British Parliamentary-Police-Press Complex Splutters

Britain,Crime,English,Journalism,Law,Media,The State,The Zeitgeist


In the US we have a military-media-industrial-congressional-complex. These branches share a symbiotic relationship. For example, when the top brass in government or in the military want to launch a war on another people (Iraq, for example), or on their own (The Transportation and Security Administration), they entrust the ratings-craving (and craven) television networks to do their bidding.

In the UK they have a similar set-up, call it, for our purposes, the parliamentary-police-press complex. As in the US, its mission is to keep the populace preoccupied with puerile nonsense. The already pathetic British press, it turns out, was going above the call of duty in emulating the government: News of the World, a News Corp, Rupert Murdoch British tabloid, has been hacking the phones and voicemail of interested parties.

Not unlike the government that is currently quizzing it.

Today, Rebekah Brooks of the tumbleweed hair apologized for the editorial direction she took.

It has to be clear that this is a dance of statists.

2 thoughts on “British Parliamentary-Police-Press Complex Splutters

  1. Myron Pauli

    I don’t mind if the government would protect our privacy from corporate or media spies and hackers. Of course, it might be nice if the government would also protect our privacy from the government.

  2. George Pal

    Pot, kettle, pan in a kerfuffle over primacy, i.e., who may know what about whom… first.

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