'The Genocide in Democratic South Africa'



“They are conservative, Christian Caucasians, a fact that might help explain why the fashionable left in the West doesn’t much care that they’re being exterminated.

The Boers —or farmers —of South Africa have tilled the land for generations, on small holdings or on large commercial farms. But orgiastic killing sprees by The People, in combination with a Stalinesque land grab by their representatives, is threatening this minority’s survival.

Not to mention making life an inferno for farmers across the country!”

The excerpt is from this week’s column, which was originally titled “The Kulaks of South Africa,” but was changed to “The Genocide in Democratic South Africa,” because too many Americans don’t know who the Kulaks were. The column describes, graphically, what Genocide Watch agrees is a process that comports with genocide. As I promised, I don’t intend to let the issue die down. I urge you to send the column on to people you know.

34 thoughts on “'The Genocide in Democratic South Africa'

  1. james huggins

    If we go back in history we find many instances of ethnic groups slaughtering rival ethnic groups. As the world becomes more and more crowded, the teeming billions of noncaucasians will continue to come to the fore due to being hungry, desperate and caring little for life itself. The tragedy playing out in southern Africa is just the beginning. The Afrikaaners are shackled by generations of civilisation as well as being inconvenient to the spineless governments in the West. The hordes of tribal thugs are shackled by nothing. It is interesting to me that some groups of people are obviously ready to dive back into the stone age at first oppportunity regardless of their proximity to civilization. One doesn’t have to go to South Africa to see this. Just walk around, if you dare, most American cities.

  2. Frank Zavisca

    Where in hell is Oprah ? Why isn’t she lamenting the reckless murder of Whites?

    Oprah, it is said, admires Nelson Mandela.

    Oprah is well meaning but clueless – her highly educated girls will have no country to be tomorrow’s leaders of.

  3. John

    Thanks for your explicit exposure of the hellish brutalities occurring in South Africa. This morning again for the umptieth time the dial-in talk show on local radio here in the RSA was focussed on the out-of-control crime situation. The desparate cries for help from those who partake of the talk show, is enough to make you cry yourself. Whites are the prime target, but other ethnic groups are also suffering under the onslaught. According to some, there are almost 12 million Northern Africans in South Africa. Multitudes of them are Islamic and extremely cruel when performing hijacks and home robberies. Brutal killings with military precision are also performed by former Zimbabwean soldiers in South African cities when robbing. This morning the national news had an item describing the arrest of a South African soldier after he tried in vain to stop illegal immigrants from coming over the border. His sin was that he wounded one of the illegals as the latter simply ignored his warning shot in the air. Even the smaller towns that escaped the extreme dangers so far, is now becoming targets of violence. The criminals find it more difficult to penetrate the highly fortified big city dwellings and go for the small town soft targets. I myself as a white male has lost my job in a sytematic program backed by laws to remove highly skilled white males from the workplace. The result is inevitable – collapse of services like clean hygenic water supplies, regular breakdowns of the national electricity grid, as has happened yesterday again. And so one can go on and on. In desparation there is now a call to publish these facts far and wide, so that perhaps the existing communistic/ socialistic/Islamic South African government will come to its senses. Many of us feel that only God can help us in this crisis. We plead with you Ilana Mercer, to carry on your excellent work of exposing the South African horrors. The world must wake up and use the planned 2010 Soccer World Cup in the RSA as a leverage to force the South African government to make the crime crisis a top priority and restore law and order in this decades ago peaceful country.

  4. concha

    I am praying for them–I am so sorry to hear of this. But I haven’t heard a peep about this from any other source–and where are the Christian evangelicals on this matter? [WND.com has been front and center on this issue–the only news and commentary organization to so do]
    Thank you so much Ilana, for informing us on this terrible tragedy.
    We are living in terrifying times.

  5. Lester Hunt

    Wow. Here is a horrible sort of coincidence. Just yesterday I was looking at the interactive chart that you can go to my clicking on my name. I was wondering why the blue circle representing South Africa shows the average South African losing 20 years life expectancy since the early nineties — twenty years! — though per capita income remained constant. Now I guess I know!

