Monthly Archives: December 2016

Trump’s Decision To Eliminate Redundancy In Daily Intelligence Briefings Causing Uproar

Donald Trump, Economy, Homeland Security, Intelligence

Said President-elect Donald Trump to FoxNews’ Chris Wallace: “I don’t need to be told the same thing every day, every morning, same words. Sir, nothing has changed. Let’s go over it again. I don’t need that. … If something should change from this point, immediately call me. I’m available on one minute’s notice”

Economizing always creates outrage among politicians and their hanger-on industries and sycophants. They’re used to creating redundancies and duplication. It’s lucrative. In President-elect Donald Trump they have a different animal. In President-elect Donald Trump, they have someone who’s looking to eliminate redundancies; who’s aware of the cost of a scare resource like time.

MORE of President-elect Trump’s first Sunday show interview since winning the election.

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UPDATED (12/11): Another Great Stride For Mankind Made By Donald Trump: Slap The CIA

Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Hillary Clinton, Intelligence, Iraq, Media, Russia, The State

Joy. The most powerful man in the world, President-elect Donald Trump, has mainstreamed a truth for which some of us were ostracized 14 years ago. Mr. Trump continues to call out and disavow the malicious lie (from beginning to end) that was Bush’s war on Iraq:

“President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team questioned the credibility of the CIA late Friday in response to a report the agency found Russia intervened in the election to boost his prospects. ‘These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction,’ the Trump transition team said in a statement. ‘The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It’s now time to move on and ‘Make America Great Again.'” (USA Today)

As reported here last night, a secret assessment by the notoriously politicized Central Intelligence Agency, touted by a Fake News source, The Washington Post, has decreed—didn’t prove or provide evidence for—that Vladimir Putin essentially elected Trump. This Russia is alleged to have done by hacking the Democratic National Congress’ emails and revealing reality. The reality revealed in those DNC-Podesta, Wikileaks emails showed the world just what incorrigible scumbags were Hillary Clinton and her team.

UPDATE (12/11):
Assange at odds:

Kellyanne concurs with Assange:

Marcobot hates the peace-makers; what’s new?

FBI at odds with CIA:

Putin Vs. Lindsey Graham: the first would not destabilize his country:

Fake News is sick:

Is Trump Getting Ominously Cozy With BHO?

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Trade

CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Barack Obama “has only 42 days left in office and President Obama knows his legacy is at stake. Sources close to Obama’s transition say his plan right now is to try to persuade Donald Trump to keep some of his policies in place. And they say Obama is hopeful he can make his case because he feels Trump doesn’t have a passionate view about some issues. And, yes, the two men are talking. In fact, Mr. Trump says he likes Mr. Obama and has even sought his advice on cabinet picks.

Mr. Trump should remember his voters detest Mr. Obama. Mr. Trump can be certain Mr. Obama doesn’t like the president elect.

Ominous too:

President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama have been in regular communication, a top Trump aide said Sunday.

If Cuba is the only thing about which Obama is advising Trump; I’m not terribly concerned. Cuba was the one policy Obama got right. Cuba was one of the few times I awarded “Brownie Points For Barack.”

Barack Obama Blames Lousy Legacy On White Southerners

Barack Obama, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Race, Racism

From the get-go, Barack Obama had made it clear he was, first, the president of black, Latino and Muslim America. (Good. They can have him and his legacy.) But now, the president and proxies are blaming white Americans, hillbillies, for the president’s own blatant, racial favoritism throughout his eight years.

Fareed Zakaria, second-hander and plagiarizer—what a meritocracy the establishment is!—has solicited this gem from failed president #44:

“I think there is a reason why attitudes about my presidency among whites in northern states are very different from whites in southern states,” the President told the CNN host. During his narration, Zakaria described those “white southerners” as “on the fringes.”

What’s so neat about Donald Trump is that the interest in him has made Obama irrelevant. Talk to the hand, Mr. Obama.

Related: “The Curious Case Of America’s Waning Whites.”