Updated: They All Lie For Someone



The excerpt is from my new WND.COM column, now on Taki’s “They All Lie For Someone”:

“Joe Wilson knows of what he speaks. South Carolina’s Republican Representative is what one of my readers has dubbed deliciously a ‘subject matter expert’ on providing federal health benefits to illegal aliens.

Wilson voted ‘Yea’ for the Bush ‘Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003.’ Not only did this drug benefit add trillions to the Medicare shortfall, it translated into a bonanza for illegal immigrants. …

Thus when Wilson indecorously, but correctly, called Obama out for lying about the ins-and-outs of HR 3200, ‘America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009,’ he was speaking as one of 204 Republicans to have endorsed Bush’s 2003 medical monstrosity. Clearly, Wilson and his colleagues know a thing or two about hiding goodies bilked from taxpayers in the 1011th Section of a hefty bill.”…

The complete column is “They All Lie For Someone,” on Taki’s Magazine every week-end.

Many thanks to Myron Pauli of Barely A Blog (and yes, he’s a relation of Wolfgang Pauli of the “Exclusion Principle” fame),for digging up Wilson’s record (and for the “delicious” appellation).

Update (Sept. 18): We have established that, in calling BO out, Wilson was indecorous but correct. The conclusion that ought to follow from my column is this: when the Republicans ascend to the throne again, they will do EXACTLY what BO is doing; becasue they have already done the same—lie through their teeth to protect their Capo di tutti capi and their soon-to-be-amnestied illegal constituents. It’s not about sticking with “our” liar; it about knowing that “our” liar, who just happens to be telling the truth right now for the sake of political expediency, will garrot us from behind when he’s on top again. Get it?!

11 thoughts on “Updated: They All Lie For Someone

  1. Myron Pauli

    Here is how Article 1 of the Constitution begins: “ALL LEGISLATIVE POWERS herein granted shall be vested in a Congress…”.

    Now here is the Section 152 that you cited: ” the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall … promulgate such regulations..”

    Now what is promulgating a regulation – whereby one can be fined… by disobeying – other than a legislative power?? Of course, the ENTIRE bill, like 99% of current legislation (enacted without reading, I may add), would be unconstitutional since it is not constitutionally authorized EVEN IF Congress enacted the “regulations”. It additionally violates the 10th Amendment. Other than the 3 constitutional objections AND that it will make health care worse AND bankrupt the country quicker AND eviscerate human liberty on medical matters, I don’t see any other major flaws in the health care bill.

    The reason that the Joe Wilson Republican-Statists leave themselves vulnerable to paranoid accusations of racism is because they favor the same Obammunism, Romney-style or Bush-style. Even “health savings accounts”, less odious, violates the principle that a person’s money belongs to that person and the government has no authority to tell me how, when, and on what to save/spend MY money.

  2. Paul Wade

    Well said! Now, can you tell me; what is the difference between the Democratic and Republican parties?

    I thought we elected people to represent us, not a party. Wrong, huh?

  3. M. B. Moon

    “and yes, he’s a relation of Wolfgang Pauli of the “Exclusion Principle” fame)” Ilana

    Drat! Aren’t us gentiles allowed any brilliance? Oh well, I guess brilliance requires some hammering.

    I wish some more of that brilliance was applied to fixing the banking model(hint, hint).

  4. Haym

    How true Ilana. And that is the problem – neither political party is above reproach, sometimes for the same transgression, sometimes for orthogonal transgressions. A related problem is that they do not learn – the parties are stricken with Alzheimer’s disease. The struggle is perpetual.

  5. M. B. Moon

    “Now, can you tell me; what is the difference between the Democratic and Republican parties?” Paul Wade

    Tyrants with different tastes is all, IMO.

  6. robert

    You are in good comapany on the issue of Poor Joe Wilson.

    Clyde Wilson over at Chronicles says about this fiasco,”Our two most acute foreign observers, Tocqueville and Solzhenitsyn, as well as numerous native men of perception like Mencken, have observed that the most fundamental, pervasive, and powerful motive of Americans is to be a respectable member of the herd. This defect of national character in itself severely limits the process of debate and deliberation that is necessary for genuine democratic government. And it explains the course of the Wilson/Obama controversy.”

    Tom Fleming seems to agree when he writes:
    “The outrage over Joe Wilson’s outburst is absurd. Of course, a grown man should know better than to blurt out whatever is on his mind, especially when the social context forbids such a demonstration, but Wilson is an American under 70, and it is unreasonable to expect anyone my age or younger to behave with decorum and restraint. Neither the President of the US nor the Senate Majority Leader nor the Vice President nor the Speaker of the House nor anyone in the national media knows how to behave. Then why take out after this poor devil? If anyone in America has been deluded into thinking you could make a democracy or a republic out of such materials, he will probably not be “wised up” by this little episode.”

    And finally Pat Buchanan:

    Not only did Obama win the night, his victory was capped by a gauche outburst of “You lie!” from South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson, which stunned a national TV audience and embarrassed his party.

    Wilson’s wife, Roxanne, asked him after he left the chamber, “Who’s the nut that hollered out, ‘You lie!’”

    As you say, “She oughta know!”

  7. Stephen Hayes

    As Tommy Smothers would say, “Well, Oh yeah!”

    An army friend many moons ago during a discussion of the shady doings of Richard Daly Sr. in Chicago, said to me, “Yeah, we know Daly is a crook, but he’s our crook.”

    And so if my liar says someone else is a liar, is that someone else a liar? I confess I’m prepared to believe anyone who has the nerve to stand up and call Comrade O a liar. I think it’s because of my latent racism. My analyst thinks I’m just gullible.

    Seriously, it’s about who we want to disbelieve the most. We tend to want to uphold our faction. But in reality, a lie is a lie no matter who says it. I think if we had somebody in congress stand up and tell the truth in plain English, it would confuse us. We would tend to ignore it. In fact we do ignore it every time Ron Paul speaks.

    I confess, too, that I’m disgusted with the lot of them. I’m just more frightened of Obama than Joe Wilson at the moment.

  8. Tom

    You are being too absolute in saying that everyone lies, as if all lies were of equal weight or importance or significance. Small lies are more forgivable than big lies. The question is, who is telling the biggest lies, and which lies are the most important to be uncovered and denounced, for the highest benefit of the nation, in the cause of truth and righteousness. Hitler and Nazi nationalist fascist socialists and the establishment Government and news media are infamous for their own big lies, while perhaps uncovering some smaller lies of their opponents. The difference between Nazi Germany and today is that the lying and treasonous invisible fascist Government is global in its power and corruption and evil, while hiding behind the coverup of the lying and treasonous establishment news media.

  9. Robert Rupard

    A succint indictment for sure. It is time that the age of career politicians comes to an end. I intend to vote to remove all incumbents. No doubt we will lose some good men, but unfortunately in Washington, the bad outweigh the good, 2 to 1… throw all of the bastards to the curb and let posterity sort them out!

  10. Roger Chaillet

    It’s called treason.

    The country is (allegedly) at war. All the illegal aliens should have been given 48 hours to clear out starting the afternoon of 9/11.

    This buffoon engaged in treason by voting for Bush’s piece of garbage.

    And he’s a moron for doing so. His constituents need to give him the boot.

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