Category Archives: Anti-Semitism

Pedigreed Islamic Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism, Islam, Judaism & Jews

In a review of our friend Andrew Bostom’s new book, The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History, Alyssa A. Lappen

“Particularly since the late, lifelong Muslim Brother, Yasser Arafat, shifted anti-Israel jihad into fifth gear in September 2000, several Middle East and Islamic scholars have repeatedly asserted that 20th and 21st century Islamic anti-Semitism sprang solely from Nazi and European Christian influence.”

“Even now, Islamophiles like Bernard Lewis preach (as it were) that virulent Jew-hatred is not inherent to Islam – but rather, anti-Semitism migrated to the Middle East with European colonialism. The Quran uses ‘hard words … about the Jews,’ even Lewis admits. Yet under Islamic rule, he claims they were ‘only rarely subject to persecution’ and ‘their situation was never as bad as in Christendom at its worst. …'”

“Dr. Andrew G. Bostom’s extensive, scientific and largely unprecedented new book, ‘The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History’, definitively disproves such claims. (Full disclosure: I copy-edited several of these first-time English translations, and proofread many chapters.)”

“Publication of this landmark book informs self-respecting scholars, they can no longer shamelessly blame Christianity as the sole source of anti-Semitism – or more importantly, that Islam does not and never had its own innate brand of loathing for the Jewish people. Islam detests non-Muslims generally – whom sharia laws institutionally oppress and tax as underclass ‘dhimmis’ – but inveighs especially intense odium against Jews…”

ILANA here: almost intractably ingrained among Jews themselves is the perception of Christianity as a source of all things bad for them. Not a week goes by when I am not laboriously explaining to relatives that, no, Hagee is not about to ride into Pittsburgh to conduct a pogrom. Jews, especially those residing in Eurabia, had better begin to better tell their friends from their foes. I imagine it must piss off a friend immensely when nothing he does satisfied the Stiff-Necked Ones.

Read the rest here, and, naturally, buy the Bostom book.

CCD applauds Harper government for withdrawal of support for UN ‘anti-racism’ conference

Anti-Semitism, Canada, Israel, Race, South-Africa, UN

Our good friends at the Canadian Coalition for Democracies have posted my father’s “positively prescient, brilliant and stirring piece”—their words—on their website. Dad’s 2001 op-ed warned against Jewish participation in the first, UN “anti-racism” convention of cannibal’s in Durban. But, as the CCD warns, here they go again. Has the US emulated Harper? I hope so. (Unrelated: A few years ago, in Canada, Stephen Harper and I exchanged e-mails about classical liberalism. He’s an amiable intelligent man. Unrelated: Here’s another link to a CCD post out of which I still get a kick.)

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, 23 January, 2008
Ottawa, Canada – The Stephen Harper government has withdrawn its support for a UN anti-racism conference scheduled to take place next year in South Africa, according to a media release today from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
Jason Kenney, secretary of state for multiculturalism and Canadian identity, said today that the conference, like its predecessor in 2001, “has gone completely off the rails… Canada is interested in combating racism, not promoting it. We’ll attend any conference that is opposed to racism and intolerance, not those that actually promote racism and intolerance”.
“Canadians are shocked when they hear the clear and simple expression of reality by their leaders,” said Alastair Gordon, president of the Canadian Coalition for Democracies (CCD). “We are used to hearing double-speak from our politicians — fantasies that are at odds with the reality that most Canadians see and the values that they hold.”
The last UN anti-racism conference held in Durban in 2001 degenerated into a hate-fest of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel vitriol, while the most egregious human rights violators escaped criticism. The Toronto Star today reported that “all of the non-governmental organizations invited to the first conference have been invited back to the second, including those that were at the ‘forefront of the hatred’, some of which posted pro-Hitler posters at the 2001 gathering.”
The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is in charge of planning for the conference, an entity that has directed 93% of its resolutions on human rights violations at just one nation – Israel. Iran is a member of the organizing committee, despite its government’s open call to wipe the Jewish homeland off the face of the earth.
“The Stephen Harper government has again demonstrated that Canada can project power as a moral leader in international affairs,” added Gordon. “A nation does not need a massive military to provide the moral leadership and clarity that denies legitimacy to Orwellian UN agencies that hijack the language of human rights to promote Jew-hatred.
“Stephen Harper has signaled that Canada will act on principle, regardless of UN consensus. This is the stuff of global leadership.”

Thugs Unite At The UN Again

Anti-Semitism, UN

“As the ‘Canadian Coalition for Democracies’ warns, it’s time once again for the “Running of the Jew” at the UN, to borrow from Borat Sagdiyev’s favorite annual festival in Kazakhstan. However, while the stomping of the Jew in the make-believe village of Kuzcek is the stuff of fiction (and Sacha Baron Cohen’s comedic genius), the UN’s upcoming happening is very real.

By popular demand, the enemies of civilization and their patrons at the United Nations Human Rights Council plan to reenact the wildly successful “antiracism” conference, which was held in South Africa in 2001.”

In “Thugs Unite At The UN Again,” you’ll read how “my father effectively etched the identikits of these avatars of racial justice, who’ll soon gather again under the guise of freedom of speech, and on the dime of the taxpayer.”

Updated: ‘Jews Jeopardized By Muslim Immigration’

Anti-Semitism, IMMIGRATION, Islam

“…the violent assaults on Jews and their property in Europe, England, and Canada are nourished by an old hatred rooted in the Qur’an and in anti-infidel Islamic laws. Remember, Muslims invented the yellow rag with which the Nazis tagged Jews. The ghetto, “mellah” in Arabic, was a Muslim-devised gated community for the Jews of the Maghrib back in the 15th century. Not for naught did Maimonides, the 12th century Jewish philosopher and physician, write about the Arabs that, “Never did a nation molest, degrade, debase, and hate us as much as they.”

The excerpt is from “Jews Jeopardized By Muslim Immigration,” now on Discuss.

Update: Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch tells of an unfortunate Israeli professor, from whom the Australian Jewish community has parted company, because he dared say what I said in “jews Jeopardized By Muslim Immigration.” Reality these Jews equate with racism.

Paul Gottfried had this to say: “I agree with you entirely but I fear that your warnings will have no effect in bringing around Jewish opinion either here or in Europe. Most Jews, from what I have seen, are social liberals because of an irrational, anachronistic fear of white Christians. At this point their phobia against Western Christians as the main threat to Jewry is both lunatic and suicidal but continues to gain ground, particularly since most Christian intellectuals and journalists, who have been taught to hate their own civilization, share and propagate the same foolishness.