UPDATED (6/29): To See How Your Country Is Being Given Away, Visit Your State’s DHS



Americans all should visit their state’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in charge of immigration, to get a feel for how American citizenship has been debased, the country turned into a Tower of Babel.

Early today, there were 2 other English-speaking people in the crowd, a total of 4 with my husband and me. The rest wore robes, doffed turbans and embroidered North African skullcaps. And they all spoke in tongues, were gruff and quite unfriendly. You see, the English-speaking people share certain social niceties. We often smile at The Other as he or she passes. We say, “Good morning,” “Good afternoon,” “lovely weather,” and, “I’m sorry” when we bump someone.

At least two were badly crippled. They’ll cost taxpayers many thousands in medical care. As the crowd grew, the ratio of English-speakers (Caucasians) to the rest remained the same.

Tower of Babel America is a hostile mass of aliens with no place for shared social pleasantries.

In 2013, I chronicled waiting in line at the ASC (the Application Support Center), in Washington State, when an officer of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services called out, “Number 69, number 69.” Number 78, yours truly, was there to renew the green card. Despite having been summoned time and again, #69 stayed put. She did not understand English.

UPDATE (6/29)” It’s too late. Without a moratoriums on immigration, the country will be lost. Or at least, allow only immigration enforcing the country’s host population:

“Two-In-Four: Six Fast Facts From Donald Trump’s First Immigration Report.”

* Over 1 million a year.
* 100,000 a month.
* 1 new immigrant for every four Americans who turn 18.
* 1 temporary foreign worker for every five new American workers.
* 170,000 new foreign workers per month
* 2 new foreign workers for every four Americans who enter the workforce.
* 50 percent of foreign temporary workers are white-collar professionals:”high-skill engineers, nurses, doctors, professors, accountants, and designers to take the place of many expensive American graduates and skilled technicians who are trying to pay off college debts.”
* “Only one-in-eight legal immigrants have worked their way into the country — the rest were pulled in by relatives, regardless of education or health or age or productivity or ability to integrate into American society.”
* The people who’ve gained power to determine elections: Trump’s data shows that 264,553 legal immigrants got citizenship during the six months in the first report, at a rate of roughly 45,000 a month. These new citizens come from 164 countries, speak more than 164 languages, and few have the skills to pay more in taxes than they receive in welfare or aid, and most vote Democratic.