Monthly Archives: June 2017

NEW COLUMN: Trump Fends Off ‘Showboat’ Comey And The Federal Zombies

Business, Donald Trump, Russia, The State

“Trump Fends Off ‘Showboat’ Comey And The Federal Zombies” is the current column, now on American Thinker. An excerpt:

He pleaded the case of a loyal soldier, rather than forsake retired US Army lieutenant general Michael Flynn to the mercies of FBI director James Comey. And he asked for loyalty from the congenitally disloyal. You’ll agree: President Donald Trump is being indicted on technicalities and on personal style.

Distill the president’s unremarkable actions, subject to a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, and it becomes clear that The establishment—for sensible people outside the beltway have dissociate from the Russia-collusion phantasmagoria—is indicting him on the plain, impolitic speech that catapulted Donald Trump from candidate to president.

Trump is “aggressive and oblivious to the rules of engagement,” fumed CNN’s sibilant Chris Cillizza, formerly of the Washington Post. Correct. But was the language of combat you deployed, Mr. Cillizza, a Freudian slip?

The president’s linguistic infelicities—a word salad, at times—have given the press popinjays and their Washington overlords the foothold needed to go after the president. Throw in the “bad” habits of a businessman he has retained. Trump transacts with everyone—Russians too. We voted for deals, not wars.

This is the sum and substance of President Trump’s offenses. That, and beating Hillary Clinton to the White House.

Proponents of free-markets understand how business operates. Statists don’t. To the statist, the Fake News fabricator and the stark raving mad Washington Post (WaPo), “Trump sitting next to Russian Ambassador Yuri Dubinin, at a luncheon hosted by Leonard Lauder, the oldest son of Estée Lauder,” in 1986, is incriminating evidence … of something.

The tidbit made it on to a sinister WaPo list, “Team Trump’s ties to Russian interests.” To the same statists, Trump “meeting with Russian businessmen, including a real estate developer,” in 2013, “while in Moscow for his Miss Universe competition,” is yet more circumstantial evidence of … something.

Citizen Trump was bringing a fun event to Russia! To members of the American media-military-congressional-industrial complex, being amicable with foreign interests is a foreign concept. At the same time, he did some business there. Inconceivable! Had Mr. Trump smuggled a dirty bomb into Russia, under the “clever” guise of pursuing commerce, his militant enemies stateside might forgive him today. The tools threatening President Trump with impeachment have one bag of tricks stuffed with power tools: they audit, indict, arrest, bomb, change regimes. They don’t make profitable business deals; they tax them. They don’t make peace; they wage war.

Prone to seeing faces in the clouds, the reporters—they’ve lost their minuscule minds—frame the act of putting in a kind word for “a good guy,” as Trump did in February 2017, for Gen. Michael Flynn, as an obstruction of justice. …

READ the rest. “Trump Fends Off ‘Showboat’ Comey And The Federal Zombies” is the current column, now on American Thinker.

MI5 Is MIA: British Security Missing In Action. Reliably So.

Britain, Government, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Islam

A degenerate culture, filming and fawning over the most dangerous individuals in society, who are free to roam around and plot murder: UK’s Channel 4 produced a TV documentary, The Jihadis Next Door, starring one of the London Bridge attackers, Khuram Butt. Butt was not on the lam, or being apprehended by UK Insecurity Forces, or hunkering in a bunker in Iraq. He was parading around in Barking, east London, broadcasting his intentions. Pretty much.

Even the Imam at the mosque expelled Butt for his murderous lust, but not his British protectors.

Scotland Yard? MI5? All missing in action. Always. Isn’t abnegation by the State Security apparatus the norm, rather than the exception? A norm the sheeple agree to live with?

British authorities hound, even jail, English men and women found in contempt of Islam. But never the reverse. Arrests of individuals for non-violent speech infractions, such as reciting a verse from a book by Churchill book, are not unheard of.

But that was yesterday or the day before. What’s Islam been up to today? French gendarme hammered, literally, with hammer. Authorities are in the dark. They always are:

And as I was writing the above, Murder by Muslim in Australia.

Cute Little Syrian Refugees Grow Up. Oh, The Possibilities.

Conflict, Foreign Policy, IMMIGRATION, Islam

Aleppo Boy is all better now, living more safely in an Assad-controlled area of Syria. The family of Aleppo’s famous bloodied boy chose a government-controlled territory over the rebel-held Idlib province. (That would’ve been John McCain’s preference for them.)

Do you think members of the London Bridge attack trio once looked as cute and as helpless as Allepo Boy? And then The Snakes bit. (“Take me in, silly liberal woman.”)

The Snake (made famous by The Donald):

UPDATE (6/5): London Bridge Burns A Week After Manchester Massacre. WINNING.

Britain, Donald Trump, Homeland Security, Islam, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Terrorism

The Manchester Ariana Grande concert is out of date. There’s been a NEW murder-by-Muslim-immigrant, this time on London Bridge.

Duly, Fake News proceeds to rage about President Trump’s normal-person response to more killing by Islam’s emissaries. “Alarmist blowhard” they, celebrities and journos, dub the president.

CNN appears to stage a Muslim solidarity protest against terrorism in Londonistan, but can’t muster a quorum. Parents of last week’s murdered kids urge other kids to keep making merry in Manchester. That’s considered a far more sane response than Trump’s visceral outrage!

Out come the helpless hand gestures, the flowers, the stuffed animals (don’t these people care about landfills?), and other sanctimony—which shows a frightening normalization among the dhimma (“non-Muslim citizens of an Islamic state”). The usual learned helpless is displayed by the population and people interviewed. “I wanted the help, but couldn’t.” Such is life.

No guns, no right to life, no freedom: No such deductions are reached.

Arrests are always AFTER THE FACT. Yet British sheeple are praising their insecurity forces.

UPDATE (6/5):

Keep annoying the Muslim mayor, POTUS.