Category Archives: Africa

Milton Friedman Understood Rhodesia In 1976

Africa, Britain, Colonialism, Communism, History, Race, Racism, South-Africa


“Of the 49 countries in Africa, fifteen are under direct military rule and 29 have one-party civilian governments. Only five have multiparty political systems. I have just returned from visiting two of these five—the Republic of South Africa and Rhodesia (the other three, for Africa buffs, are Botswana, Gambia and Mauritius). If this way of putting it produces a double take, that is its purpose. The actual situation in both South Africa and Rhodesia is very different from and very much more complex than the black-white stereotypes presented by both our government and the press. And the situation in Rhodesia is very different from that in South Africa.

Neither country is an ideal democracy—just as we are not. Both have serious racial problems— just as we have. Both can be justly criticized for not moving faster to eliminate discrimination— just as we can. But both provide a larger measure of freedom and affluence for all their residents—black and white—than most other countries of Africa.

Both would be great prizes for the Soviets—and our official policy appears well designed to assure that the Soviets succeed in following up their victory in Angola through the use of Cuban troops by similar take-overs in Rhodesia and South Africa.

The United Nations recently renewed and strengthened its sanctions against Rhodesia. The U.S. regrettably concurred. We have, however, had enough sense to continue buying chrome from Rhodesia under the Byrd amendment, rather than, as we did for a time, in effect forcing Rhodesia to sell its chrome to Russia (also technically a party to the sanctions) which promptly sold us chrome at double the price.

Rhodesia was opened up to the rest of the world less than a century ago by British pioneers. Since then, Rhodesia has developed rapidly, primarily through its mineral production—gold, copper, chrome and such—and through highly productive agriculture.

In the past two decades alone, the “African” (i.e., black) population has more than doubled, to 6 million, while the “European” population (i.e., white) has less than doubled, from about 180,000 to less than 300,000. As Rhodesia has developed, more and more Africans have been drawn from their traditional barter economy into the modern market sector. For example, from 1958 to 1975, the total earnings of African employees quadrupled, while those of European employees a little more than tripled. Even so, perhaps more than half of all Africans are still living in the traditional subsistence sector. …”

… READ THE REST: “Rhodesia in 1976. A fascinating view from a famous economist.”

When Europe Becomes Africa … In 100 Years

Africa, Christianity, Europe, Film, IMMIGRATION, Intelligence, Race

To see Europe in 100 years, it’s more instructive to look at Africa today or watch “Idiocracy,” a magnificent, American, satire-cum-documentary.

And has Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput ever considered encouraging the use of contraception in Africa? And/or discouraging Africa from moving to Europe? What about preserving his own Christian civilization that has been so instrumental to Africa’s population explosion?

UPDATE II (5/3): Damned Lies And Statistics About Black-On-White Farm Murders In South Africa

Africa, Crime, History, Pseudoscience, South-Africa

Damned Lies And Statistics About Black-On-White Farm Murders In South Africa” is the current column, now on American Thinker. An excerpt:

Farming in South Africa is the most dangerous occupation in the world. Farmers there suffer more murders per-capita than any other community on earth outside a war zone. Since the dawn of democracy in the country, farming South Africa has been slaughtered by black South Africans in ways that would do Shaka Zulu * proud.

The Transvaal Agricultural Union’s numbers (purported to be the most reliable) are bolstered by Genocide Watch. (I wrote about this here.) By this assessment, South African farmers were being exterminated at the annual rate of 313 per 100,000 inhabitants, 3,000 since the election of the sainted Nelson Mandela (1994), two a week, seven in March of 2010, “four times as high as is for the rest of the [South African] population,” in the words of Genocide Watch’s Dr. Gregory H. Stanton.

The number of farmers martyred on land many their families had farmed since the 1600s has since been revised downward by the African National Congress (ANC) government, its police and lickspittle social scientists. This is good if true; bad if doctored for the purpose of diminishing the facts.

The Democratic Alliance used to dispute any crime statistics issued by the South African Police Service (SAPS). The tiny, tokenistic, opposition to the “all-powerful black majority party” puts the ostensible drop in crime down to the fact that 51 percent of victims no longer bother to report crime, given that corruption is rife, arrests rare, and prosecutions and convictions still rarer. Findings suggest that the SAPS’s optimistic, homicide statistics are not to be believed. According to the Economist (citations in Into the Cannibal’s Pot), the Center for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation has confirmed the existence of a “pervasive pattern of (police) manipulation of statistic.”

Every year, millions in taxpayers’ money are forked out to private security firms to protect … the new South Africa’s police stations. “South Africa’s protectors can’t protect themselves,” they can’t protect the country, and they probably can’t count. The orgy of crime in South Africa reflects the capabilities of this reconstructed police force.

… READ THE REST. “Damned Lies And Statistics About Black-On-White Farm Murders In South Africa” is now on American Thinker.

UPDATE (5/1): Rhodesia, RIP

“A Handful of Hard Men: The SAS and the Battle for Rhodesia”: Once there were warriors, righteous men who fought for their homes–not to display their virtue and force their values on faraway primitives à la America. The men who built and fought for Rhodesia were great warriors and patriots, betrayed by the political clones of South Africa’s F. W. de Klerk and the same Anglo-American Axis of Evil, exposed in “Into The Cannibal’s Pot.”

UPDATE II (5/3): Tutu, tut-tut. 

Sainted Mandela.

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Population Exchange: Say Europeans Leave, 3rd World Migrants Take Over

Africa, America, EU, Europe, IMMIGRATION, Intelligence, The West

A thought experiment: Say evil Westerners were to just give up. We’ve had enough of being put upon and blamed for the evil and dysfunction of the world. Let’s agree to a population exchange. Here, miserable third-world migrants. Take America and Europe. We’ve had it with your dysfunction and deviance. You, sacred migrants and your liberal, philosophical concubines; in governments and NGOs: Take our countries. We’ll take your ramshackle lands on one condition: You and your liberal bedfellows are never to come near us ever again.

After a few decades, maybe half a century, the new abodes of Westerners will have flourished, Europe and America will look like Africa does today.

Quod erat demonstrandum. Q.E.D. (“that which was to be proven”). Or close.