Spencer On 'Obsession'



Robert Spencer explains, vis-Ã -vis my complaint about the documentary “Obsession,” why the directors needed to be so, well, politically correct:

“I agree with Mercer that it doesn’t go far enough in identifying the source of that challenge — which I think must be done if anything is ultimately going to be done to meet the challenge effectively. So along with, but not instead of, Obsession, I recommend the less flashy but more informative Islam: What the West Needs to Know.

Now, I am in Islam: What the West Needs to Know, but not in Obsession, as Mercer points out, but that is not why I am recommending the other film along with Obsession: while I appreciate Mercer’s kind words, certainly the Obsession producers could have told the full truth about the jihad ideology without featuring my mug in their movie. If they had told those truths, however, they almost certainly would not have gotten their film onto Fox News. So it’s a trade-off. A lot of people are waking up to what we’re up against because of Obsession, and so my hat is off to Wayne Kopping and Rafael Shore.”

I think the wise Mr. Spencer is suggesting — implicitly, at least — that I be less impolitic.

One thought on “Spencer On 'Obsession'

  1. Steve Brazil

    I agree with Spencer. Breaking down the PC wall is the first step to dealing with this situation. These are very bad people we’re up against and the PC/moral equivalency types are crippling our ability to deal with it. It might not be perfect but this documentary is a positive action toward getting the sheeple in this Country to see reality.

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