In a review of our friend Andrew Bostom’s new book, The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History, Alyssa A. Lappen
“Particularly since the late, lifelong Muslim Brother, Yasser Arafat, shifted anti-Israel jihad into fifth gear in September 2000, several Middle East and Islamic scholars have repeatedly asserted that 20th and 21st century Islamic anti-Semitism sprang solely from Nazi and European Christian influence.”
“Even now, Islamophiles like Bernard Lewis preach (as it were) that virulent Jew-hatred is not inherent to Islam – but rather, anti-Semitism migrated to the Middle East with European colonialism. The Quran uses ‘hard words … about the Jews,’ even Lewis admits. Yet under Islamic rule, he claims they were ‘only rarely subject to persecution’ and ‘their situation was never as bad as in Christendom at its worst. …'”
“Dr. Andrew G. Bostom’s extensive, scientific and largely unprecedented new book, ‘The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History’, definitively disproves such claims. (Full disclosure: I copy-edited several of these first-time English translations, and proofread many chapters.)”
“Publication of this landmark book informs self-respecting scholars, they can no longer shamelessly blame Christianity as the sole source of anti-Semitism – or more importantly, that Islam does not and never had its own innate brand of loathing for the Jewish people. Islam detests non-Muslims generally – whom sharia laws institutionally oppress and tax as underclass ‘dhimmis’ – but inveighs especially intense odium against Jews…”
ILANA here: almost intractably ingrained among Jews themselves is the perception of Christianity as a source of all things bad for them. Not a week goes by when I am not laboriously explaining to relatives that, no, Hagee is not about to ride into Pittsburgh to conduct a pogrom. Jews, especially those residing in Eurabia, had better begin to better tell their friends from their foes. I imagine it must piss off a friend immensely when nothing he does satisfied the Stiff-Necked Ones.