  6. David Grohman

    Thanks Ilana, for writing on this subject. The major media refuses. My wife and I lived in South Africa from 1990 to 2006. We have returned to Sarasota Florida. My wife was born and raised in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe during the war, leading up to Mugabe’s reign, where everyday for her was lived in fear. Most of our friends in South Africa have been touched in some way by the crime, as were we.

    Please keep writing on this subject. What you have to say is very important!


  7. James Daniels

    I am a black American and I am outraged by what is going on in South Africa. We cannot turn a blind eye to ethnic hatred from any source. Even if it comes blacks directed toward whites. We owe Ms. Mercer a debt of gratitude for reporting on the violence directed against the Boers by blacks. There must be one standard.Just as the lynchings of blacks in America decades ago were a stain on America’s history, we must condemn the racial violence directed against the Boer farmers. As a black person, I get angry when I hear blacks do things that give ammunition to white racists/white supremacists and these attacks on the Boers are just what they will jump on to say we are nothing but subhuman savages/animals that should be exterminated.Everyone pray for this to end and that the perpetrators be stopped.

  8. Andy

    Dear Ilana,

    Andy again, your article, as ever, makes me shake my head. I despair of Africa and its leaders. On my initial acquaintance with the country and its people on my way to Zambia from Cape Town for a 3 year contract on the Copperbelt, I met an elderly Kenyan woman in Rhodesia who had gone through the Mau Mau uprisings on her farm. She related how, as a result of these times, she could never sit anywhere with a door at her back and, one thing she could never accept was that an African worker on the farm whom she had suckled at her breast when his mother died while he was a baby, attacked her husband with a machete one night as they sat in their living room.

    How long before South Africa degenerates to the same levels as the rest of her neighbours. I have always thought that the southern part of the continent could be/ should be the garden of Africa. They could supply starving Africa with more than they need but they just can’t get it together. When I was in Zambia ’71—’74 every year the maize crop failed. The excuses were, “the rains were too early”; “the rains were too late.” Northern Rhodesia used to EXPORT 1 million bags of maize a year.

    It is such a pity. There are a lot of intelligent, hard working Africans, but their leaders exploit them and it makes me so angry.

  9. George Lichti

    As an American who lived and worked in South Africa and Zambia I was first hand witness to the stunning corruption and, politically incorrect as it may be to say, the outright stupidity of the majority of the people.

    No, I do not mean in a racist way, but nor do I mean ignorance. It is beyond fathoming to watch and then listen to the reasoning behind much of the outrage there.

    Rhodesia used to export food! South Africa had a nuclear and space program! Johannesburg makes Compton look safe and Zimbabwe resembles something from an apocolypse movie.

    What used to be an advanced civilization is now Mad Max: destroyed and functions like the recent movie Idiocracy. Do not believe me? Try living there for a while. South Africa is heading that way, too.

    I cannot imagine the despair of the average Afrikaaner (who perhaps has several hundred years of history) in South Africa and former Rhodesia watching their countries roll back to the stone age.

    And how the West can ignore the plight of Zimbabwes white farmers is beyond me. Too politically incorrect I suppose…

  10. Eric Hall

    Your article entitled “The Genocide in Democratic South Africa” is disturbing.

    Where are the hordes of liberal critics of the former apartheid South Africa that were so quick and so eager to point out human rights abuses?

    Neither race, black or white, is immune to the evils of the lust for power.

    Although the apartheid policy of the former South Africa ensured the power of the white government, is it possible that this policy was made necessary because self rule by an indigenous population that was not ready for self rule is what we are reading about in your articles and those of other WorldNetDaily writers?

    But, of course, these same vociferous liberal critics did not bother themselves with considerations such as these.

    I hope and pray that the remaining white farmers and elderly can get out of this New World Order South Africa before they are slaughtered.

