Category Archives: Affirmative Action

UPDATED (3/6/019): Acceptance Into Medical School Depends Greatly On Race, Not Necessarily Aptitude

Affirmative Action, Education, Egalitarianism, Gender, Intelligence, Race

How did he get into very good medical schools with subpar scores (3.1 GPA)? Vijay Chokal-Ingam, who’s of Indian heritage, studied his chances of admission while Indian—and then resolved to pretend to be … African-American. Voila!

Admission into medical school is determined by the applicants GPA (Grade Point Average) and MCAT (the Medical College’s Admission Test), explains Tucker Carlson. The standard, however, differs by the appearance of the candidates.

(Here is a new “MCAT conversion table.”)

Asians with an MCAT of 27 to 29 and a GPA of 3.4 to 3.49 have only a 21% chance of getting into a medical school. A white with that score has a 29% of acceptance.

African-American applicants have an 81% chance of acceptance with these scores.

IF YOU’RE HISPANIC, you have a 60% probability of being accepted with such scores. (Tucker did not explain that respectable scores of 27 to 29 place the candidate in the 61st to 73rd percentile.)

An African-American candidate was 4 times more likely to be admitted to medical school than an Asian with the same MCAT scores.

If only Tucker had surveyed the degree to which women of all races trump men in the medical school selection.

(I also believe aptitude tests have been modified over the decades to address what the egalitarians insist is “racially biased Questions in standardized tests.” But I don’t have the literature to show this dumbing down over the decades.)

RELATED: “MCAT and GPA Grid for Applicants and Acceptees by Selected Race and Ethnicity, 2013-2014 through 2015-2016 (Aggregated).”

UPDATED (3/6/019): “When Merit-Based Hiring Is Deemed Racist, Bridges Fall Down“:

The U.S. government hasn’t had an entrance test since … 1982. It abandoned both the Federal Civil Service Entrance Examination and the Professional and Administrative Career Examination (PACE) because blacks and Latinos were much less likely to pass either of them.

In academia, law schools have lowered the bar in admissions and on the bar exam. Universities run a “dual admissions system”—“one admissions pool for white applicants and another, far less competitive, pool for minorities.”

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UPDATED (10/10/018): Kavanaugh ‘Gang Rape-Rooms’ Fantasist Julie Swetnick: A Vetted, Decorated US Government Worker

Affirmative Action, Comedy & Humor, Donald Trump, Egalitarianism, Feminism, Gender, Government, Labor

The most preposterous of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers was Julie Swetnick, who is or was a career federal-government employee and a “decorated” one at that.

What does this tell Americans about the quality of the civil servants in their government?

You might counter that the Swetnick case is an isolated incident, but the following is axiomatic; we all know this to be true:

The American government is riddled with set-asides, preferential hiring practices and affirmative action, which compromise an already compromised institution (The State).


Swetnick  holds “active clearances” for her work with the US Department of Treasury, US Mint and Internal Revenue Service.

She said she also previously had security clearances with the US Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection.

An active security clearance means Swetnick has been subjected to a stringent background investigation that deemed her qualified to have access to “classified national security information … so long as the person has a need to know the information,” according to the State Department website.

More shameful is that The Economist (a real news organization) was uncritical about Swetnick’s credentials. If they were minted by the US government, well then, her credentials must be stand for something:

… the latest of [the judge’s accusers] has multiple security clearances and signed an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, that she was gang raped at a party that Mr Kavanaugh attended.

See “Truth and consequences: American politics after a year of #MeToo.”

UPDATE (10/10/018):

Scary to be a boy:

FBI Report:

Senator Collins shone:


So did the “Sergeant-at-Arms:

Diane Feinstein:

You can’t fix ugly:

Or diabolical: NOT SURE WHY THE WRITER WON’T state the obvious: “THIS IS WHAT WOMEN OF THE LEFT SOUND LIKE.” Still, good enough for an incomplete deduction

Ana Navarro:

Appeasement already?

