Cain Un-Able

Economy,Federal Reserve Bank,Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,Middle East,Political Economy,Republicans


What a great title from NPR: “Herman Cain Wasn’t Able On Palestinian Right Of Return Question.” (That is if you know the Hebrew Bible.) It captures this Republican presidential contender’s Palinesque lack of command of basic facts, in general, and in the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, in particular. The man is not only clueless, but perfectly comfortable in holding court on an issue about which he knows nothing. The last quality is way worse than the first. Check Cain’s insertion of the “compassionate” adjective at the end, vis-a-vis Israel. You can win elections in America armed with a fatuous vocabulary that includes words like “hope, change, compassion, dreams.”

Fox News Sunday’s host Chris Wallace: Where do you stand on the right of return?

CAIN: The right of return? (Pause) The right of return? (Pause)

WALLACE: The Palestinian right of return.

CAIN: That is something that should be negotiated. That is something that should be negotiated.

WALLACE: Do you think the Palestinian refugees, the people who were kicked out of the land in 1948, should be able or should have any right to return to Israeli land?

CAIN: Yes. But under — but not under Palestinian conditions. Yes. They should have a right to come back if that is a decision that Israel wants to make.

Back to — it’s up to Israel to determine the things they will accept. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it real clear in his statement following the statement that President Obama made. They are wiling to make some concessions. They are willing to give on a lot of things. They are willing to be compassionate.


I “Liked” Vox Day’s evisceration of the Republicans’ token racial candidate’s economics:

“He is not even close to being a genuine conservative on the single most important issue presently facing the nation. Indeed, both his economic philosophy and his employment record are quite literally Communist. In the fifth of the “10 Planks” of the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx demanded “Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.” In the United States, credit has been centralized in an exclusive government monopoly granted to the Federal Reserve; Mr. Cain was the deputy chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City from 1992-1994 and the chairman from 1995-1996.


10 thoughts on “Cain Un-Able

  1. Lester Hunt

    I could hardly believe my ears when I heard this part of the Chris Wallace interview. He obviously does not know that an unlimited right of return would mean Israel will no longer exist, which the Israelis are obviously not willing to negotiate about.

  2. Greg

    I read last week that Cain was head of the Kansas City Fed in the 90’s. That is when I realized that he is no different than the rest of the neo-cons in the Republican Party. He said that an audit of the Federal Reserve is not necessary. Once again, not many choices at election time.

  3. Jack

    If I was running for president and they asked me this my answer would be that if elected I promise to only worry about the borders of the United States of America and not concern myself with any dispute about the border between Israel and Palestine whether in 1948, 1967, or 2011.

  4. Anonymous

    Like most “conservative” Republican side of the political system, Mr. Cain appears to have made a grievous faux pas. Ron Paul is right; Israel should be left alone to determine its own national interests.

    The more I hear and read about Herman Cain, the less I trust that he will return this country to its constitutional moorings and sound currency.

    [Anon, on your last comment, submitted on 2011/05/22 at 4:33 am, I asked that you please provide an email when posting, as per BAB’s posting policy. Please do so next time you post or else your comment will not appear.]

  5. Myron Pauli

    The Republicans are, arguably, as big hypocrites on the subject of affirmative action as are the Democrats – possibly bigger since the Democrats at least do a pseudo-“justification” of the practice while the Republicans both practice and denounce it simultaneously.

    Wowwee – black man or black woman or white woman or transgendered hispanic or one legged American Indian can talk at a teleprompter or string together 4 sentences with the right buzzwords and all of a sudden they are eligible to micromanage our lives at home (the Welfare State) and micromanage the world (the Warfare State). None of these affirmative action geniuses would know the Constitution if it hit them on the head.

    By the way, here is a column with an alternative (and VERY POLITICALLY INCORRECT) view of the racial divide:

  6. derek

    He obviously does not know that an unlimited right of return would mean Israel will no longer exist, which the Israelis are obviously not willing to negotiate about.

    Why are Americans not willing to fight against the unlimited right of return of the world to the USA?

  7. CompassionateFascist

    Herman Who? Oh, yeah, that group-entitlement bankster…I’d say he has about as much chance at the Republicrat prez nomination as a Snowball in Hell. But that would be racist….

  8. Tom

    As Myron wrote, a few blogs and a few days ago, judenrein Palestine, an echo of Nazi Germany, and their allies Totalitarian Islam, supported by the Bush family patriarch of the 1930’s, and the financial elite criminal gang, as described by John Loftus in his book “The Secret War Against the Jews”, in part because of financial competition for profits in Nazi Germany, later in part because of Islamic Oil reserves which benefit almost everyone in the United States to some degree, some more than others, of course, and presumably racism.

    Americans unwilling to fight against the unlimited right of return of illegal aliens into the United States, presumably because the Totalitarian New World Order One World Government conspiracy complicity of the United States government is already too powerful for ordinary individual citizens and small militia groups to fight against directly, unless the unlikely event happens of a very large number of US citizens willing to fight and die in a terrorist war against the government, when almost everyone is too comfortable living under the Totalitarian government.

  9. Dennis

    Please note:


    2. Herman Cain has publicly stated on many occasions that he favors implementation of the FAIR TAX as well as severe cuts to or elimination of the Capital Gains & Inheritance Taxes.

    3. Tom, the Libertarian Party does not advocate the use of force to effect political change…I signed that pledge more than 35 years ago. However, my understanding is that it does not preclude self-defense. NOTE: Didn’t Ghandi succeed via non-violent methods?

    4. Everyone should keep in mind the 80% – 20% Rule, i.e. 80% of anything is accomplished by 20% of the participants. Unless many more multitudes of objectivists, libertarians, rigid conservatives, and free marketers make their voices heard, I am afraid most Americans will not learn how precious freedom is and will accept a socialist / communist system.

    There is no perfect candidate and we will have to reverse the “Boil the Frog”
    method to gain our freedoms.

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