    As I told Larry Auster:

    Americans do not understand how hard it is to immigrate. I find most Americans think that if you apply to enter, well then, the U.S., Canada, or Australia will let you in. NOT SO. It is virtually impossible to immigrate legally to the U.S., Canada, and Australia if you do not have the right qualifications or huge sums of money. This, of course, should make for commentary about our immigration system, which selects for law-breaking, venality, and risk taking, etc. I’ve dealt with that somewhat here. Our refugee policies should favor the Boer, but we favor the likes of the “Lost Boys of Sudan”—more photogenic. Where do you think the Zimbabwe farmers fled to? The U.S.? No. Most left for South Africa, as far as I know. Some might have had British passports. The Boers don’t have that.–ILANA

  11. Martin Berrow

    How tragic this situation in South Africa is. It is, oh so very real. Many parallel’s can be seen world wide with gun control. Look at what happened when hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Marauding criminials began looting & raping everywhere, including the superdome. Australia is another prime example of taking guns away from law-abiding citizens. Which brings me to a encounter I had with a Australian lawyer who came into my shop in Montana, as a tourist. He immediately noticed numerous deer, and elk mounts on my wall, with a exquisite rifle resting in one of the racks. He said, “You like guns, eh”? I responded, “Yes I do.” He then promptly told me, ” I hate guns”. I told him your crime rate is going up in Australia sir, since your government started to ban firearms. Then the lawyer started to cross examine me. It didn’t pan out too good for him that day. With all of his judicial expertise, he couldn’t answer the dilemma he had, when I suggested to him that, when Morton Grove Illinois banned guns in the city limits, the crime rate skyrocketed, and when Kennesaw Georgia’s law was passed for mandatory firearms in households, the crime rate dropped dramatically. He had no way to refute the facts, so he started to do what left-wing communists do when they have no answer to the truth. They start babbling, and grumbling. He kept this up for a bit, and I stopped him, and told him that after he was done visiting Glacier National Park & Montana, to go to Los Angeles, and seek out the buisness owners in south central Los Angles, who bravely fought off the Crips & Bloods street gangs in the Rodney King riot, who were looting and robbing people & raping people at will, in rampant fashion. Then I asked this question to the Australian lawyer: “When you find these valiant men & women down in L.A., ask them if they would be interested in turning in their firearms to the LAPD for the ‘buy back program’ that the city of Los Angeles had instituted ($50.00 per every gun that people turned in). His response? There was a glare at me, then a blank stare, then he walked out of my shop speechless. While I am at it, let me remind folks of Rosie O’donnel. When she left New York with her “children”, she said she left New York to go to Conneticut because there was to much crime in New York. When she arrived in Conneticut, her bodyguards were attempting to obtain concealed weapons permits. It is ok for Rosie’s bodyguards to have firearms, but Rosie doesn’t think any other law-abiding citizens needs guns. This should be expounded upon publicly, more than the public cat fight between Donald Trump & Rosie about much more trivial issues. But this sells more. Martin Berrow

  12. Chris

    I don’t know if reading of these atrocities would cause the blind bumblers to conclude that, as in the case of Araby, poverty etc. brings out the brutalty in man, or what other rational they could conjure. [Yes, the Root-Causes Crowd, which, by the way, includes Sean Hannity, and other neoconservatives. See Coddling Killers: The Liberal Root-Causes Racket]
    But clearly, with all we know (and don’t know) of the barbarity in the Mid East, with the Russian Caucases, the rebellions in nearly every smaller South American country, Zimbabwe, what you are reporting, the Sudan, the recent beheadings in Mexico, etc. etc. etc.,tells me there is a pathology in this violence–that it can spread like a virus, and like certain diseases where we are warned that those w/ compromised immune systems beware. Beleagured peoples with a perceived grievance are prone to catch the jihadi mujahideen wacko nut case illness and start making the TX Chainsaw Massacre for real. [It is an error to use the disease paradigm to describe or explain errant behavior]
    With the zeal of the attack on polio, this pathogen must be abolished from existence.

  13. Tim


    Great article! I did not expect you to write a whole article on the Youtube link I posted. Good job. And yes, we should make Congress and Senate aware of this ongoing genocide.

    What do you think would make for a better refugee/amnesty program? Let in Haitians etc.. who HATE us or South Africa Whites? White Jews and Christians who are being targeted for extermination this very minute? Way to put the truth in the title. It is Genocide. And there is no arguing about it.

    Where are all the Human Rights organizations? Where is the ADL? How come South Africa is not be targeted for an ADL “Tolerance” compaign? Where are all the WHITE dogooders who rally and cry endlessly when a lil brown terrorist gets hurt in the Middle East. While their own European Kin are actually being Genocided? Where are they?

