Category Archives: Anti-Semitism

Jewish Progressives Petrified Of … Ann Coulter And Donald Trump

Ann Coulter, Anti-Semitism, Donald Trump, Elections, Judaism & Jews, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

Forward Magazine, a progressive Jewish publication, is petrified not of Muslim immigration (which has seen European Jews come under siege), but of … Ann Coulter and Donald Trump (whose son-in-law is an orthodox Jew). Phoebe Maltz Bovy claims to speak for us “Jews” in “Why Ann Coulter’s Pro-Trump ‘4 Grandparents’ Tweet Is So Scary for Jews”:

Right-wing personality-shall-we-say Ann Coulter tweeted her wishes that “only people with at least 4 grandparents born in America” could vote, because then, Trump would, she believes, win the election. Coulter, who I will confess I’d mostly lost track of, in the blur of 2016 horribleness and 1990s revivalism, has evidently — see Cathy Young — reinvented herself as an alt-right anti-Semite.
The “grandparents” remark — apart from the strangeness of assuming the typical person has more than four grandparents — offers an explicitly exclusionary definition of American national identity. It doesn’t take years’ worth of seminars on Vichy France to see that this is full-on, red-alert we’ve-seen-this-before xenophobia. But if you have studied modern European history, as I have, it’s like, huh, I guess I’m going to be one of those faceless The Jews studied years from now, by doctoral students contemplating whatever happened to America’s Jewish population, which was, they have read, very vibrant at one point. …

Nothing has changed since I wrote the 2004 column, “MUSLIM IMMIGRATION TIME BOMB IGNORED BY AMERICAN JEWS”:

… In Canada, Muslims now greatly outnumber Jews. What remains of a European Jewry devastated by the Holocaust comes under daily assaults and threats, mostly from the 20-million strong Muslim community.
American Jewry is next. Second only to another immigrant constituency—Latinos—the relatively new (roughly 30-year-old) Muslim community is the most anti-Semitic community in the U.S. But its exponential growth through immigration has failed to alarm Jewish leaders. Listening to them, you would think that the chief dangers to Jewish continuity are marauding Mormons (their sin is converting dead Jews) or Mel Gibson, whose movie, “The Passion of the Christ,” they predicted, would unleash “pogroms in Pittsburgh.”


In Which I Show My Inner ‘Illuminati’ To Some Zombie Readers

Anti-Semitism, Etiquette, Gender, Ilana Mercer

About Comments to “Trump’s Not Yet President, But Nieto Is Already Saying, ‘Si Se Puede,’” on The Unz Review:

Read them. Some are pretty disgusting. No matter. I usually ignore them, but sometimes you have to whack a worm or two. No problem. Anti-Semitism, small-man syndrome, and the impulse to belittle me qua woman—this has been part of the territory for as long as I remember. It’s all in a day’s work. (Written in 2006, “How Sexist Are Libertarian Men?” attests to this.)

I appreciate Dr. Ralph Raico’s valiant defense. You won’t get that from most other libertarians.


I, too, am amazed that some readers have inserted Israel into the discussion of Ilana’s excellent article. The next president of the United States will be either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton (if her precarious health doesn’t collapse). If you’re worried about the one-sided American support for the Zionist state, then again Trump is your candidate. No one has been a more slavish excuser and enabler of Israeli misdeeds than Hillary, probably a major cause of the millions pouring into her campaign from Hollywood and Wall Street. But all that is besides the point. The election of Hillary would be a catastrophe for our country. Her appointment of two or three new Supreme Court justices, gutting the First and Second Amendments; her intensification of the surveillance state to a hardly imaginable degree; and, in her arrogance and recklessness, Hillary even risking a nuclear confrontation with Russia and World War III–these are the reasons to hope and pray that the Queen of Chaos never becomes president.

Since The Unz Review Comments are not working, I’ve posted a reply here to Ralph Raico’s comment, in which, among other things, he expresses amazement “that some readers have inserted Israel into the discussion of Ilana’s excellent article.”

Dear Ralph Raico,

Whenever readers at the Unz Review see my name, like zombies tied to a psychiatric chaise longue they blurt out, “Israel, Zionist,” and worse. It’s not their fault. The Jews made them congenitally stupid.

