Bearded Trans Men Chest-Feeding: Paternal Or Sexual?



THE COLUMN, “Autoeroticism With An Infant Sanctioned By Society Of Deviants,” appeared on WND.COM this week. In it a question is posed:

Bearded trans men chest-feeding: Is that paternal or sexual behavior?

And, it is answered, alas. Is it not time to quit sanctioning, even celebrating, onanism with an innocent infant? (My publishers reject the biblical term “onanism.” I think it is perfect to the task. Why are conservatives so squeamish about truth? The Hebrew Bible wasn’t.)


… While breastfeeding is a much better formula for mother-child bonding than baby formula—gender-appropriators forget that baby nurses to survive, sate hunger and grow.

Thus, a member of the sexually exotic community who claims no longer to be woman cannot sustain an infant through breastfeeding because “he” doesn’t produce breast milk, having had the mammary glands removed. What then is the purpose of such showy displays of “chest-feeding”?

If it is not for the purpose of sustenance, then unsuccessful breastfeeding by a transgendered individual becomes merely an experience, even a production, in furtherance of that individual’s ego-bound gender- and sexual fulfillment. …”


Wishing my Jewish readers well over the Yom Kippur fast.


*Screen-picture capture courtesy of the Guardian

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