Updated: Sleeping With Your Sources



The sycophantic media sleeps with its sources. Here is Ben Shapiro on some of the more unethical, incestuous relations between media and politics, starting with the latest coupling:

“Psychologists are not supposed to sleep with their clients. Neither are lawyers. Bosses aren’t supposed to sleep with their secretaries. Professors are generally not allowed to sleep with their students. Yet reporters are somehow supposed to be immune from the implicit biases associated with having sex with the people they’re covering.”

ABC correspondent Bianna Golodryga is sleeping with the nerdiest elephant in the circus [“Obama budget boss Peter Orszag”] And she happens to be one of the lead reporters on the circus. Which makes her a clown rather than a reporter. Golodryga never should have gotten involved with Orszag. Now that she is, ABC News should move her to another division of their news bureau.

“The media is treating this whole story as a seedy morality play starring an incredibly nerdy Director of OMB. But even though it now appears that Orszag was spreading his seed just as profligately as taxpayer money, that isn’t the real story.”

Update: The beauty and the beast share one thing: a beastly philosophy of statism and interventionism. Somewhere Mr. Ugly said he likes the girl because she’s Jewish and gets up earlier than he. Golodryg has been twittering about how handsome he is. Stupid.

5 thoughts on “Updated: Sleeping With Your Sources

  1. Barbara Grant

    Shapiro (excellent article) may be a little too young to remember this one, Barbara Walters and MA Sen. Edward Brooke: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,353969,00.html

    I don’t know offhand whether Brooke was ever a source for “Bawabawa,” but in the 1970s, revealing such an affair could have ruined both their careers.

    How different from today! Shapiro is too kind in suggesting Golodryga be moved to cover other issues; in fact, she should be fired.

  2. haym

    Is it just me, or is this a strange pair of bedfellows? She is beautiful and he – well – not beautiful. Money and power – if you have that as a man – no limits on the women who will throw themselves at your feet. Me – I always wear old clothes and drive used care, I prefer that they find me intellectually interesting first – and like what they see – before I tell them I have a billion in the bank.

  3. Steve Hogan

    The budget nerd is creepy. Is there any debate about this? Maybe that’s why he fits in so swimmingly with the other arrogant paper-pushers in Washington.

    One thing is certain: he may literally be screwing his media source, but he is helping to figuratively screw the rest of us. One glance at this guy’s mug should be all the motivation one needs to buy gold and, well, best not to say.

    We’re doomed.

  4. Myron Pauli

    Alan Greenspan and Andrea Mitchell…. Actually, probably 25% of the mainstream media has sexual partners or direct family members who are lobbyists, politicians, etc. Keep in mind that several influence Senators and Congressmen had wives and kids who were big shot consultants and lobbyists. And do not assume that either party has a monopoly on sleaze. In my district, my adultress State Senator was a $ 300,000/ year lobbyist and her adulterer husband (they tied the knot after cheating on their mates) headed the Congressional committee on Governmental Oversight!

  5. james huggins

    The whole big government, big media, big business community is a sleazy, corrupt cess pool. A huge “sweep out” is called for. By the way, I always wear old clothes and drive used cars to keep the gold digging females away. It works too. Of course they eventually find out that I don’t have squat in the bank. Maybe that helps kep them away too.

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