    We all know that if this were poor black farmers targeted for Genocide by Whites there would be an INTERNATIONAL boycott and the troops would be on the way.

    I bet if the South African Boers started fighting and all the Whites really got the upper hand, the UN would order them bombed. Wesley Clark would probably volunteer to give them the “Serb” treatment.

    (Oh and the Boers can fight. They have always been a minority. And they CAN fight. Not long ago they held off the Soviet Union and 100 years ago gave the British Empire fits).

  14. Labman

    Thanks so much for the genocide in South Africa essay. I wonder what some White South Africans were thinking in 1994 when many of them voted to hand power to the African National Council. [Many of them were full of hope, and innocently believed in a good outcome. Most left-liberals, like Bush, also believe democracy, peace, and prosperity are natural to all human beings and cultures.] Were they motivated by political correctness, self loathing, and guilt, or acting on the advise of the media? I suspect some of all! Well, because of some of their actions, we see what is now happening!

    A writer named Gemma Myer [link?] wrote an essay not long ago,”A warning from South Africa.” It told of atrocities there, and warned that the same mechanisms were being put in place in the United States. I do have to agree. So much Black crime is covered up by our media, and such double standards are in effect here, along with the dumbing down of our citizens for the last 40 years. I talk to people all of the time about the problems in SA, and they have no idea what I’m talking about! Thats why your Genocide article is so important. I also know that a startling number of our citizens are caught up in a misplaced notion of altruism, both personal and business wise. Black on White crime is increasing every day here, as a “see no evil” media looks the other way in so many cases. A fine read,”the color of crime,”can be found at http://www.amren.com. Thanks again Ilana,for this important work;it will be passed on! Labman

  15. Tim


    I believe this is the Gemma Myer article that LabMan was referring to. It is a good read.

    http://www.thenationalmessenger.com/writers/benariel/south-african-warning.htm [Extraordinary piece. Please excerpt relevant portions for readers on BAB]

    By the way, here is another Youtube gem. It is about Liberia and the ongoing war. This video goes into America’s history in Liberia.

    Interesting but you need a strong stomach. It goes into Cannibalism………..from a British perspective.


    [Thanks; keep up your research. It helped me write about the Boers]

  16. Joe

    Thank you for a well written piece without racist rhetoric. The truth is all that is needed, unfortunately our cause is not served by some of the more “vocal” proponents of HORAWA.[?]
    I do not think it is possible for human beings to live in peace, and maybe a total decentralisation of power would be the answer- the removal of all national boundaries and a Swiss form of government on a local canton basis. At least that would diminish the capacity for destruction. [Tribal structures are a form of decentralization, but have not prevented ongoing bood lust in Africa.]

  17. Koos

    Hi Ilana,
    Thanks for bringing these facts to light. The farm attacks have now also moved to cities and the same tactics are being employed where gunmen attack residents in their homes. The Institute of Strategic Studies in SA has raised this and it caused a furore here.
    Please also have a look at http://southafricasucks.blogspot.com which comments daily on crime and so forth as well as http://www.crimexpo.com
    Thanks and keep up the good work

  18. Johan Van Beek

    Thank you very much for bringing this information to an English-speaking audience.

    I am of Flemish descent and live in Belgium. We approximately speak the same language as the Afrikaners and so we are informed about South Africa on a more regularly base, see for instance (in Dutch and Afrikaans) http://www.tscheldt.be/ with an extensive weekly column written by Boerskot.

    Such as already written here by another commenter, the killing fields now also go urban, see http://www.africancrisis.org/ZZZ/ZZZ_News_009934.asp
    Farm attacks go urban

  19. Gerhard van Wyk

    As a 40-year old white male who lives on a smallholding outside the SA capital Pretoria I can tell anyone out there that farmers in South Africa live in constant fear. I can only describe it as a never-ending, intense sense of forboding. The ANC government has successfully disarmed whites by refusing or delaying applications for firearms licenses, confiscating firearms (some family heirlooms)and disbanding the last line of defense for rural white communities – the commandoes. Firearms handed in to police under a “firearms amnesty” are being used in hijackings and armed robberies. All this and black criminals can buy AK47 assault rifles on the streets of Johannesburg for as little as R50 ($6) without fear of arrest. Genocide is the right word.