Published by the Illuminati, “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” recounts how Trump was “subjected to loud booing when he told a Jewish-Republican crowd he couldn’t be bought. If anything, Trump’s promise to be a ‘neutral guy’ in attempting to broker an Israel-Palestinian peace agreement [had] given ‘hawkish candidates room to pounce,'” during the primaries.

Best regards,

UPDATED (6/9/016): Cathy Young’s Blood Libel* Against Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter, Anti-Semitism, IMMIGRATION, Israel, Judaism & Jews, Reason

I’m Jewish, with all the baggage that entails (truncated family tree, etc.). But according to Cathy Young’s poorly reasoned and badly written hodgepodge, “Ann Coulter’s Anti-Semitism Runs Deeper Than You Know,” I, too, would qualify as anti-Semitic for questioning liberal Jews (that includes practically ALL so-called conservatives): They insist that while Palestinians have no right of return to Israel (agreed); the world has a “global Right of Return to the US.”

As I put it in “American Rabbis For Israel First” (August 8, 2014):

Ask any left-liberal American Jew if he supports a “Right of Return” to Israel proper for every self-styled Palestinian refugee, and he’ll likely recoil: “Are you meshuga? Never! That’s a euphemism for Israel’s demise.” The very thing he rejects for Israel, the liberal Jew is inclined to champion for America: a global right of return to the US for citizens of the world.

In “American Rabbis For Israel First” and, before that, on October 1 2010, in “Mass Immigration ‘End Of Days’ Scenario,” I suggested the apparently anti-Semitic (because logical?) notion that “mass immigration into America be looked at as a global ‘right of return'”:

Friends of Israel in America are unequivocal in standing up for that country’s right to retain its Jewish identity. What would become of that identity if all self-styled Arab refugees were to be granted the so-called right of return? Hatched by Israel’s enemies, this scheme will see millions of such refugees granted the right to immigrate to Israel proper, where they will overwhelm the Jewish majority. Friends of Israel know that Jews must remain numerically preponderant in the Jewish state if the prosperous, progressive nature of the country and its liberal institutions is to endure.

Think of mass immigration into America as a global “right of return.”

Now Young accuses Ms. Coulter of the thought crime for which I’ve long been guilty, too, because Ann wrote the following in Adios (2015):

The Young woman is foolish. She needs to show that for Ann to want for the US what Israel has claimed for itself through law is anti-Semitic. Young has not proven or argued this convincingly. The Young woman’s libel has no foundation in reason and argument.

Can Cathy Young, moreover, truly claim that Albion’s Seed founded this Christian country, America, with the view that it may one day happily become majority Muslim or Jewish or Buddhist; African, Asian or Arabian? Rubbish.

* Cathy Young would probably decree it anti-Semitic to turn the term “blood libel” on its head and use it to denote defamation against a generally philo-Semitic Christian.

UPDATE (6/9): America is for the world, but Israel is allowed to stay civilized. Oy!

Jews Beware: In France, It’s Business As Usual For Barbarians

Anti-Semitism, EU, Europe, Foreign Policy, IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Neoconservatism, Terrorism

Neoconservatives stateside are, naturally, creaming themselves pant-side, as the little man in charge of France responds in … Syria to ISIS’s presence in … France. As said little socialist and his French gendarmes make a mighty noise so as to be seen to be doing something, I ask this question: How many French patriots have been prosecuted and are languishing in the Jacobin nation’s jails for speaking impolitely and impolitically against Islam?

Don’t expect mainstream media in the US or Europe to cover the ongoing onslaught on Jews in this so-called civilized outpost, France. But the Jerusalem Post is current on the safe life peaceful Jews can expect in a country that would rather welcome Islam with open arms: “Jewish teacher stabbed in Marseilles by purported ISIS supporters

A teacher at a Jewish school in the southern French city of Marseilles was stabbed on Wednesday by three people professing support for Islamic State, but his life was not in danger, prosecutors said.

The three men who assailed the teacher uttered anti-Semitic remarks during the incident, AFP reported.

Three people on two scooters, one of them wearing an Islamic State t-shirt, approached the teacher in the street, Marseilles prosecutor Brice Robin told Reuters.

In France, it’s business as usual for the barbarians. Soon, “Mummy Merkel” will have placed Germany in the same predicament. I suggest divesting from touring in those countries, until the people force the treason class to purge the poison they’ve invited.