“Saying ‘I’m a Socialist’ = Saying ‘I’m a Massive idiot'”



“About the only people who haven’t figured out that saying ‘I’m a socialist’ is the same as saying ‘I’m a massive idiot’ are Western academics and zillionaire celebrities.”

Nice, pithy blog post at ProfessorBainbridge.com, as to why “aging ex-supermodel Elle MacPherson,” who professes socialism, is known as “the Body” and not “the Brain.”

I disagree that the US and UK continue to enjoy capitalist economies, as Professor Bainbridge cheerily asserts, but his point about the stupidity of a well-rewarded celebrity class is well-taken (and well-made).

What MacPherson desperately needs is for the proto-angel from It’s a Wonderful Life to take her on a tour of what MacPherson’s life would have been like if she had been born in, say, East Germany or the Soviet Union in, say, 1955. Maybe they’d have time for a quick visit to the Gulag Archipelago. Or the angel could show her what her life would have been like if she had lived in Cambodia in the late 1970s.

Besides, we hear a lot about undue corporate influence on politics, but precious little of Hollywood’s access to the Idiocoracy in DC.

6 thoughts on ““Saying ‘I’m a Socialist’ = Saying ‘I’m a Massive idiot'”

  1. Myron Pauli

    Ok – go to Google Images and click on
    Elle Mac Pherson. Then click on Ayn Rand. F**k Socialism! – but invest in capitalism.

    Ironically, my brokerage house is hosting a seminar for “investors” at dinner time on planning for retirement with Social Security (talk about perversion – which, even more perversely, has been the norm for over 2 generations).


  2. George Pal

    Anyone considering opting for the celebral* over the cerebral would be well advised to note the consequences as exemplified by Elle Macpherson – a cautionary tale.

    *celebral (neologism) adj.
    as per celebrity, but of a greatly diminished sort; widely known or recognized for no widely known or earthly reason. The celebral Ms. Macpherson was scheduled to appear at the gala fundraiser for appearances sake.

  3. Rebel Without a Clause

    When you work for Rich Reds, you parrot the party line, or you don’t get paid. See also: Matt Damon, George Cloony, most others along the NY/Hollywood media axis. Same goes for Mudsharx like Heidi Klum.

  4. JP

    It’s easy being a socialist if you are a member of the inner party.

  5. james huggins

    It’s always amazing to me that people actually take the ravings of a vacuous ditz like Elle Mcpherson or Madonna or any one of a hundred show-biz “pundits” seriously.

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