UPDATED: The Comedy Central Campaign (The Monochromatic Face Of Morons)

Elections,Glenn Beck,Hollywood,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Media,Political Correctness,Pop-Culture,The Zeitgeist


The media meme is providing wall-to-wall coverage of the Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert comic relief. The consensus is that the “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” held by the two smarmy entertainers was all good. In contrast, naturally, to Glenn Beck’s middle America rally.

TIME magazine found statist clown Stewart “earnest and eloquent” as he preached from his perch of sinecure: “we live now in hard times, not end times. And we can have animus and not be enemies.”

And what do you know? The very same parrot press that was unable to gauge how many people attended Glenn’s rally; never contested the turnout at the Stewart event.

The magazine’s adoring description of the fun attendees conjured Pat Buchanan’s astute observation not so long ago about Americans: a silly people living in serious times.

“Attendees came decked out for the season, sporting zombie face-paint, Waldo costumes and Richard Nixon masks; a coven of Christine O’Donnells strolled by as Darth Vader snapped a picture with a conservationist toting a massive replica of an Arctic tern. To catch a glimpse of the proceedings, crowd members staked out space atop port-a-potties or climbed trees. Others hoisted Shepard Fairey-style Team Sanity placards and meta-ironic signs advertising their views on abortion, taxes, beards, Lost, Lyndon LaRouche and lunar prisons. ‘God Hates Rallies,’ declared one missive. ‘God Hates Snuggies,’ went another. Still a third: ‘I am pretty sure God Hates Us All Equally.’ There was a yellow Gadsden flag — the ubiquitous Tea Party emblem — but instead of ‘Don’t Tread on Me,’ it read, ‘OMG, Snakes!'”

Whereas tea party protesters have been described invariably as angry, ugly, racist, and not diverse; these equally monochromatic morons were “the stars of the show.”

To help you understand why American kids will become a drag on the country’s economy for years to come, meet rally attendee “Marsha Eck, a 54-year-old teacher from South Bend, Ind.,” who “expressed hope that the gathering could provide ‘a model for a new kind of conversation.'”

Or the “trio of teenagers from Downington, Pa., who came with their high-school civics class and wore matching lime-green t-shirts so that their teacher could spot them,” and who “explained that the rally was important because ‘everybody is yelling but nobody listens to each other.'”

Look, I know that in America, people who do stupid, venal, or ill-conceived things will generally suffer no setbacks. But, for my money, Jon Stewart’s stuttering attempt at politicking are mistaken. He had managed to keep his comedic hat on until now. This strength he has now forfeited.

UPDATED: The Monochromatic Face Of Morons. Monochromatic of mind, that is. Larry Auster has it:

5 thoughts on “UPDATED: The Comedy Central Campaign (The Monochromatic Face Of Morons)

  1. David Smith

    The good news is that when this economy does take its inevitable tumble, there won’t be time for the earth children, recycled hippies, “cross-dressing cockroaches in crisis” (Thanks, Berke Breathed), or other assorted weirdos and overwrought leftists.

  2. Mike Marks

    I think the wording of the Drudge link to the story “Send in the Clowns” pretty well summed up the event. The photo above reminds me of a childhood joke. A black dot is placed on a blank sheet of white paper. The “artist” then asks guess what this is? Typcial answer I don’t know. The artist then responds with “a polar bear in a snowstorm”.

  3. Michel Cloutier

    If you look closely, you will find a couple of black guys in that picture. They were no doubt dragged there by their white liberal girlfriends. I don’t really know how things are in the US, but here in Canada a multi-racial couple is almost invariably a black (often foreign-born) dude and a white girl.

  4. mike

    Nothing could be whiter than a Daily Show rally. They know that no one will call them on this, which is why they didn’t even try to court minorities the way Beck and other Tea Party rallies did. I hope that Fox and Breitbart will point this out, because no one else will.

  5. mike

    And when I say that I hope certain news outlets point this out, I mean that I hope they’ll invite you on their shows to make this point! Godspeed, Ilana.

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