UPDATED: Rex Tillerson: Private Sector Top-Performer Makes Pols Look Dumb

Business,Donald Trump,Human Accomplishment,Intelligence,Logic,Politics


Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump’s pick for US secretary of state, instantiates the deep differences in intelligence and competency between politicians (those grilling him) and a top-performing individual, at the top of his game in the private sector (Tillerson). It’s night and day.

Impressive are Tillerson’s command of the issues, in-depth insights and meticulous, careful, logical approach. Tillerson’s confirmation hearing is what “no-experience-in-politics” looks like, when exhibited by a legendary top performer in the private-sector.

As historian Clyde Wilson has observed, politics is a degraded sphere. Poor pickings is all you get in politics (with negligible exceptions).


Marco Rubio delivers, during the confirmation hearings, a neocon laundry list & lecture about what the US government must do with its people’s taxes to liberate the world. America First, moron. #MAGA