Category Archives: Business

IdiotCare’s Stunting Consequences

Barack Obama, Business, EU, Europe, Healthcare, Regulation

IdiotCare, aka ObamaCare, kicks in once a company is 50 people strong. In a word, once the business starts to grow. The costs imposed by this mandate compel the company to duck-and-dive in order to stay alive.

Kari DePhillips, co-owner of a small PR firm, explains how the health-care law would impact her small businesses, and what she is doing to stay in business. Incidentally, small businesses are already adept at handling similar situations, so as to avoid incurring the costs of affirmative-action laws.

DePhillips, of The Content Factory, told Fox’s Gerri Willis that she is “scrambling” to comply with the mandate, for she must provide employees with healthcare or face fines.

The additional costs the Ass With Ears will be imposing on Mrs. DePhillips: The year 2012, for this business woman, will mark the first time the cost of healthcare per employee “broke the 10,000 mark”! “Multiply that by 50,” and this entrepreneur is in hock to the tune of $500,000.

Hiring “fewer people or hiring in a different capacity (part-time, “1099 contractors”) are two solutions mentioned on The Willis Report.

Moving to the state of New Hampshire, as part of the “Free State Project,” is another option this enterprising young woman intends to exercise in the future.

Both women failed to mention to the incorporation option. Create a new business (at a certain cost) each time your company reaches 49, hardly a viable option. It’s probably least risky to stay small.

Like the Europeans, don’t shoot for the sky.

In 2006 I visited The Netherlands, one of the more free-market countries on the Continent. Shops did not open, on Monday, until 11:00 am so as to conserve the labor force. Expensive merchandize was kept under lock-and-key; customers treated like potential thieves. The supermarkets—a small, expensive selection of merchandize—made a visit to Costco as invigorating as smelling salts following a fainting spell.

Wait until our businesses look like Europe’s: small, meager, expensive. Then, Americans will blame business and look to Obama for yet more regulation.

Ponce-In-Chief: The Parasite Preceded The Host

Barack Obama, Business, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Rights, Socialism, Taxation

Left-liberal news sites are not running with the headline. Why, they’re not even reporting the loathsome words that tumbled out of Barack Obama’s gob today:

Here’s this collectivist’s repudiation of the individual:

…look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.) …
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. … Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

And Booboos Americanus applauds, because this equally repulsive creature knows that, backed by the policing powers of the state, Obama will move in to take from he who has acquired wealth through work, to give to the man whose possessions come from the manipulation of the political system.

Indeed, “Statists say that if not for the state, man would be unable to produce. That’s like saying that the tick created the dog! Production predates government predation. Government doesn’t produce wealth—it only consumes it.”—ILANA (“Sixteen, the Number of the Beast,” in Broad Sides, 2004)

(Comment on my Facebook Wall.)

UPDATED: Those Gay Berets

Aesthetics, America, Business, Capitalism, Constitution, libertarianism, Outsourcing, Regulation, Sport

There is an alphabet soup of government agencies that ride American business. Business is buried under regulation, having to expend money and time on licenses, permits and forms for almost every transaction. What with the legal obligation to give an employee practically a lifetime of benefits, who can afford to make these gay-looking Olympic berets in the USA?

Capital flows to where it is best utilized.

I expect the PC patrol to come after me for saying that America’s Olympic team’s caps look campy.

But what’s wrong with a cowboy hat made in Texas? The gay berets cost a pretty penny and look … well, both gay and French.

My sartorial suggestion?

This here “Cattleman Wool Felt Cowboy Hat” costs $26.99.

And it looks American.

UPDATE: I FORGOT TO REMIND YOU ALL: Join the thread on Facebook, if you wish to contribute comments.

Here are my replies to the thread on Facebook:

To GJ: A cowboy hat is militarism to you? Where do you get that? Cowboys used to represent the (dying) great American frontier mentality. The equivalent of a “voortrekker” in South Africa.

To MP: MP is, of course, correct; there is no warrant in the Constitution or in libertarian law for state sponsorship of sports. But I always broaden the discussion to include more than libertarian justice/law—or else there would be little to discuss, as most of what the Federal Frankenstein does is unconstitutional/immoral, etc. And how dull, dour and lazy would that repetition be! But you already know that much about this writer, MP.

Mitt Must Answer For … Working Overtime

Barack Obama, Business, Democrats, Elections, Ethics, Natural Law, Republicans

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a rogue agency. It is in the business of turning productive people by legislative fiat into common criminals. The SEC hunts for corporate prey using ill-defined, unconstitutional laws. It operates with the understanding that competition in capital markets must proceed from a level playing field. All investors are entitled to the same information advantage irrespective of effort and abilities. In a word, information socialism.

Mitt Romney, says the ponce of a president who has never done an honest-day’s work in his life, has done something to annoy the terrorists at the SEC. He “must answer questions about his ties to Bain Capital.”

On Thursday, Stephanie Cutter, the ponce’s handler, accused Mitt Romney of “misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony,” or “misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investment.”

Boiled down, the charge against Romney is: working overtime.

I kid you not, it is just that: In addition to working “’12 hours a day, six days a week’ on the Olympics from 1999 to 2002,” Mitt might have been putting in a few extra hours at Bain.


When will Romeny stop turning the other cheek?