Updated: Wet Dreams Of My Obama

Barack Obama,Celebrity,Gender,Intelligence,Journalism,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Media,The Zeitgeist


The New York Times worries sick about immigration patriots, whom its editorial Know-Nothings go all out to libel and marginalize as xenophobes. With bankruptcy looming, that ought to be the least of their worries. The proliferation of vulgar, vapid columns like this one (excerpts via VDARE.com) over the pages of the Old Gray Lady ought to be far more disconcerting.

Writes one Judith Warner:

“The other night I dreamt of Barack Obama. He was taking a shower right when I needed to get into the bathroom to shave my legs, and then he was being yelled at by my husband, Max, for smoking in the house.”

And: “Barack and Michelle Obama look like they have sex. They look like they like having sex … often. With each other.”

That’s what the Silly Sex daydreams about. Fear not, Silly One, The Awesome One will screw you over.

Update (Feb. 9): The teenybopper president is … weighing on one hefty issue: Jessica Simpson’s weight. Peeved that a portrait of Himself and the Holy Family was bumped from the canonical US Weekly’s cover in favor of Simpson’s apparently expanding frame, Obama muttered: Jessica is “in a weight battle, apparently.”

Shallow Americans will soon discover that behind the high-flown banalities is quite a mundane, if supple, mind.

Or maybe they won’t. The media is covering for the King, so none will be the wiser. “He was taken out of context” came the blanket explanation. Okay, “Let’s replay it”:

“You got replaced by Jessica Simpson,” Matt Lauer said.

“Yeah, who’s losing a weight battle apparently,” Obama said, according to the NBC transcript of the interview. “Yeah. Oh, well.”

First, Obama wants to throwdown with a radio talker, now he’s jostling for media space with a starlet.

That’s the celebrity president and his empty-headed acolytes for you.

8 thoughts on “Updated: Wet Dreams Of My Obama

  1. Myron Pauli

    Bernard Goldberg can update his book with more Obama infaturation. I guess the O in Obama stands for Orgasm. I don’t know what is wrong with me but I do not have any sexual fantasies about the Obamas or even Ron Paul. [LOL] Of course, the Republicans seem to get it off on sister Sarah who, admittedly, is rather cute for a granny. …. well, maybe I could fantasize over Elizabeth Kucinich but I somewhat doubt I could stand that leftist vegan hippie mentality …. – On the other hand, perhaps people SHOULD be thinking of having sex with the politicians since the DemoRepublikeynsians are pursuing (inflationary) policies that are f***ing up the economy and the population.


  2. John Danforth

    The gushing in the article revealed by VDARE.com is simply incredible.

    It’s not confined to the New York Times. The Detroit Free Press collapsed into a quivering, dribbling, squishy orgasmic blob with its inauguration coverage, too. There was an article that actually claimed that Obama’s wife’s dress represents “a new way forward”.

    There are some things that are just better kept private because they nauseate people who aren’t wired to appreciate them. That day, I felt like I stepped in something.

  3. JP Strauss

    I read a similar comment regarding Nelson Mandela not six months ago, although, in all fairness, I guess the lady might have been exaggerating. What if Monica Lewinsky were a journalist writing about her dreams involving Wild Bill?

  4. EN

    It can’t be too surprising. I made a bet with two friends on election night as to which Times columnist would write this article. I went with Frank Rich.

  5. Robert

    Well, I guess what she is saying is if Barack and Michelle fail in the lewd business of politics, they can always try their hand at the lascivious business of journalism. [What lines you guys are coming up with; better than mine!] I really can’t believe writers like this are still getting paid [and real writers struggle to get paid], I mean sure, there was a time when whores charged a helluva price for good merchandise but this isn’t even any good. This type of bleater admiring the Obama stimulus package everywhere she looks is becoming eerily similar to the psychological state of the old Roman women, wondering when the rapes could begin.

  6. Roger Chaillet

    It’s Negrophilia.

    Your fellow WND columnist, Erik Rush, had it pegged.

    “Consequently, it stands to reason that much of the unwarranted whimsy generated by and surrounding candidate Obama is a result of this syndrome of negrophilia – which may well have some clinical pathology of which I am not yet aware.”

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