South African Patriot Steve Hofmeyr Is Closer to Truth Than ANC Propagandist. Naturally.



Do you believe apartheid-era number crunchers with their typical Western fidelity to record keeping, or the ANC records, crunched by a propagandist at Africa Check?

I’d go with Hofmeyr (or Mercer). For lies in science, no amount of hyperbole from Hofmeyr can match the African National Congress and its supporters in the social “sciences.”

The point of contention: “Are SA whites really being killed ‘like flies’? Why Steve Hofmeyr is wrong.”

Keith B. Richburg is the author of a remarkable journalistic tour de force, “Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa.” My own book, “Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa,” recounts Richburg’s surprise at just what a western outpost South Africa was.

Before it reverted to the seething kraal it is today, a South African crime scene was thus processed. Excerpted from “Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa”:

Just before Afrikaners surrendered without defeat, Richburg, Africa bureau chief for The Washington Post from 1991 to 1994, journeyed to South Africa from the killing fields to the north, on assignment. In the course of his duties, he filed a report from the scene of a tribally motivated killing near Johannesburg. Zulu and Xhosa were embroiled in pre-elections strife. Twelve people had been gunned down. A small massacre by African standards—at least, so thought Richburg, who has described Africa as a continent where everywhere black bodies are stacked up like firewood. Imagine his astonishment when “the police, mostly officious-looking white officers with ruddy complexions—came and did what you might expect police to do in any Midwestern American city where a crime has occurred. They cordoned off the area with police tape. They marked the spots on the ground where the victims had fallen.” Topping this CSI-worthy protocol was a statement to the press “promising a ‘full investigation.’” This civilized routine Richburg characterized as utterly misplaced on a continent where nobody counts the bodies; and where chasing down and charging a man with murder is like “handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.” (Pages 22-23)

State statisticians and record keepers were likewise rather good in the Old South.

So, Nechama Brodie critiquing Hofmeyr, or the latter quoting Apartheid-era numbers (likewise extrapolated in my 2011 book)? I’d go with Hofmeyr.

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