UPDATED (4/20): Rest In Peace, Prince Philip; Burn In Hell Meghan Markle

America,Britain,Celebrity,Family,Psychology & Pop-Psychology


Bide your time, lovely Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge. You’ll be queen one day, a beautiful and benevolent queen, and then you can dispatch the manipulative and malevolent schemer, Meghan Markle, to The Tower of London (“Mighty fortress. Royal palace. Infamous prison”), if she dare set foot in England.

It’s time for the royals to reclaim the moxie of Queen Elizabeth I (1533–1603).

This hopeful exhortation comes against the backdrop of the passing of “Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, at the age of 99, [which] marks both a moment of personal grief for the Queen and the royal family and a moment of national mourning for a man who dedicated his life to public service.”

Prince Philip had been teetering when Markle gave her performance with the Queen of Kitsch, Oprah Winfrey. Meghan Markle’s sordid little Oprah psycho-drama dwarfs, in this context. She has shown herself as a tacky, tawdry, Hollywood c-list actress, who is a disgrace to the decent Americans.

In 2017, I had predicated, too hastily, that Meghan Markle, American actress, would finish what Diana Spencer had begun: destroy the Monarchy. Markle was a divorced, left-liberal feminist out of Hollywood. It screams degeneracy. She’s pathologically manipulative, too. The signs were there. Check out video footage I posted then of the Child Snake.

When Markle erupted, the cretins of American media proved too corrupt and stupid to look at the bare-bones of reality: who was doing the trashing, dividing and bad-mouthing? ‘Twas trashy Meghan Markle.

Peddling hearsay: That was Meghan Markle, who’s turned her houseboy on his family, the monarchy. The latter are refined, something trash-bag Markle doesn’t get. Even if the Queen and her family thought “improper” thoughts about her, they’d never express them.

Incidentally, Markle’s narcissism is not a mental disorder, it needs no diagnosis; it’s a fault and a flaw. Over this space, we do not medicalize bad, ugly behavior. That lefty mode of thinking is another erroneous thinking adopted by conservatives from the Left. Evil is not an illness.

A brother comes out with it: That empty suit, Meghan Markle, has unleashed insignificance on an anguished world, says “Suits” co-star Wendell Pierce. Well said. That’s narcissism, now isn’t it? Foisting your solipsistic, inconsequential self on the cosmos.

The queen won’t outlive Meghan Markle, but she dwarfs that ditz.

Comparing Biden (sadly dim) and Queen Elizabeth (sharp), as she conducts a Zoom call with The Kingdom, Mark Steyn performed brilliant satire on the Tucker Carlson Show, calling the Queen—read about some of her feats in “Mobocracy Vs. Monarchy“—Bret Baier in a tiara.

Heartfelt condolences, your Majesty.

UPDATED (4/20): No wonder we get on so well, David. Not a redundant word in this YouTube. And no milquetoast words, either. I liked “vile” for the specter of the great lady, The Queen, alone in the pews.  A picture paints a ….

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