Multiculturalist Malaise—From South Africa To The Pacific Northwest

Ilana Mercer,IMMIGRATION,Multiculturalism,South-Africa


I can’t tell you how pleased I am to have joined the daring writers of VDARE.Com, and the “class act” who runs it all, Peter Brimelow.

My new, monthly VDARE.COM column, “Multiculturalists Malaise—From South Africa To The Pacific Northwest,” is up. Here’s an excerpt:

“I call them English niceties. They are those mannerisms the English-speaking people share—idiosyncrasies that make life so very pleasant. You notice them not at all when they pervade the culture, and pine for them when they’re gone.
And they are slowly disappearing in America, by and large due to the twin evils of multiculturalism and mass immigration.
Ordinary Americans outside the halls of power will appreciate the fellow-feelings that are stirred in me by my miraculously preserved, distinctly American neighborhood here in the Pacific Northwest.
It’s a place where people still greet one another in English and engage in distinct chit-chat: ‘Lovely day, isn’t it? Oh, it sure is fabulous.’ Or, ‘You go girl,’ when I’m jogging up the mountain.
It’s a haven where certain conventions of civility and decorum are observed; and where the same decorations go up around Halloween and Christmas time.
As an immigrant many times over—from South Africa to Israel back to South Africa to Canada to the US—I’ve become excruciatingly aware of what may seem petty, but is far from it…”

Read the complete column, “Multiculturalist Malaise—From South Africa To The Pacific Northwest,” on VDARE.COM, the foremost authority on immigration.

8 thoughts on “Multiculturalist Malaise—From South Africa To The Pacific Northwest

  1. Tom

    I agree that diversity is divisive; but it seems that is the treasonous intent of the New World Order Government, to destroy the United States. Time is running out to save the United States.

  2. noobama

    Well done! If multiculturalism was a good idea people would be pursuing it on their own. They wouldn’t need it forced down their throats by the govt.

    The most disturbing part of the whole idea is the idea of cultural relativism. That one can keep their culture, no matter how backwards and broken, and that the majority society needs to put up with their problems and even (in many cases) provide govt. subsidies to help “celebrate” it.

    To top it off, they constantly make the majority culture feel inferior by constantly banging on the bad parts of their history (as if no other culture has these features). They then ignore the massive contributions to human society that the same culture has brought (like, for instance, virtually all modern technologies we enjoy today). The whole anti-western culture bashing has really gotten old. Why don’t the proponents of this ideology go live in a mud hut in some third world toilet and tell me how great it is.

  3. Alex

    Around here, near Texas Tech, we see a lot of immigrants, and your column really struck a cord with me because of this.

    The Hispanic immigrants are usually not afraid to make jokes about their white counterparts in our store. Our manager, seemingly from English ancestry, fumes at this.

    Still worse are the blacks (no offense anyone). They curse loudly, speak in ghetto tones, are rude. They do not have qualms about getting tattoos on their oversized breasts, and then parade around in shabby, tight fitting clothing that clings disgustingly to their overweight bodies.

    All of this has made me realize that we need to control immigrantion, and move quickly to stop the destruction of the English language and its implicit common customs of courtesy.

    The only thing is that this will not happen. Americans are hopelessly stupid. In my college classes, which are biased towards the State and feminism, I have argued economic and social sense in everything from anti-trust laws, to immigration, public health care, and public schooling from a classical liberal viewpoint. I stopped because it was alienating me from the rest of my classmates, who were by and large too dumb to care, and too eager to play video games. They think that I’m acting too old for my age. Maybe I am. [Continue in the fight; it’s hard, but you are not alone.–IM]

  4. Duncan

    Great debut essay. [Second essay] I’m glad you’ll be writing for VDare every month. The best commentators on immigration and multiculturalism are often from other countries, while Americans are terminally naive or worse.

  5. JP Strauss

    How the hell does one go about immigrating to the US legally? I am fed up with South Africa and I believe that the US is the only country in the world that can actually put up a resistance to multiculturalism. Maybe not officially, but at least there are still people with fight in them in your country. How can I be part of this. Where can I help?

  6. james huggins

    I have said it before and say it again. Your comments on Southern Africa sound like the future that is steadily gaining ground in the USA. Americans are stupid, weak and amazingly naive when facing the facts of life, socially speaking.

    That multiculturism increases distrust is common sense that we shouldn’t need some cultural guru to point out.

    I wonder what the hand wringers, weenies and other apologists for our inner city thugs are going to do when faced with the first “necklacing” incident. After all Africa is great and that’s what they do in Africa.

  7. JP Strauss

    I wonder if anyone has actually taken the time to imagine what a necklacing must be like. Both for the victim AND those who have to witness it. I would like to focus your attention on the fact that the beloved Nelson Mandela’s wife at the time of unrest in South Africa was the national champion in necklace killings. her youngest victim, Stompie Seipei, was a mere 14 years old. How do you justify killing a child? One of your own, no less.

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