  20. Peter

    Thanks Ilana
    By publishing the Genocide in South Africa we may be saved from another Rwanda or Bosnia – genocides that took place while the world was watching. The government must be put under pressure to act sooner rather than too late. The black on white crime is obvious and reminds of what happened in Zimbabwe and the Congo. Secretly known among all blacks in South Africa there is a waiting period for their militia to try and exterminate all whites in South Africa – they call it “Uhuru”. It means “things are is not right yet”. Ask any one of them – you will be surprised with the reaction you will see. They wait for Mr Nelson Mandela to die. Out of respect for him he will not see it happening as it was his wish to see a peaceful change-over to the new government. The black racial hatred towards white people is intense because of the past – they want their blood revenge. Mr Mandela is about 89 years old – we hope the rumors are not true. We pray that it does not happen.

  21. Jiems

    Thanks for this much needed coverage. South Africans have resorted to emigration for two reasons – crime and discrimination in work. I have lost a son (America’s profit), a daughter (UK profit, later USA) and a cousin (NZ). Tim mentions that “the Boers can fight.” Yes, we fought alongside the Americans in WWI, WWII and Korea. Little known fact in that we tackled the commies in Angola at the request of the then-USA administration. (They could not send troops so soon after Vietnam). We were never fighting ‘blacks’ but an unacceptable ideolegy. Now we pick the bitter fruits of handing control over to those same people. Like Gerhard van yk, I also live on a smallholding. I am awaiting a decision on my firearm application – a weapon inferiour to that of the criminals. To see part the picture, read the local news sites on iol.co.za or news24.com. Many crimes do not reach the media as the police are trying to convince us that we do not need any more protection than that which they can supply??

  22. Willie Brown

    Mrs. Mercer,
    As a Black American who just recently returned from South Africa after living there for over 3 years I must say that unfortunately everything you say is true. And, I fear that, yes, South Africa is well on it’s way to becoming yet another African failed state. It really breaks my heart because it is a beautiful place.

  23. frans

    ‘We’re going to kill whites’
    04/02/2007 23:14 – (SA)
    Hilda Fourie, Beeld
    Pretoria – “We are going to kill all you whites, a robber shouted at Martin Vermeulen, 28, this weekend, moments after shooting his friend.
    Albie Greyling, 25, died on his mother’s lawn in Eldoraigne, Pretoria, about 19:30 on Friday after being shot above his left eye.
    Albie, a final-year paramedic at the University of Johannesburg, became engaged to Sandra Barnard in December, and made the final payment on the ring on Friday.
    Yolanda Barnard, Sandra’s sister, said Albie just happened to be at home on Friday.
    He was to have gone to a braai [BBQ in Afrikaans], but first went to drop off his clothes at home. He stayed in Johannesburg during the week.
    Cornered by the robbers
    His 60-year-old mother Susan, was overpowered by three robbers in her flat about 19:00.
    They hit her on the back of the head with a revolver and ran out of the house with R700 and her cellphone.
    That’s when the robbers ran into Martin and Albie.
    They first fired a shot at Martin, but missed and Albie was shot.
    Martin ran around to the swimming pool at the back, where he was cornered by the robbers. He told them to take everything, but just to leave him.
    They saw their chance to escape and fled.
    Yolanda said the robbers had spoken to Albie’s mom in Afrikaans, “but what really upsets me is that they told Martin that they were going to kill all of you whites”.


