The "Don’t Tread On Me” Tradition Is Back!

Federal Reserve Bank,Liberty,Neoconservatism,Old Right,Political Philosophy,Republicans,Ron Paul,Taxation,Terrorism,War


Or so says Richard Spencer, editor of Taki’s Magazine, in the fabulous article: “Are the Tea Parties Radical and Paranoid Enough?

In the tea party protest Spencer attended he saw ample signs of the Old Right rising. This recrudescence took the form of fewer “bloviations about the war on terror,” and more “Abolish the Federal Reserve!” and “Republicans + Democrats = National-Socialism” signs. “[O]nly two or three blue-blazer-and-kakis Frumbots” loitered around aimlessly.


Writes Richard: “There’s no question that the Republicans would love to co-opt the Tea Party movement to strengthen their prospects in 2010, but my sense last night was that the ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ crowd might be a bit too radical to be neutralized and Republicanized easily.”

Read the rest on Taki’s.

2 thoughts on “The "Don’t Tread On Me” Tradition Is Back!

  1. JP Strauss

    I misread “neutralized and Republicanized” as “neutered and Republicanized”. Which kinda seems like the same thing if you look at your country’s modern history…

  2. Barbara Grant


    I was pleased to read that you are now contributing to Taki’s Magazine. I agree that they have some very fine writers and now they have your work! Best regards.

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