company’s political goals, and those of the “Racism Industrial Complex.” But reality will not obey Google’s politics.

In other words, you leftists (and I always include in this cohort most self-styled conservatives) don’t want your white kids and wives being beaten to a pulp or worse, because of your unmoored theories about one-way, systemic racism and white privilege, etc.

You don’t want to lose your kids because you failed to warn them that the Black Lives Matter members, or just blacks inculcated in Hillary Clinton’s belief-system, will gladly beat your boys and girls and wives to a pulp if the spirit of hate so moves them.

Ask Colin Flaherty, heroic chronicler of black-on-white violence (also the predominant form of racial violence in this country).

Very many blacks do hate whites, root-‘n-branch. Blacks smashing white faces is not corrective feedback, it’s white hot racial hatred.