Republican Rep. T. Massie: ‘More Bureaucracy To Go After Domestic Terrorism Is Probably A Good Thing’

Argument,Conservatism,Constitution,COVID-19,Individual Rights,Race,Racism,Republicans,Terrorism,The State


‘We have a bill that’ll go after domestic terrorism, and that’s probably a good thing.’—Thomas Massie, Republican from Kentucky

Rep. Thomas Massie has found his voice on the still-extant Covid tyranny. Like all things Republican, it’s better than nothing, but nothing much at all.

The Kentucky Congressman … called for an amendment to be included in H.R. 350, a domestic terrorism bill, that would prevent the government from using funds to “monitor, analyze, investigate or prosecute” an American citizen on the bases of their refusal or opposition to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

“The fact that moms are going to be targeted as domestic terrorists because they think their 5-year-old doesn’t need a freaking vaccine because they’ve looked at the data. They’ve seen that the flu presents more of a risk to their child than COVID does — any of the variants,” said Congressman Massie.

While the “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act” did not initially include language regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, Massie is forcing the issue to add text that provides protections to parents who oppose vaccine mandates.

Such dissembling as that of Representative Massie is deceptive. For one, he is right. Covid-19 has no place in a bill on domestic terrorism. But neither does a Bill against domestic terrorism have a place in the repertoire of a Republican legislator who considers himself hip to the infringements on liberty that such State overreach portends. Yet Massie declared,

… More bureaucracy to go after domestic terrorism is probably a good thing.

Moreover, self-ownership such as that exercised by sovereign individuals, in a free country, means that each and everyone of us has the right to reject the Pharma-State’s hemlock, no matter the reasons, scientific or not. The right to refuse the jab is not reserved for moms and their toddlers, for whom Massie exclusively advocates. What a dumb argument.


Nowhere is a rights-based argument being made [by Republicans], or an argument based on the right to question the safety of the vaccine. Nowhere are individual sovereignty and self-ownership mentioned.

Indeed, Republicans prattle about religious exemptions (state granted!) and natural-immunity based exemptions (state granted!)—but they have not the faintest urge to defend the natural, God-given right of self-ownership.

Enough then of the cheering for the ineffectual GOP and its front men and women, who arrive in the Idiocracy’s version of Rome, only to do nothing, decade after decade. Oh, yes, they turn in appearances on TV and before congressional committees; get lucrative book deals, and consolidate political and corporate power for a lifetime.

But as the West careens toward the Covid-centered anthill society, nobody identifies and defends the individual’s dominion over his body and his right to reject the Pharma-State’s Hemlock prescription for that body. As emphasized, Republicans’ case against Covid mandates indirectly capitulates to coercion.

SOURCE: “Self-Ownership And The Right To Reject The Pharma-State’s Hemlock,” Ilana Mercer

H.R. 350, the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act was so far rejected by House Judiciary Committee Republicans.

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