  24. frans

    Wild-West robbers hit Zwartkops
    04/02/2007 23:15 – (SA)
    Liela Magnus, Beeld
    Pretoria – A Tshwane metro policeman and a motor sport enthusiast are fighting for their lives in Pretoria hospitals after a wild shoot-out with a number of armed robbers during an international race at the Zwartkops racing track on Saturday.
    Tshwane cop Edwin Reynolds, 30, who was on point duty at the entrance to the racing track on Saturday morning, was crippled by a single shot.
    During the gunfight at the David Piper International show, racing enthusiast Deon Smit, 52, was wounded in his right side.
    He was shot below the ribs and is recovering in the high-care unit of Pretoria Academic Hospital.
    Shot at close range
    Smit said from his hospital bed on Sunday that he definitely would be dead if the robber’s clip had not fallen out of his pistol.
    The robber shot him at close range through his car door.
    Edwin’s brother, Erick Reynolds, was in sombre mood at Unitas Hospital. He was “just thankful that my brother is alive”.
    “He was just doing his job.”
    Smit was in his car in the queue waiting to go in, just behind six of the robbers in a bakkie [pickup].
    He related that some of the robbers jumped off the bakkie and one fell against his car.
    The man walked right to the driver’s side and shot him through the door.
    Smit said: “There I was, in all innocence, waiting to go into a place I had paid for when the guys in the bakkie in front of me jumped down, and start firing left and right.”
    A security guard from Ubuntu Security shot the robber who had wounded Smit, from behind.
    The robbers fled with three vehicles and R1 500 from the ticket office after firing at people, and in the air.
    Another Ubuntu Security guard returned the fire and is thought to have wounded a second robber.
    Louise Brits of Tshwane metro police said the reservist, who was working with Reynolds, was making coffee when he heard what sounded like crackers going off.
    The man’s name cannot be disclosed for security reasons.
    When he spun round, he stared into the eyes of one of the robbers, who was about three metres away from him and Reynolds.
    The robber’s automatic weapon apparently jammed.
    Reynolds fired at him in self-defence, while he and the reservist sought shelter behind two bakkies.
    The robbers opened fire on them, shooting up the bakkies and wounding Reynolds.
    Reynolds and Smit were airlifted by helicopter to Unitas Hospital in Centurion.
    Smit was later transferred to Pretoria Academic Hospital.
    Two cars found abandoned
    Roxanne Tucker, 16, Natalie Joubert, 14, and Maquita Buitendag, 15, who were working in the ticket office at the entrance of the racing track, said the robbery was frightening. They had no intention of working there again.
    Shortly afterwards, the police found two of the cars used in the robbery a few kilometres from Zwartkops track, at Mooiplaats.
    Both had blood in them, and police were able to lift fingerprints from one of the vehicles.
    It’s suspected the vehicles were hijacked earlier.


  25. frans

    Rattray murder ‘an SA tragedy’
    29/01/2007 07:28 – (SA)
    Sandile Waka-Zamisa
    Pietermazitzburg – The brutal murder of historian and Anglo-Zulu War expert David Rattray has sent shockwaves across the country.
    Rattray was gunned down at his home at the Fugitive’s Drift lodge on Friday.
    Traditional leaders, politicians, tourism communities and leaders abroad have reacted with outrage to the news.
    Zulu king Goodwill Zwelithini, currently on an overseas tour, reacted with shock to the news, head of the Royal household department Vusi Shongwe told The Witness.
    IFP leader and KwaZulu-Natal house of traditional leaders chair Mangosuthu Buthelezi said Rattray’s killing was a South African tragedy.
    KZN Premier Sbusiso Ndebele said he was outraged by the murder.
    Asked for Rattray by name
    Police spokesperson Phindile Radebe said six men, armed with pistols and rifles first accosted Rattray’s receptionist and demanded money.
    Then they asked for Rattray by name. “One man was wearing a balaclava and he started shouting: Where’s David?”
    Radebe said they entered Rattray’s house and found him in the bathroom, getting ready to go cycling. Here they shot him.
    The killers fled without taking anything.
    As an expert on the 19th-century Anglo-Zulu War, Rattray played a key role in attracting foreign tourists to the conflicts’ battlefields in KwaZulu-Natal.
    He was known internationally for his lectures on the war, during which Zulu warriors inflicted a humiliating defeat on British colonial forces, provoking bloody retaliation.
    Ndebele expressed his outrage at the “heinous” murder of Rattray.
    Custodian of ‘priceless traditions’
    “He was responsible for bringing many world famous personalities, among them Prince Charles, to our province and had developed an iconic status as a cultural tourism guide.
    “His senseless and callous murder will fill all peace-loving South Africans with disgust.”
    Buthelezi said Rattray was a custodian of priceless traditions. “Rattray was a unique person and his death is an inestimable loss to our country.
    “The oral traditions of which he was such a rich custodian are priceless and much of this has been lost with his untimely death in the prime of his life.”
    Buthelezi warned that crime was getting out of control.
    “It saddens me to draw the attention of the leadership of our country to the fact that criminality is getting out of control.
    “Crime is going to engulf our society and destroy our hard-won freedom unless action is taken to vigorously curb it now.”
    Ndebele, however, gave the assurance that the perpetrators will be brought to book.
    No arrests
    “Crimes like these eat away at the moral fibre of our society.
    Our government will see to it that those responsible for this vile murder are brought to justice.” In the meantime, Radebe said there were no developments in the investigation.
    She said a provincial team had been tasked with the investigation. The Democratic Alliance expressed outrage over the killing.
    DA spokesperson on safety and security, Dianne Kohler- Barnard, said the death of Rattray was an “incalculable loss”.


