Category Archives: Bush

UPDATED: That Dog Obama Ate The Media’s Homework


When it comes to Barack Hussein Obama, media abdicated all responsibility to do journalistic due diligence. It wasn’t only that all stories about the 44th POTUS were spun favorably; but entire issues were submerged entirely. Now two such invertebrates blame their intellectual and ethical deficiencies, spanning years, on the power of the president to mesmerize and misinform.

Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen of Politico are contemptible. They attest that, “Many reporters find Obama himself strangely fearful of talking with them and often aloof and cocky when he does. They find his staff needlessly stingy with information and thin-skinned about any tough coverage. [Where? Tell me where?] He gets more-favorable-than-not coverage because many staffers are fearful of talking to reporters, even anonymously, and some reporters inevitably worry access or the chance of a presidential interview will decrease if they get in the face of this White House.”

VandeHei and Allen spill pages of pixels in claiming that the Obama administration bamboozled them, with the use of digital technology, aided by some really, really “authentically new techniques”; and with “government creation of content,” blah, blah, blah. (Their prose is diarrheic.) Next they’ll claim to have been subjected to subliminal messages during White House briefings.

The media are a Cult. Cults always blame The Leader for inducing a cult following.

When I saw what Bush was all about, nothing could stop me from exposing his machinations (and likening W’s “Bring ’em on grin” to the grimace “on the face of a demented patient with end-stage syphilis”). Nothing stopped libertarians outside the Beltway from exposing Bush’s illegal and immoral war on Iraq. For doing so throughout the Bush years, I became persona non grata in Republican circles on September 19, 2002.

VandeHei and Allen are whinging castrates. They should make you sick.

UPDATED: “These guys are acting like they’re just innocent dupes,” rages Rush Limbaugh.

The Multiple Obamagasim Award (Given By GOP Groupies)


Among the mindless monolith that is our media some are more mindless than others.

At, Doug Powers reports on the Media Research Center’s Obamagasm Awards.

The winner is no other than MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, for, as Doug put it, achieving “simultaneous Obamagasms with his guests.”

In my 2010 take, I credited Matthews’ for his prolonged state of heightened arousal over BHO (multiple Obamagasims):

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews has more street cred than most. The host of “Hardball” spent the first two years of the Obama presidency in a state of delirium bordering on the sexual. Famous for experiencing something akin to a (daytime) nocturnal emission during Obama’s coronation — “thrill up the leg” Matthews called the incident — Chris later begged Barack to be his “Enforcer,” in the matter of sacking Gen. Stanley McChrystal. Understand: when a liberal like the president shows a bit of that manly magic, “girlie boys” like Chris get giddy.
Given Chris’s well-known carnal affections for Barack Obama, it is unfortunate that the op-ed segment with which he ends the “Hardball” program daily is called “Let Me Finish.”

Chris certainly attained climactic levels of devotion to the Dear Leader.

“Tingles” deserves a life-time award in Obama adulation.

There’s a caveat. Easily as odious is the bunch dishing out the Obamagasim Awards. Where were these establishment Republicans—these “LETHAL WEAPONS and NEOCON GROUPIES”—during The Decider’s dictatorship (aka Genghis Bush)?

These Republican knaves were on their knees, “TUNED-OUT, TURNED-ON, AND HOT FOR WAR.”

The International Criminal Court: Good For Thee, But Not For Me


George W. Bush is likely nervous about traveling to Europe lest the International Criminal Court (ICC) put him in the dock to answer for Iraq and other war crimes.

In the spirit of American national sovereignty, Republicans have rejected ICC jurisdiction. As James Orr of the London Telegraph notes, Republicans do not believe the ICC should be supported by America.

Lo and behold, Mr. Romney promised, Monday, to “make sure that Ahmadinejad is indicted under the Genocide Convention. His words amount to genocide incitation. I would indict him for it.”

Is this some new neoconservative trope? And what of the wacky A-Jad’s right of free speech? I was under the impression that so-called conservatives were all for the right to offend, as they should.

Although Bush would likely reject the possibility of the ICC’s jurisdiction over himself, he did not hesitate to call on the World Court to subvert Texas justice.

“W,” who would wrestle a crocodile for a criminal alien, ordered Texas to halt the execution of murderer and rapist José Medellín. Texas said NO, and ended Medellin’s miserable life. (Celebrated in “José Medellín’s Dead; Cue The Mariachi Band.”)

Bush used the ICC to rationalize treason against Texans. Romney hasn’t gone that far. But he seems to be indicating that he’ll join forces with global government when it suits him.

The Drag Queens of Politics—No Offense to Drag Queens—Must Repent


A host of minor Republican politicians and functionaries took to the stage at the 2012 Republican National Convention to speak to the values for which they and the GOP ostensibly stand.

Unlike these representatives, I was speechless. I didn’t know that these politicians stood for smaller government, fiscal responsibility, sound money, individual freedom, and fewer regulations.

My God! Where have these freedom fighters been all my life?

Back on terra firma, last I looked, the repugnant “W” Bush and his band of merry bandits had pushed the unconstitutional campaign finance-reform bill and “Sarbanes-Oxley Act” (a preemptive assault on CEOs and CFOs, prior to the fact of a crime); various trade tariffs and barriers; a Clintonian triumph of triangulation on affirmative action; they colluded with Ted Kennedy on an education bill; sponsored a prescription-drug benefit that would add trillions to the Medicare shortfall, and approved the Kennedy-initiated New New Deal for New Orleans, for which there was no constitutional authority.

Bush handed Obama “almost $11 trillion in Treasury debt, and deficits of more than $1 trillion.” “W” also looted at least $1 trillion from the insolvent Social Security trust fund. His contribution to the mortgage meltdown cannot be overstated. Under “W”, the right to pursue happiness became a right to happiness and a home.

(“Republicans Repent!“)

Then there was the perpetual warfare into which Genghis Bush plunged this country.

I am well aware that the GOP is the party of promiscuous, indiscriminate immigration. Bush issued gold-embossed invitations to illegals which he and the McCain-Kennedy-Specter unholy trinity camouflaged as amnesty (where illegals are born-again as “guest workers” and then placed on a fast track to permanent residence).

Ironically, for their more or less open-borders policies, the GOP will get no return at the ballot box. Perception is reality. Democrats have been successful in painting Republicans as xenophobes.

Besides, as hard as they try, Republicans cannot beat Democrats in the art of robbing Paul to pay Pedro.

Republicans are the drag queens of politics. Peel away the pules for family, faith and fetuses and one discovers either, what economist and political philosopher Hans-Hermann Hoppe calls “neoconservative welfare-warfare statists and global social democrats. Or, conversely, national socialists of sorts, who fuse economic protectionism, populism and support for the very welfare infrastructure which is at the root of the social rot they decry.”

They can’t expect freedom-loving Americans to believe them. Unless they repent, publicly.

Said Saint Augustine: ‘The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works.’ The Republican Party has done the devil’s work. To embark on the good, it must come clean about the bad.