Updated: A Windy Carter ‘Breaks News’ On ‘Countdown’



Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed that news media could stoop so low. With his most solemn, commissar-like countenance, thought-crime investigator Keith Olbermann broke news on his Countdown show: The intensity of the animosity toward Barack Obama is based on his being a black man. So said the feeble-minded Jimmy Carter. This, by Keith’s journalistic standards, meant that the libel was true.

Olbermann proceeded to “debate” the ad hominem with the off-putting, effeminate, left-liberal Markos Moulitsas (It’s hard to believe that he served in the armed forces and has fathered children), and before him with Lawrence O’Donnell.

Such speculation amounts to psychologizing—impugning a disputant based on assumptions about his motives, instead of arguing the case based on facts and reason. Even worse: this breaking-news balderdash rested on an argument from authority. A shameless O’Donnell asserted in all seriousness that because Carter had said so, and because Carter was from the South, he ought to know. Therefore, Joe Wilson and Southern Americans must be taken to the proverbial woodshed, i. e., subjected to reeducation in the form of endless discussion about race, conducted by the familiar race hucksters.

Middle America had better stand and fight this one to the end.

Update (Sept. 17): At the time Obama ascended to the throne his approval ratings ran to 70 percent. Are we to believe this senile git Carter that between March and September of 2009 Americans developed a bad case of racism?

13 thoughts on “Updated: A Windy Carter ‘Breaks News’ On ‘Countdown’

  1. Steve Hogan

    Breaking news? About the only thing Jimmah can manage is breaking wind.

    When will this malignant little man simply go away? If only I could bottle and sell his insufferable self-righteousness, I could make a mint and retire in luxury.

    As for the absurd Mr. Olbermann, he is reason #4358 as to why I unplugged my TV and sold it to the highest bidder. He contributes nothing meaningful to society.

  2. JP Strauss

    I live much farther south than any of you and I can tell you horrible tales of race-baiting and newspeak wars. Better to get the resistance going now than to wait until the enemy has reinforced and consolidated their position.

    [Tell us, please.]

  3. Myron Pauli

    I am glad that our distinguished Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dr. Sigmund Jimmy Carter, has revealed to us that Ilana Mercer’s opposition to our Great Leader’s Healthcare REFORM is not due whatsoever to any principles but to a psychotic racism, derived from a rape-fantasy “Mandingo” complex. The mental illness of opposition to Obammunism was further exaggerated by irrational, venomous, Islamophobia (since President Obama’s middle name is Hussein) which was deeply ingrained into her via the Electra complex from her hatemongering fanatical Rabbi father.

    The good news is that since racism is really a disease, mentally ill patients will soon be able to be cured as they do in more enlightened countries:


    by government provided healthcare – and at no additional cost to the deficit!

    The other good news is that people like “clueless town hall protester, Katy Abram” (a small business owner who pays their own medical bills up to a $ 5000 deductible! – re: your O’ Donnell link) who are just dreadfully ignorant of the benefits of government can soon get some free re-education:


    at a nearby government camp.

    [Note – this post is facetious]

  4. Jamie

    I beginning to think the greatest gift Obama may give to the country is the flushing of PC garbage down the toilet. Increasingly people refuse to be cowed; I think certain elements of the left are more than a bit nervous about this development.

    This thing with Carter and Congress publicly rebuking Wilson makes Obama look like a weakling who can’t handle any heat. By not stopping it he’s tacitly acknowledging that he can’t face the fire on his own. Affirmative action, now playing in the Oval Office. It does not bode well.

  5. Virgil

    I do believe that there is much racism to be found here, but not anti-black racism. Rather, what we are witnessing is one of the last respectable form of bigotry: anti-Southern white. The liberal-left hates Southern whites (except for the self-hating kind like Jimmy “Dhimmi” Carter) and never misses a chance to trash the South and its people.

  6. M. B. Moon

    Jimmy reveals his own shallowness. The true racists are those who think that a different skin color = change (If we can just get the exact hue, we’ll have heaven on earth).

  7. Robert Glisson

    I checked out the O’Donnell link. With O’Reily and O’Donnell, Kennedy I’m going to have to write an apology for the Irish people. We didn’t mean to inflict this much misery on the earth. My only saving grace is that I’m sure Jimmy Carter is English (Please God, let him be English). Please remind me when you give a link to a liberal site, not to read the comments. Some of those people give me nightmares. The hate, name calling, spite and self righteousness they exhibit and direct at others is appalling.

  8. M. B. Moon

    “… I’m going to have to write an apology for the Irish people. ” Robert Glisson

    Ah forget, it. What would we do without redheaded Irish gals? A national treasure, I tell you!

  9. Haym Benaroya

    Jimmy Carter, was there ever a less talented man, one more clueless, one more craven, one less paid-off by the Saudis, one more obvious in his anti-Semitism, one more lusting after Playboy Bunnies, one less inordinately afraid of Communism, than this farmer with two peanuts?


  10. robert

    I don’t know why you want to bring the honest and ancient profession of farming down to the Carter level, but with everything else, I can agree.

  11. robert

    Concerning your update question about 70% of American voters making Michele Obama finally proud of her country to the current state of rampant racism. Evidently it’s like the flu virus where one needs annual vaccinations or at least the thought doctors annual check up. You feeling a little feverish, are you?


  12. M. B. Moon

    “Jimmy Carter, was there ever a less talented man, one more clueless, one more craven, one less paid-off by the Saudis, one more obvious in his anti-Semitism, one more lusting after Playboy Bunnies, one less inordinately afraid of Communism, than this farmer with two peanuts?” Haym

    That is one convoluted sentence, but what does it mean?

  13. Haym Benaroya

    I should have said “more paid off by the Saudis,” but I guess I was carried away…

    I accept Robert’s defense of farmers, but I was referring to the peanuts. And M.B., yes a convoluted sentence trying to make the point that J.C. is as beneath seriousness as he is beneath contempt – he has devolved to the point where whatever he says, the right answer is the opposite.

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