  26. frans

    Black South Africa

    “God has left Africa” – Bruce Willis – Tears of the Sun.

    Well, God is certainly not present in South Africa. For what once was a Christian orientated country, is now a godless hell hole. Murder, rape, robberies and corruption have been, and continuously are on the front page of our newspapers and news bulletins. It’s reached a stage where news articles are being censored by the government. Democratic or Communistic?

    Farmers are being targeted, not recently, but for the last 7 years. It’s disconcerting, because the motive is unknown.I believe the (ANC) governmnet is secretly or quietly ‘cleansing’ the country. We are at war. A silent war.

    I’m an Afrikaans South African citizen. And no, I’m not a racist. I’ll add to this blog on a continual basis, evidence that our citizens are at war with criminals–or terrorists that are quite possibly ’employed’ by the ANC government. And that our current, corrupt, uneducated, government has no answer to the crime in this country, or is just blatently denying the truth.

    Wether you’re a white, black, pink or green reader of this blog,take my word for it,South African citizens are at war with criminals and with the mafia that is the ANC government.

    As a final word for this entry, please, all Christians out there, please pray for this country and its citizens.

  27. frans

    Mbeki: Crime not out of hand
    15/01/2007 23:36 – (SA)
    Cape Town – Cape Town – President Thabo Mbeki says crime is not getting out of hand.
    And most South Africans would agree with him, said Mbeki in an interview flighted by SABC television on Monday.
    He admitted that crime – and the damage it was causing to South Africa’s image internationally – was something of a concern.
    Mbeki added, however, that it was wrong to suggest crime in the country was uncontrollable.
    “There is crime, but this does not mean it is out of control,” he said.
    He blamed certain South Africans for not being “careful” on how they communicated the issue of crime.
    The president said it was the way they communicated that created the perception crime was out of control in the country.
    Arms deal
    Asked about recent reports implicating a number of South Africans in a British police probe on corruption between British arms companies and foreign government officials, Mbeki said the British government had not yet spoken to him about the matter.
    The names mentioned included that of former defence minister Joe Modise.
    Mbeki said South Africa’s arms deal bidding process was “perfectly correct” and not affected by any corruption.
    He was asked why, despite the current economic boom, the ANC-led government was still struggling to meet the needs of many South Africans.
    Mbeki cited the country’s weak infrastructure, which he said could not keep up with the rate of economic growth, as one of the major reasons.
    He said the rate of economic growth had been underestimated.
    “For example, electricity supply did not keep up with the demand.
    “We thought we had spare capacity, but now we have a shortage and we must address that.”
    Mbeki said government would have to invest more money in roads, ports, railways and electricity supply in the country to keep up with economic growth.
    “It is a problem, but it is a good problem,” he said.
    He said government would also encourage the private sector to become involved.
    Local government
    Mbeki said there was also a problem at local government level to make capital investment in infrastructure.
    “We can have good national strategies and plans and even the money, but if local government doesn’t implement these, it doesn’t work.”
    He said government had a plan to deal with this.
    “That is why people are being called out of retirement and why we are also looking elsewhere to see where we can borrow people with the necessary expertise to implement government’s plans and strategies.”
    Personal wealth
    He also mentioned a culture of personal wealth accumulation amongst South Africans as something that had to be fought.
    Due to the “evolution” of South Africa into a democratic society, a value system based on material things being a measure of a person’s success had become entrenched, Mbeki said.
    “This is not a new thing… this has been around for a long time.”
    Mbeki said people must rediscover the principle of Ubuntu.
    “We must rediscover what this value system means.
    “You can’t say you practice Ubuntu, but then you steal your grandmother’s pension money.”