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NEW COLUMN: UPDATE II (6/8): The Demonization Of Whites By Mrs. Bill Gates & Other Dangerous Idiots

Affirmative Action, Business, Gender, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Race, Racism, Terrorism

“The Demonization Of Whites By Mrs. Bill Gates & Other Dangerous Idiots” is the current column, now on and Unz Review. An excerpt:

Melinda Gates, a silly woman with an enormously wealthy husband, has decided to reinvent herself as a venture capitalist. With a difference.

With her husband’s billions, Mrs. Gates announced her intention to venture into funding start-up companies that are likely to fail.

In an interview with Fortune Magazine, Gates “bashed ‘white guys,’” and vowed to favor women and people of color in her investment choices.

Using pigment and gender as criteria in allocating her abundant resources is hardly a prudent investment strategy.

But Mrs. Gates can afford to lose money. Her husband is Bill Gates, a lily-white billionaire (with lots of liver spots).

From the vertiginous heights of ignorance, Mrs. Bill Gates has scolded the venture-capital industry:

“Enough with your love for ‘the white guy in a hoodie’” (whatever that means).

Thanks to her husband’s vast riches, Melinda’s son, Rory John Gates, will remain insulated from discrimination visited on white men, by vindictive women like Mommy Dearest, in the name of “white privilege” (whatever that means).

“White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it”: While the article is from 2015, Salon and other influential leftist news sites have furnished sequels to the “salutary” warning, issued by the magazine in time for Christmas.

“White men must be stopped”? What precisely does that mean?

In the postmodern tradition, the pseudo-academics behind the concept of white privilege have invented for themselves an artificial, political construct.

Political constructs confer power on those who dream them up. For politics is the predatory process through which the figment of sick minds is weaponized. …

READ THE REST. “The Demonization Of Whites By Mrs. Bill Gates & Other Dangerous Idiots” is now on and Unz Review.

UPDATE (6/8):

Another neat letter:

—–Original Message—–
Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 6:10 PM
Subject: White Privilege

Ms. Mercer,

Love your article (as sad as it is) regarding “The White Problem.” I’ve always said that calling for an “end” to “white privilege” really means an *end* to *white people*. And it is no different from Germans already talking about a “Jewish problem” as early as the mid-18th century.

Unfortunately, America will go the way that white South Africa went. Truly a tragedy. And the irony is that it is white people who are to blame due to their idiotic “white guilt.”

Thanks for being so honest and truthful – unlike the faux “con-servatives” who pooh-pooh Afrosupremacim and Europhobia.

P.S. “Vertiginous”? Had to look it up. Great word!

P.P.S. Would you mind letting me know who is the “lightweight” idiot on FOX who called it “goofy”?

UPDATE II: Interesting thread on Jack Kerwick’s Facebook page:

Ilana Mercer But Jack Kerwick, it’s much bigger than that: Civilization was practically built by white men. Is there anything in your house that hasn’t been invented by this much-maligned cohort? Do a little exercise. I do it. I can be watching anything from the detailed investigation of an aviation accident to a piece of great music (say Bach), to the history of the 747. I say to myself, “Thanks G-d for Africa, where this stuff was invented.” Reality check.

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How Are So-Called Right-Wing Feminists Different From The Left Variety? Not Much …

Affirmative Action, Argument, Feminism, Gender, Labor, Sex, Technology

So-called right-wing feminists such as Christina Sommers still don’t admit or grasp that, in aggregate, women have different aptitudes to men. Leveling the playing field (an impossibility, unless force is used) to them is just about choosing a different major.

For a more realistic survey of what women do in engineering and how they fare, read my “James Damore V. Google: Man Against Multinational & Matriarchy”:

Despite active recruiting and ample affirmative action, women made up only 14.5 percent and 12.5 percent, respectively, of computer science and electrical engineering graduates, in 2015. While they comprise 21.4 percent of undergraduates enrolled in engineering, females earned only 19.9 percent of all Bachelor’s degrees awarded by an engineering program in 2015.”

There is attrition!

Overall, and in the same year, 80.1 percent of Bachelor’s degrees in engineering went to men; 19.9 percent to women. (“Engineering by the Numbers,” By Brian L. Yoder, Ph.D.)