Assange Makes Lamestream Run for Cover

libertarianism,Media,Neoconservatism,Political Philosophy,Propaganda,Russia,Socialism,The State


It is no contest: RT leads the way with gritty broadcasting. RT does what a broadcaster should do; challenge the powers that be and probe every aspect of the story. Yes, the angle pursued is more often left-libertarian than paleo, but RT is also less statist than American mainstream media. (And they happen to feature my own paleolibertarian column, which takes courage too.)

As the talented Gayane Chichakyan has noted, Julian Assange’s new RT program is making the American mainstream nuttier than normal. Chichakyan has editorialized about mainstream’s protest against letting Assange loose on air—Bill O’Reilly, Megyn Kelly, Glenn Beck, Ed Schultz (who recommended death to Assange); all were apoplectic. (On The Other Channels, we’re accustomed to the wilderness of women reporters—Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Erin Burnett, Tamron Toots Hall, etc.)

Gayane hinted that the malfunctioning media’s objection to more of a variety in opinion seems to have at its goal the further closing of the already atherosclerotic American mind.

In any event, Assange is sure shaking things up, starting with an interview with Hezbollah leader Sayyid Nasrallah.

Next Assange refereed repartee between David Horowitz, whom he described as “a radical right-wing Zionist,” and “Slavoj Zizek, a Slovenian sociologist, philosopher and former anti-communist dissident, who turned communist.” (Yes, “Saying ‘I’m a Socialist’ = Saying ‘I’m a Massive idiot.'”)

I was disappointed that Mr. Horowitz was described as of the “radical right wing.” He himself would cop to neoconservatism.

4 thoughts on “Assange Makes Lamestream Run for Cover

  1. Rebel without a Clause

    It’s true, Assange is a Hero of our Times. Unfortunately, he had sex w/o a prophylactic and, with the other bim, didn’t call back the next day. So he’s doomed.

  2. Nebojsa Malic

    And Žižek is nothing more than a Useful Idiot for the Empire. But I’ll give Assange one thing: love them or hate them, his guests aren’t boring.

  3. JP

    One would think “investigative journalism” would entail uncovering inconvenient truths. One would be wrong.

    I can’t wrap my head around the fact that a Russian news agency is less prone to propaganda than agencies from the “free world”.

  4. Contemplationist


    I’m curious about your reasons for calling Mr. Zizek a ‘useful idiot.’ From my reading of him, he comes across as a future Head of Propaganda Directorate or something for the next Marxist Republic. I don’t see any idiocy there or even delusion, just pure, immoral grab for power.

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