  28. frans

    Reader’s response from Mbeki’s (Intelligent) Crime comment…

    Mbeki: Crime not out of hand
    16/01/2007 01:06
    Mr President you must be joking right? If you’re not it’s maybe because you’re never in SA to know what’s realy going on there!! My skin crawls everytime I read news 24, people are being killed and raped in their own homes, shot dead in their driveways, 4 year olds are being kicked in their stomachs if they plead with their attackers to please dont kill me!! You call yourself a president, NO Mr President a real pesident takes care of his country. If you were one you would’ve noticed the WAR IN SA! – Margie

    Crime not out of Hand
    16/01/2007 01:51
    I live in the US , recently it was reported by the Iraqi government that 16 000 civilians were killed in Iraq in 2006 ( maybe under reported). Recently in news24 the official murder toll in SA was 16 528. One country is in the middle of a war ( civil) and the other is a peaceful and vibrant economy. So who is at war? One common thread to all of the killing is poverty, there is a long term solution to this. – patrick

    16/01/2007 04:00
    I agree with Mbeki. SA’s biggest problem is the negaitivity of its people & press. In Aus (my temp home for 3 yrs) people believe they live in the lucky country & talk about this non-stop. They support goverment, yet the country has many faults. In SA people continually look for faults rather than acknowledging the good that’s been done too. I can’t wait to get home as the grass is not greener on the other side. SA’s should aim for solutions not just talk about the bad. – Maree

    Mbeki implies crime is controllable
    16/01/2007 06:36
    By saying crime is not out of control then President Mbeki implies it is controllable. If controllable then why all the crime. There are numerous reasons and types of crime. Levels of violent crime in our country may suggest that some criminal elements are still fighting the war against apartheid which is tantamount to terrorism. This then spills over onto the elite rich coloured and black community who are seen to be part of the “enemy”. The reasons for crime need to be studied. – Bradley Flett

    16/01/2007 06:43
    What planet(toid) is he from ?? Pluto ? – Tony

    Crime is under control…
    16/01/2007 06:51
    I think a good measure of crime being under control would be when a newspaper can report all the crime that happened the previous day, and still have space for the regular columns and articles of interest. I somehow don’t think we’re there yet. As for personal wealth accumulation, we all want to retire one day. How do you do that without accumulating wealth? There is no social support structure for pensioners, not for me anyway. Around 1% of people can afford to retire, what do you say to that? – Clive

  29. Gerhard

    Thank You so much, Ilana! At long last someone on the outside world does something to help South Africans. It isn’t only White South Africans who suffer under crime, Thousands of Blacks suffer too. It’s sickening.

    Unfortunately, South Africa doesn’t have the rich oilfields of Iraq so the UK and the USA turn a blind eye. But if we let the PEOPLE of America know, they can tell the goverment about it and maybe they can do something about it, even if they only agree to grant White South Africans Asylum… Only the American people can make such a decision and put pressure on their Goverment to stop bombing innocent people and start helping innocent people!

    Isn’t the US a Goverment for the people by the people with liberty and justice for all ? [The US government is for the people of the US only; it’s not a world government, although it behaves that way.] Do we not deserve justice ?

  30. Gerhard

    Yeah. If it behaves that way it should act that way. If the shoe fits you and all that jazz.

  31. Joe

    Of course Mbeki’s latest statement : “Don’t tell me about something I know (crime) you’re only wasting your time and money.” Clearly the ANC are not interested in the least in tackling crime. It suits them, it is a billion dollar industry for them. Why would they want to tackle something that puts massive amounts of tax money into their coffers? Think about what I am saying.

    [Link please, to prove your quote is authentic. I believe the ANC, being a racist outfit, enjoys white misery. But how does it benefit from crime, except to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs?]

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