Bush bears the Mark of Cain: He has been showered with profuse praise by Obama for the former president’s efforts on behalf of his people, Mexicans residing in the USA.
I have no doubt that Bush, who must be smiling like a Cheshire cat as he reads this, will strongly support BHO’s efforts to further sunder US sovereignty and welcome Mexico to the legal lynching underway against a state in the Union, Arizona. (See “Judge Lets Mexico Have Voice in Court Case Against U.S. Immigration Law.”)
After all, Bush was an avid supporter of international courts in their attempts to save a Mexican—rapist and murderer of American young girls—from a fate the great state of Texas dealt him with a vengeance. From “José Medellín’s Dead; Cue The Mariachi Band”:
The president had set a precedent in the case of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. For defending their country, and in the process shooting a drug smuggler in the derriere, Bush sicced his bloodhound, U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, on these Border Patrol Agents. With the same inverted morality, Bush rode to the rescue of another Mexican outlaw, Medellín; this time against the state he once governed. The president ordered Texas to heed the World Court. Texas said NO. The Supreme Court seconded Texas.
The likes of Karl Rove, Sarah Palin, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and their ilk—they’re all Bush and BHO compliant with respect to advocating “a ‘clear’ path to legalization for immigrants.” And they still reign supreme among the country’s philosopher kings.
Bush and his acolytes ought to give a shout-out back at Barack, for they certainly would approve of BHO’s code words for open borders: immigration reform, reform that brings accountability to our system, and so on.
UPDATED (July 3): How easy it is to get people drunk on the Demopublican KoolAid. The authorities remove South African illegals who’ve made lives for themselves in the US and send them back to the cauldron of racial violence whence they escaped. But because you’ve heard it repeated over and over again that Hispanics, a protected species, cannot be treated like they treat undesirables (South Africans, or one Romanian girl)—you buy the version the Roves and the Palins mouth: “you can’t remove illegals settled here.”
It’s a cycle. The system is set up to treat certain undesirables (read white south Africans) harshly; process them quickly; get them out of here with little noise. The same system succors the noisiest gang, Hispanics. All people like Huggs hear about—and he is vulnerable because of his great respect for GOPiers—is how impossible deportation or a program to bring about attrition is.
They deport white South Africans! They deport Polish 11-year-olds. They’re good at it—and becoming better. Thanks to cry babies who accept the arguments Rove throws at them, GARCIA, MARTINEZ, ALVAREZ, RODRIGUEZ, ROMERO, LOPEZ, FERNANDEZ, HERNANDEZ, GONZALES—they stay in the US of A. If your name is Ewelina Bledniak or Jan Pretorius; you’re gone. If my girl were Hispanic, she would not have lost her hard-earned green card on the border due to a technicality.
Remove all welfare grants, birthright citizenship for anchor babies; make clear that there is no path to citizenship. (Huggs, you know that granting illegal aliens political rights is delivering a voting bloc to the Democrats.) In your own dealings, choose local labor (my landscaper knows that only American boys are welcome on my property; it’s so much more pleasant too)—and watch what happens.
One woman’s utopia is another’s dystopia.